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Everything posted by meangreenbob

  1. Wow!!! You define what a rhetorical question is and then totally ignore it's meaning? If you read my post you would understand that I am implying that 2 and 1/2 years is plenty of time! It was a rhetorical question. I DON'T need an answer. What is it that you don't understand? The fact that the rhetorical question was posted on a message board is irrelevant. And then you have to audacity to answer it anyway for Dodge? Go figure.
  2. Hey, with all due respect. It was a rhetorical question. OK?
  3. Someone with a brain. How refreshing! Thank you.
  4. No, I just want to know what he is going to tell RV when Dodge is asked that question cause it's coming if it hasn't already.
  5. Mr. Dodge, how much more time do you feel you need in order to turn The University of North Texas Football program around? You have had 2 and 1/2 years. Do you feel like you need some more time? If so how much? You see sir, I ain't getting any YOUNGER!!!
  6. Yep, that's probably exactly what RV was thinking as he sat alone at the south end of the teams bench with his hands behind his head. The fireworks long over, the few fans that were there now gone and the band playing " you'll never walk alone" as his wife joined him on the bench. The program and once hopeful season sinking to the bottom of the ocean with the haunting question in front of him..........what to do about Todd Dodge?
  7. My conscience. It will be a very nice stadium. I so appreciate all the hard work everyone did over the years to make this happen. However, with my big mouth I will keep the PPP in mind. Thanks for the info.
  8. Listen, I want to sincerely apologize to everyone for what I posted about the new stadium. I was way out of line. It will be a wonderful facility and one we will all be proud of including me. I have nothing but the utmost respect for all the people who worked so hard to make this new stadium a reality. Again, I am very very sorry.
  9. Well, actually you're incorrect. It was Mr. Villarreal who planted the seed of a new stadium amongst a field of apathetic students years ago. Though it was turned down at that time he relentlessly continued to swap out UNT t-shirts on campus for those of other universities one t-shirt at a time. Mr. Villarreal never gave up trying to instill a sense of pride and spirit among the students. Some students began to jump on the bandwagon and the movement grew and not only did the stadium vote pass the second time but today you see more green on campus then probably you would have seen the last 20 years combined. Probably the greatest move Dr. Pohl ever made for the University of North Texas was hiring Rick Villarreal.
  10. I was all for hiring Dodge. I thought it was a good move. I am not so sure anymore.
  11. Breaking News!! This just in!!! Obama wins the Heisman Trophy after watching a college football game!!!
  12. I have been an ardent and steady supporter of this Athletic Department and this Coaching Staff. What I have to say in no way diminishes the incredible accomplishments made by this AD or Coaching Staff and in no way is it an indictment on our future success. I believe we have the right people in place. BUT! I listen to what people say and I believe them. RV stood on the stage at the 2007 Kickoff/Cookout and proclaimed that never again would we go into someone elses house and play for just a paycheck! I heard it with my own ears and the loud and enthusiastic applause indicates that the large crowd heard it as well. What did we do on Saturday? Played for a paycheck. At Coach Dodge's first press conference he said he was an X's and O's man, that he loved X's and O's. Where was the thought out well planned gameplan? If the AD and Coaching Staff are going to choose which games they will actually make an effort at winning, then they need to advise the fans so we can decide which games we want to attend because not everyone has the time and money to just throw away. If you are not going to try and win EVERY game then don't schedule those games you know you won't give 100%. It's not fair to the fans of both schools and taking the paycheck without even trying could be considered stealing. The Dickey philosophy sucked then and it sucks today. You win recruits not by winning the lowly Sun Belt title, but by proving to recruits that you will play anyone, anywhere and give it all you have to WIN regardless of the odds!
  13. ............he deserves a thought out, well planned game plan that will let him showcase his talents to all the fans. It was obvious that the Athletic Department and the Coaching staff conceded this game before they even boarded the buses in Denton for the airport. We just stole 900,000 dollars from Alabama. Dickey has to feel vindicated! So much for X's and O's and playing to win! Everyone who made the trip to Alabama deserves to be reimbersed for their expenses from the athletic department. But hey, winning the Sun Belt is a fabulous goal and it's rewards are incredible. Just ask Dickey.
  14. No one will convince me that we even tried to win that game. This was no more than Dickey Ball and I thought I heard RV say at the 2007 Kickoff/Cookout that we would never again go into a game with the fundraiser attitude but that we would always play to win. The only gameplan we had was to get the check and get home.
  15. Never said it was the kids. Furthermore, after following UNT Football for 39 years I have earned the right to ask that question!
  16. Why don't we try to run it up the middle?
  17. Jesus Christ will return before this school will ever be competitive at this level. Lets dominate 1AA..........if we can?
  18. I agree. We have a long long way to go before we can be competitive against good teams.
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