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Everything posted by cwb

  1. Buh bye. You're welcome for being close to your family and being paid while padding your resume.
  2. Speaking of realignment, when will Puerto Rico finally get an official invite from the Union? They have a good baseball program and a market much larger than Nebraska or South Dakota.
  3. Two questiions: Do they have to have one of those blinking red lights on top to warn aircraft? While they guard the palace, can I make faces and do silly dances to try to make them laugh?
  4. Don't know if you were still around, but do you remember Clifford Ward? I was at Pine Tree and in the last game of the 1979 season, his and my freshman year, he ran roughshod over my varsity Pirates.Wasn't even in the program so we did not know who he was. The next year, he fought it out with our Jay Earnhardt for rushing leader in 14 4A. He was a beast and, if I recall correctly, got busted for drugs and vaished. I just remember this #7 (I think) totally slashing us as a freshman and thinking I would see him on Sundays. And not as a preacher.Probably one of the biggest wastes of talent that I can remember. Do you have any info on what happened to him?
  5. You got Vito Drunk? What if both goblets had iocane in them? Very dangerous.
  6. . . Hell, If I wanted to get pissed off, I can always watch Fox News. Or, if you're me, play golf.
  7. I don't think "casual fan" is a good fit for you. Thank you for your support.
  8. My statements have nothing to do with comparing them to North Texas. I think UTSA is doing a fantastic job with what they have to work with. I simply don't think they will have the meteoric rise that USF has had. Stay on task please. I do think they will be able to have some success in 1A football though. That being said, if we do have to be tied to the hip with one of the twins, I would reather it be State because, even as touristy as it is, I dig that river. S.A.'s river is too much like Six Flags water. Ain't getting in that. Needless to say, I do hope we are able to be with the likes of UTEP and Tulsa.
  9. I see this so often and just don't agree. I may be proven wrong, but USF was in an different position from the outset. Their basketball was already in CUSA and had a decent following and they were able to recruit based on upcoming CUSA membership. UTSA has never had a sports following of any kind. Even now they are relying on the community to go to KFC to get tickets. Not sustainable in my opinion. If S.A. gets and stays behind the program, I will be surprised and incorrect on my assumption. By the way, I have no ill will toward UTSA, just don't think the USF comparison will prove valid.
  10. Good luck with that. We can't even get there/they're/their right most of the time. How about a thread in the pie forum on pet peeves such as these. Would be a fun way to pass time until spring training. Another favorite: are in place of our. Oh, I should of saved that for the new thread.
  11. Longwiew? You redneck. What part of town? I lived around HWY 80 and Gilmer road.
  12. Prices should stabilise now that our windmills are spinning.
  13. Aaaaaaaaaaaannd they're off!!
  14. Anyone heard from Tasty lately?
  15. I guess my point was missed. I am not anti seat belt. My point was that if I have to clean my room, why doesn't my brother have to clean his?
  16. You know what pisses me off? The seat belt law. Yes it is the right thing to do. But it should be a choice. If motorcyclists can ride with no helmet, why must I be fined for no seat belt?
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