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Everything posted by GrandGreen

  1. The only reason Benford kicks anyone off the team is to make room for a better recruit ala Norris. The odds of that are small because unless he turns this team around, there are not going to be any better recruits. As far as players leaving, that could easily happen again if this team doesn't turn it around. There are plenty of programs that would like to have Jones or Jordan Williams. If this season ends as it started, the whole thing could collaspe around Benford. As far as effort from the team, I don't see that as being close to the problem that lack of focus and confusion on both ends of the court are. This team has lots of high effort guys: Franklin, Alzee, Hardwick and most of the time Jones. Frankly, Mitchell is the only one that seems to sometimes have effort issues. Jordan Williams is a high energy player but his problem is making bad decisions. Holmen runs hot and cold, just as he always has. Patton is a mystery, I see someone who could really help this team, but he spends his time mostly on the bench with couple of minutes of play here and there. I think people question the effort on this team for two reasons, not closing off three point shooters and poor rebounding. Rebouding is effort based but outside of Mitchell; NT just does not have a good rebounder in the paint. Franklin is short, and Holmen as always rather wonder around outside. Coleman could be an answer but he like Patton is seldom in for more than a few minutes at a time. Not closing out on three point shooting seems to a technique problem more than effort. They just get out of position way too often.
  2. Not kidding at all. The two you cited were long gone in Trilli's last year. They did not leave after Trilli was fired, they left before and I have no idea who the pg is that you are talking about. Miller was never more than a bit player at OSU, Deginald Erkin was basically a super number 6 on a good UT team.
  3. On the eve of NT best oc home game, the question is can NT begin to turn this season around. Without much reason, I think. although the odds are long, it is possible. Unfortunately, NT could play much better than against SEL and still get beat by 30 plus. The next three games on paper are all almost sure loses based on NT play so far this season. I am sure the coaches and players are tired of losing and all they have to do is look in the stands and see how fall this team has fallen in the eyes of NT fans. I do believe the talent is there to not only win but dominate the Belt. The problem it appears is not even the players believe in the team anymore. It is not too late, to make this season a success. The problems relate to confidence and effort IMO, not talent. I saw as bad a team performance against SEL as I have seen since the lame duck Trilli teams that really were talent poor. I also saw at least hopeful signs against St. Louis on the road. Whether or not Benford can formulate and execute an effective game plan remains a question, but I have hopes there too. It is time to regroup, and beat a good team. I would not bet on it happening but I do foresee a much better effort and at least an entertaining game.
  4. Another good looking juco recruit. I really like the way Bellazin finished last year and McCoy, who had an off year likely because of injuries, should have a big sr year. With Mason, Delonga, Watson and Horton also available, de could become an area of strength. I hope this uptick in recruiting continues.
  5. If NT can sign juco difference makers, than great. I don't think you sign jucos for depth unless the roster is really depleted at certain positions. I do believe that NT has a returning team that is balanced by numbers, maybe not in talent. The bottom line is that if NT can get good players that can play college ball, it doesn't matter if they are jucos, transfers from other programs or high school. Furthermore, I don't think position matters much; good solid players are needed everywhere on this team.
  6. If this is the case, more power to the donor and thanks. I just wonder why if these tickets are paid for and donated, it is not publicized with no names mentioned if they want to keep it anonymous.
  7. You got it, that was a real negative post. Pointing out that a player might be better at dt than de because there are a lot of factors other than size involved is a real downer. I would have said if you don't like my posts; don't read them, but based on your comment I am not sure you do read them. Quickness, ability to play in a crowd, fight through a double team, and strength are all factors that are necessary in a good interior lineman. Being 300 lb may help but obviously the ones playing are thought to be better than back up offensive lineman. If you will note Lincoln, Orr, Wallace, McDorman and Abbe are all scheduled to be around the 300 mark by next season. Boutwell is the only one that will probably weight in at a lot less than 300 at about 265, it looks like they have given up trying to put more weight on him. I will guess here, and assume the negative in this thread you are referring to is my opinion that McCarney is going the juco route because he is not been very successful recruiting hs players. Your stated opinion is that he is just waited for his recruits to mature because they are all freshmen and sophomores. The facts are that his first class have been in the program 2 years and should be ready to contribute and if McCarney wanted to go juco it would have made far more sense to do it in his first two years, were he would not have had as big a deficiency in upper class men ready to play. His stated objective of around 5 jucos is a departure from his philosophy of the first two years and I don't see how anyone could see it any different. It seems fairly obvious to me that McCarney and staff have signed very few hs players with other options and now he is going after a relatively large juco class. That is a conclusion based on my interpretation of the status of the program, but I guess that opinion should not be shared because you think it is too negative. Attack the messenger and never let logic get into your way that is what a good optimistic fan should do.
  8. Strange game, the team had easy shoots all night and missed most of them. They shot bad and got killed on the boards. I hope the UTA game is a fluke not the OU game. A very disappointing game, NT is a relatively young team but they should not have lost to this UTA team. Stanley played well but missed at least 5 almost uncontested under the basket shots. Hyder and Goodwin are good going to be great players, but are making rookie errors. McCoy had one of her worst games tonight. A problem playing UTA is that they seem to take it a lot more seriously than NT.
