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Everything posted by bigrobdsp

  1. at least one mean green fan is counting on it.
  2. they will all be #1 by the end of the season
  3. That DB from OU was correct last year when he said that Tebow would be the 4-5 best qb in the big 12. everyone in the nation blows this guy. it kills me.
  4. Am I the only one that watched Carnivale'? Apparently I was since it got cancelled, but it was the best show on TV ever. I wish they would release a book or somthing so that I could know how it was supposed to end.
  5. My wife showed up at home last night with a new UNT night light. She said that one of the stores on the square in downtown Rockwall had a few UNT items. They had plenty of UT, OU, TT etc.. but they had some NT stuff as well. I am not used to seeing UNT gear in the North Texas area...
  6. I knew him in college and always thought he was a real S Head, but 65 years is sure a long time for a non-violent offender in my book.
  7. I was really surprised at the length of time on his sentence. there are people who have raped and killed who will be serving less time than an non-violent theif... http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...n2.4c9a3ce.html
  8. Woah Woah Woah. Hold on there a minute. Without beer there would likley be no party. so you are saying that without football there would be no college / no higher education system in America. America would become a 3 rd world country overnight. now that I think this through I concur. College football is most definitly more iportant than the life of one college student. You are right. He has made a huge mistake.
  9. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3957848
  10. I abought a new TV at Circuit City when they went bust. They gave me $200 to spend at the NFL shop and when looking around for somthing to blow that money on I noticed that they shill for colleges as well. When I saw the extensive list that they had I knew that UNT would definitly be on there. I mean they have the University of Central Moussuri Mules geear on there. UNT had to be there right??? http://www.nflshop.com/category/index.jsp?...&cp=3020077
  11. This kid is on football posters all over Rockwall. He must be 1 1/2 foot taller than everyone else on the team. I think 6-6 may be a little of an understatment.
  12. I am really proud of the anouncers on the championship game tonight. I was just really impressed at their ability to actualy call a game what with their mouths full of Tim Tebow and all...
  13. So you are citing a NEWS PAPER from SAN FRANSISCO to prove that Obama isnt as liberal as he is credited with being... Well played my freind well played.
  14. It is embarrasing that he wasnt shot dead before the first shoe reached Bush. Not that a shoe = a bullet, but throwing somthing with intent to hurt the president of the United States deserves a bullet.
  15. I refuse to bail out anyone. I dont understand why we dont just let companies go broke. Its not going to help our situation to keep these dying companies afloat. It will hurt a little in the short term, but over time we will all be much more stable. I have been writing my congressman (Ralph Hall) letters of support for continually voting against the Bailouts. I hope others do as well.
  16. I am one of the 6-7 Americans who think Bush was fantastic. He dealt with the worst terrorist attack in history, The worst natural disaster in history, two economic downturns, a war that he belived in but that was very unpopular nationaly, and somehow my family is still happy, safe, and finanicaly pretty well off in our nice house in a nice suburb of a nice city. that gets an A++ in my book. Having said that, did anyone else watch the acceptance speach last night? I dont agree with a single policy of Obama's so far, but he is one hell of an orator.
  17. I would drink too much and nail a bunch of 18 year old girls.... just me.
  18. http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=862389
  19. Let me guess. You had a girlfriend "visit" a house while you were out of town. she just went because her freinds were going. she didnt have any fun anyway. What do you mean where did I get this sweet t-shirt with some dudes letters on them? someone must have left it over here, probably one of my freinds. they are such tramps. I cant belive they hang out with those guys anyway. whats that? you are going to your parents house next weekend? I will probably just stay here in town and study... hey I burned this mix cd for you. just the greats you know Poisons every rose, Air Supply etc...
  20. I watched the big 12 tournament finale this weekend and was wondering if it was still a POA to get a baseball team up and running? any new news?
  21. This photo shop is impressive... Most Impressive.
  22. When will hat makers learn that there is nothing that looks good on the bill of a hat??? I have been fooled by a good looking picture of a hat that had somthing on the bill that I couldnt see before ordering the hat. I wore it once and the NASCAR jokes were intolerable. It had to be burned immediatly.
  23. They should sell that hat at the next NASCAR race... It would go over well in that crowd.
  24. http://insider.espn.go.com/ncaa/recruiting...02=stateChanged
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