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Everything posted by emmitt01

  1. I started a thread A WEEK AGO about how much I hate UT...there are still UT lovers and apologists defending them 7 days post hence. I only wish these same people could open up their wallets or attend a basketball game THE DAY OF. Oh, by the way, there is a basketball double header tomorrow. (Thursday)
  2. Am I blind or is the part where he's committed to Troy just invisible on this link?
  3. Yeah, I agree. Am I the only one who feels like we're on a slowly sinking ship that's taking on water much faster than we can bail it out?
  4. Actually "strongly leaning" and "favorites" would be accurate. It's between us and Tulsa. This smells to me like a time when a 50pt deficit comes in handy for them.
  5. I absolutely love when people totally subtract the talent level of athletes from their baseless comparisons.
  6. You know for a second I was beginning to think you were at least quasi-intelligent...you've saved me from erring in your favor.
  7. Ok, lest I be labeled a hypocrity by UNTLifer and the like (and I can't tell you how tough life has been with the sleep I have lost) let me explain. When I went to buy an EZ-Up tent I looked high and low, even having them look in the back storage room, for a green tent. They didn't have any except for one that is better suited for a family reunion picnic (And I will be buying that one come next football season). Furthermore, the tent is red. It doesn't say "Red Raiders" or "Ragin Cajuns", it's just red. I could have bought a blue one but then I guess I'd come under fire when MTSU comes to town, huh? Just as an aside, where were you UNTLifer. Rather than bitch and moan about a tent that I brought to a game to tailgate why don't you come on out and have a burger with us then walk your happy ass into the pit? Hell, for all the attention you pay little ol' me the least I could do is feed you. I swear if people on this board spent half as much energy attending games as they do worrying about what I do we'd actually have a true home court or home field advantage. I gotta admit though, it's flattering to think that all I have to do is buy a red tent or turn the devil sign upside down to make your thongs a little too tight. And what exactly does a red tent have to do with me hating students who wear other schools' APPAREL on campus? I don't have a problem with people who wear maroon, red, orange, or green and gold...as long as their shirts don't say aTm, Tech, Texas, or Baylor. I gotta agree with Zeke, some of what passes for a counterpoint on this board is ridiculous.
  8. No, I thought I'd either go with the euthenasia or abortion angles next. IT'S COMEDY FOLKS! SETTLE DOWN
  9. Ditka, Osama Bin Laden, and the points.
  10. First off, I applied to, was accepted by and chose not to attend UT....just like FSU, Colorado State, Tech, and a slew of other schools. I do appreciate your lame ass attempt at comedy. I can only hope your day job is secure because you won't be headlining the improv anytime soon. Now, as to VY versus Michael Vick. Let's all throw a parade for Vince Young and the Longhorns. Wait, hold your confetti TI, I think someone may already have that task covered. By your logic Josh Heupel is better than Ken Dorsey and Chris Weinke. They've both lost in the BCS national title game in the last five years. And hey, that Josh Heupel is just tearin it up in the NFL these days huh?
  11. Saw an interview with him on Sportscenter just now and he was raving about how 23 of 24 starters for the cows are from the state of Texas and how he loves the lone star state (granted with a little prodding from Corso and crew). I can't hate the man but I can hate his school!! As an aside, I'm putting the over/under of UT shirts at the pit tonight at 300...I'll take the under. I'm also putting the over/under of how long it takes Rudy to be thrown out of the pit because of the UT shirts at 10:00...again, I'll take the under.
  12. Bump. Thought the cowfest could use a break.
  13. Uh, he kinda failed on the first part of this sentence last time and I can guarantee he'll succeed on the latter part.
  14. 1)Vince Young is no Michael Vick. Period. End of story. Don't bother with a rebuttle. Vick's arm strenght, foot speed, and ability as a quarterback are head and shoulders above VY's. Period. Vince Young is a special player true enough. He's also the recipient of being the first and last option (with the backs and receivers thrown in somewhere in between) when Texas lines up on EVERY play. He will get his yards...goodie. 2)I don't give a rat's ass if Texas is "from the state of Texas." This is about the most tired, backwards argument in the history of this board. When was the last time you had to sit next to a bunch of Florida State, Ohio State or Michigan "fans" and listen to them belittle every possible thing about our alma mater just because Wal-Mart had a sale on UT t-shirts? I can't remember either. If the Klan from Texas gets into a riot against the Aryan brotherhood from Montana you won't see me waving my Texas flag and telling the Klan to "bring one home for the good ol' state of Texas." I'll call both groups ass-holes and hope a good episode of Family Guy is on that night. Likewise with UT, they're just ass-holes who reside in my state. 3)Reggie Bush should be the first pick in the NFL draft. He is an amazing player...yes, better than Vince Young. I don't know if he's a better athlete, he may not be, but he's a better player. Reggie Bush as a tailback is better than Vince Young as a quarterback...step away from your keyboard and tell Vince to give you back the engagement ring because it's true. In the NFL the "zone read" that Vince Young runs is called the "catscan" because the first time he runs it against an NFL defense he will be carted off. Even Michael Vick, who again is the better athlete, doesn't tuck and run anymore because the pounding is too great. 4)Texas will not, let me repeat this, WILL NOT win a national title again next year. With or without Vince Young Oklahoma will not stay down, Ohio State comes to Austin, and a slew of SEC (LSU amongst them) will be greatly improved. Enjoy your cow t-shirts while they last.
  15. Wipe your mouth off. You got a little something there on the corner.
  16. I love UT!!! Oh wait I mis-spoke. I meant to say I'd love UT to die.
  17. Didn't realize Ruffin was a football player for Troy before coming to NT. Anyone know if he still has aspirations of playing on the gridiron?
  18. Look, let's not let truth get in the way of my hype. The point is be there Thursday!
  19. Let me put it this way Chris. I wouldn't hate you if you wore a longhorn shirt, but I wouldn't stand in the way of the devil when he came to claim your soulless carcass afterward either.
  20. The men open conference play against UL-Lafayette Thursday at 7pm. I know it's a beating to get to Denton from DFW by 7 and I know there are a myriad of other things that could be going on but if it is humanly possible please be there. This program will only be taken as seriously as it deserves to be in the eyes of other conferences and programs...and that starts with how much we show we care. Besides, the men are 7-4 which is something we haven't been able to say in a while. I think for their efforts alone they deserve our attendance.
  21. Can somebody cut and paste and send me a pm with the particulars. I still get nothin.
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