  9. Mr. Sunshine. no matter what unless someone disagrees with you. If giving away free tickets, is a promotion; it is a lame one. Economic justification, as you have attempted, does not work. How many people that won't spring for a $7 ticket are going buy big amounts of anything. Probably only those that would have came anyway and bought tickets if they couldn't have got them for free. As far as people liking what they see and coming back as paying customers, it seldom happens. What does happen if you do this type of "promotion" too many times is that your product is cheapened and people who actually have been buying tickets wonder why. No I don't see this as a promotion or a thanks to supporters. It is more an attempt to not be embarrassed by bad attendance for a much ballyhooed game. . I would be happy if it added thousands to the attendance, but I doubt this ticket give away has any real effect.
  10. Well, women follow men's lead; and lose to a bad UTA team.
  11. You consider giving away tickets a promotion?
  12. Sure, that is why Boutwell has started two years at DT, and Lincoln has always played inside. Lets just slot all players by weight, nothing else seemed to matter.
  13. Very bad first half for NT. Can't make a lay up, getting a lot of easy looks.
  14. Yes, the guy who made a big point of going with hs players is now going to Jucos because everything is working as he planned. There are a bunch of dts on the team, why would they want to convert an offensive lineman. Boutwell, Abbe and Lincoln all have extensive playing time with Wallace, McDomand, Orr behind them. Thompson or any other OL is not likely to beat any of them out.
  15. Our highlight home game of the season, and NT is giving away tickets.
  16. I think you could say the same thing about all the offensive linemen at least next year. He is returning 4 of the top 6 and apparently does not expect a lot from the rest. I think McCarney is going away from his preferred hs recruiting because frankly he is not doing well there. NT is not winning many battles for high school players with comparable other options and recruits from the first two McCarney years for the most part have not proved they are ready to be reliable front line players. Having said that, I like NT last two juco signees better than any others thus far in this class.
  17. If this is a great coaching staff, I shudder at what a bad one would do.
  18. UTA is a very bad team, anything can happen; but NT should win this easily.
  19. Forrest would be the last guy NT needs. Isn't Benford an example of why you better be very careful with hiring coaches that have earned their money recruiting, not coaching. Obviously, the casual fan doesn't know what is going on, but it looks like Benford has lost this team. I still have a little hope but it is dwindling fast. NT is on the verge of losing all that BB gained under Jones, I am not sure when the cutoff point is, but buying out a coach with a 5 year contract is very expensive and probably would be the end of RV also, I don't expect NT to do anything but the MBB program unless a miraculous turnaround could easily be at the bottom of the Belt and than CUSA with little hope of improvement.
  20. Good gosh, shooting is a function of many factors: choice of shots, movement, offense, and of course accuracy. NT should physically dominate a lot of the teams they are losing or playing close, it should not come down to shooting accuracy. IMO, this team is playing scare and has little confidence, that is coaching. This team shot 29% which is not going win games unless you are playing a team as bad and as out maned as SEL. The team looked like they had never seen a zone defense, were out hustled by a physically inferior team, and looked about as lackadaisical as they get. I have not gave up on Benford, but time is running out. I think the lack of leadership is showing big time on the court. He played 3 point guards in this game, and the team never remotely looked in sync. It is late in the season to not have any idea of a rotation and style of play.
  21. Lets see, NT held on to beat a 1-6 SE Louisiana team with one of their best players out of the game at the two minute mark. I am not kidding this game was so bad I just wanted it over and didn't care who won. Benford has to be one of the worst coaches ever at NT, I would at this point rate him below Trilli and Tommy Newman. Mitchell who I still believe is the most physically talented player ever at NT, is setting the bar for underachieving. SEL started one player over 6'3 at 6'6 and Mitchell could not get a shot. Benford crazy substitutions continue with no apparent purpose other than disrupting any semblance of establishing any rhythm. SEL out rebounded NT by 9 but that was do to NT picking up the pace, they trailed by as many as 20 rebounds for much of the game. There are no valid excuses for this team to be this bad.
  22. While I agree with some of your prose. College football players are not getting a free ride, I see this tossed around all the time by people who for the most part do not have any idea of what it takes to play major college football. There is little comparison between a football and academic ship. There are few college football players that play because of the monetary worth of a scholarship, without a love of the game it is not worth it. There are few college athletes that want for the basics. Athletic ships don't cover everything but the most needy also usually have Pell grants and other supplements above the scholarship; so I don't buy the poor athlete defense for wrong doing. These two athletes allegedly broke the law and will be punished by the legal system as any other person would be. In addition they have dishonored the team and the school, and will be subject to team punishment. Unfortunately nearly all teams have these issues and in most cases they get little more than hand slap for the first offense. So dependent on any other issues with these players, I expect to see both back next year if physically able.
  23. I like Hamilton, the Rangers would not have been close to post season if he had not carried them the first half of the year. However, I can't fault anyone for passing on him at his Angel contract level. I don't think Napoli is worth the money either. I just hope they find a pitcher that can be a 2 or 3 in the rotation.
  24. Wesley definitely had the play of the game, but was overshadowed for most of the game. Hated the announcers and all their low, mid, and high major references.
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