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Everything posted by Monkeypox

  1. I don't mind it, and it's not like a team that lost to FAU and Baylor last year has room to talk about Tulsa. If they predicted us to win, Tulsa fans (both of them) would spout: "If they can't beat FAU of all people, they sure as hell can't beat us."
  2. A Chronology: 2002 - Kenny continues to make bad financial decisions, with the help of Scott Boras. Following a 13-8, 3.85 ERA campaign for the Rangers, he and the aforementioned Boras overestimate his value. Boras tells the Rangers he can get x-number from 9 other teams in baseball tomorrow. Rangers say "good luck," and all Kenny gets is an 11th-hour one-year deal with the Twins for half what the Rangers offered. 2003 - Kenny's season with Minnesota is solid, but unspectacular. It's the kind of season you might get w/ a 38-39-yr-old junk-baller, and he goes into free agency. 2004 - The Rangers are one of the few teams willing to pay a 39-yr-old Kenny to pitch for them AT ALL. And, they're the only ones to give a multi-year deal, something Boras was looking for. Rogers signs, has a good 1st half, and tanks in the 2nd half. 2005 - February - Rogers doesn't like his multi-year deal now, and wants to negotiate during spring training. Rangers tell Kenny they'll see after the season. A rumor circulates that Kenny threatened to retire if he doesn't get a new deal. He gets pissed at Rangers brass (again) and the media for circulating the rumor. His response is ever-so-clever, to stop talking to the media. Of course, when you don't talk to the media, they still have things to say. So, Kenny has had an ongoing feud with the Rangers brass and the media all season. 2005 - June 17 - Kenny pitches well, but gets pulled late in a game after a 4-pitch walk. At the time, they're LEADING 8-1, and the Rangers go on to win. Kenny, angry, punches a water cooler with his right hand (non-pitching) and breaks his pinky. The next day, Kenny again brings up re-negotiating his contract. 2005 - June 22 - Kenny pitches against Anaheim and has his worst game of the year. 2005 - June 28 (?) - Kenny sits out a game vs. Anaheim, who are on a tear and the current AL West Division leader, on account of his broken pinky. The media makes comments about Rogers toughness in comparison to other great pitchers, and wonder aloud whether he's dodging the Angels to keep his numbers nice for the upcoming contract negotiations. 2005 - June 29th - Kenny gets pissy and smashes the framed photo of Nolan Ryan beating on Robin Ventura, signed "Keep Fighting. - Nolan" that resides in the clubhouse. 2005 - June 30th - Coming out of the clubhouse for pre-game warm-ups, Kenny assaults two Fox Sports cameramen. The first cameraman gets by relatively unscathed, as his camera gets tossed over. Kenny walks 30-ft out of his way to attack the 2nd cameraman, who suffers an aggravation to previous neck and back injuries. Kenny is thus suspended 20 games and $50,000. It's really pretty minor for an assault on work-property, especially when you consider the suspension is paid. If assaulting people at work would get ME a month-long paid vacation, I'd be knockin' suckas out left and right. It will probably actually help his trade value, since there's really nowhere for his ERA to go but UP, particularly given his 2nd-half downward trends.
  3. I can't really comment on players before my era, which is fairly recent. When I was in school, there was one name. If a play was made, it was made by Brad Kassell.
  4. I agree. Ga. Southern is a strong program and would be, IMO, a good addition to the Belt.
  5. No disrespect, but reading a recap on the game indicates it was much further away than the score suggests. Georgia went up 41-14 in the 3rd, then you guys came back when they had their 2nd string in. So they put their 1st string back in and that's it. I still think you'd be a great addition to the Sun Belt.
  6. That's what I'm talkin' about.
  7. I voted for Quinn, but I've got a feeling DE Willie Ransom might get us some pub this year.
  8. The BBC wasn't had. It's not a real BBC website. It just has the images. Look at the URL. That's all you need to tell it's a fake.
  9. Why betting is considered the worst thing anyone involved in sports can do.
  10. They've been using drugs in baseball for as long as it's been around.
  11. As I said, only one more reason why North Texas needs to be involved.
  12. Diamond (see above post) is currently ABUSING High A Ball. Stats: 4 GS, 3 W, 0 L, 2.11 ERA.... 21.1 IP, 13 H, 5 BB, 24 K
  13. All the more reason for us to get baseball going. For the record, that pitcher from New Orleans was Thomas Diamond, the 1st round pick of the Texas Rangers. http://www.bakersfieldblaze.com/nm/publish/news_28.asp
  14. Yeah, Stacy Ferguson (Fergie) was on Kids, Inc, 1984-1989. That must be where she gets her street cred or soul or funk or whatever the crap it is people listening to the Black Eyed Peas are looking for.
  15. I think Parcells NOW likes veterans, because he's not in it for the long haul. He started Bledsoe as a rookie, so I don't think he has a philosophical problem against starting youg guys. Still, Jerry Jones has a man-crush on Henson, but Parcells won't play him. So we're stuck.
  16. Yeah, I don't really see that, especially with two draft picks. Looking at how football trends run, I'd expect them to do slightly better this year, regardless. Two 1st rounders, a bunch of money to spend, and an easier schedule should help them out. Bledsoe vs. Testaverde over their careers is pretty even. Bledsoe has always been overrated, and his QB rating has never been over 90... EVER. BUT, he's fairly consistant in his mediocrity. No extreme highs or lows over the course of a season. Vinny, on the other hand, has a career of extremes. The results.... they are about the same in effectiveness. But, with Bledsoe being 8 years younger, there's still the little sand grain of hope that he could put together a career year, even at 33. Heck, Vinny did it in his early 30s. I seriously doubt it, and, in fact, for the future of the Cowboys, believe it's best if he tanks, forcing them to play a young guy. Even if the young guy doesn't succeed, it forces their hand for next year's draft. Bottom-line, anything could happen, but the Bledsoe signing won't likely have THAT much of an impact on how the season pans out. Sure, they COULD go 4-12, but it'll have to be more than Bledsoe putting them there.
  17. Yeah, chick from that was in bubble-gum girl group Wild Orchid. Chick from Wild Orchid is in Black-eyed Peas. Kids, Inc. + You Can't Do That on Television = TV Gold.
  18. I'm as big a fan of Brees as anybody, but I'm not gonna go trade two 1st round draft picks for the guy.
  19. It's not a question of whether or not someone can or can't, but whether or not they choose to, and whether or not the things they do are within the rules set by the board. Perhaps, in this case, they considered it funny. I know I did. Because I saw a NASCAR post on the football board and was like "WTF?!" Shoulda known better. The response was humorous. Someone even makes fun of soccer, a sport that I played for a number of years, but it didn't really bother me. It was an interesting dialogue... the point of the internet message board, as I see it. At that point, I had a choice to: a) post a response about soccer continue the rant c) post a response to the original intent of the thread or d) ignore and move on AND, there's nothing saying that people can't ignore the angry rants and post on the original thread subject. By making an issue of the bashing, then it becomes a thread about people's need to bash other sports, like this one has become, to which I am now contributing. But, then again, it doesn't really matter to me. I've unintentionally de-railed and killed enough threads to have gotten used to it by now.
  20. 1) Don't post it on the football board (the location before it was moved) if you don't want it bashed by people who don't like it. 2) It's a sports message board, which means it's a place for a bunch of yahoos to post all their own mis-guided theories and opinions. Stuff will get bashed. People will get their feelings hurt. Life will go on. I chose to post a reply here. I was not forced to by the content of the thread. It's all optional.
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