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Everything posted by untlynchka

  1. 8 team fouls with over 11 minutes to go. We really need to calm down. The last thing we need is to see Howerton get extended minutes.
  2. yes it is it sucks. Also, 2 fouls on Odufuwa, Hogans and Tramiel. Not good.
  3. See, Brett hates us. First he invites us out to watch practices with him, then he doesnt show up. Unbelievable! <sarcasm notice>
  4. So I was watching the most important game in the history of UNT athletics, and I look over and Brett is wearing a red shirt. That is when I knew he officially hated UNT. Don't worry about the fact that I was wearing a red shirt. I was stuck after work and had no other option. It is official. Brett hates UNT. He was cheering for our demise. I have tried to be a Brett optimist, but after this infraction, I don't know how i can, in good conscience, do that. Love you Brett, Chris p.s. I love commas
  5. Vito has to love this poll. It is a reporters dream to be the center of discussion because it shows that what he is writing is getting a reaction. I remember listening to one of the now many writers that is on the readio saying that he knew he was doing his job when half the people loved him and half the people hated him. Good Work V-dog.
  6. I voted 0-4. Used to be the over optimist, but until we can show something,anything (please god anything) then I am not going to believe this team can win. The worst part is how our defense can't even pretend to stop someone.
  7. I am so mad that I am going to miss this game. It will be a huge measuring stick on whether or not we have figured it out.
  8. Come on guy, I think there has been enough negativity, and crazy talk, to never know for sure if someone is serious or not. There are some pretty ridiculous ppl on here.
  9. Huh? The only way JJ isnt here next year is if he gets sniped by a bigger school. That guy has done more for this program than anyone in a long time. He may not be "the guy" that takes us to "the next level," but he has definitely earned the right to be here for the foreseeable future. Until 20 wins becomes the norm, and is a part of NT b-ball culture, then you can't complain about 20 or near 20 win seasons. After we are at this level for 5 years or so, and we still dont take the next step, then I think you can start to talk. Of course, if we win 20 games 5 years in a row JJ will already be off to greener pastures. When that happens , my choice is the coach down at SFA, he is a former NT player, and he has shown he can do a hell of a job without a lot to work with. Unless you were joking, in which case ignore everything I just said.
  10. Plus, they were at least competitive in most of their games, where ours were all pretty much over at the end of the 1st qtr.
  11. I thought mathis redshirted. Am I wrong?
  12. I don't think you can greyshirt him as a juco transfer. Also, greyshirts are not under scholarship. They have to pay their own way. I do, however, think he could qualify for a medical redshift if he is rehabbing.
  13. Just curious if anyone knows if he signed anywhere.
  14. Alright, I understand. I guess I'll just have to go back into my hole and cry uncontrollably now.
  15. Thanks to your link to one of your old sunbelt reports, I was reminded how much I enjoyed reading them. There is not exactly a plethora of places to go to read up on the Sun Belt Bball scene. I was hoping there was some way that you might consider bringing those back on here. If you dont have time to do it anymore I understand. Just wondering.
  16. Well, since everyone else is going to ignore it, I will go ahead and say that this is a great, underrated post. I laughed so hard I was rotflmao! Now thats funny!
  17. I already like this kid.........scoreboard!
  18. Is this the first game of Josh's career that he did not start?
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