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Everything posted by NorthTexasWeLove

  1. I get what you're saying, but I'm not comparing us to Army...you are. Army is a program for the sake of having a program for their academy students. They know they are at their plateau. They sort of have no choice given their weight/height restrictions put on the academy schools that they have to at least try to adhere to...hence the triple option. I also think Army chooses to play these schools rather than it being dictated to them. I know that they and Lafayette are long time rivals from long ago. I am not sure as to why it would be difficult to schedule. Would we be less attractive as an Independent program than a CUSA program? Could we keep all of our currently scheduled opponents or are those games only schedule in lieu of us as a CUSA program? Could we not go around the state of Texas, Louisiana, OK, Arkansas and help fill their OOC schedules for us to create an actual schedule? I am trying to see the (football) positives of staying in comparison to leaving. The only one I see and that you guys point out here is the guaranteed 8 games on the docket. But also the 200K-ish TV dollars for being associated with CUSA. If this is where we are as a program, then so be it. I guess for whoever is going to New Mexico, enjoy. I may try to make it out myself.
  2. That's NMSU. Not UNT. And there's only 2 the first year going into this. There will eventually need 3 or 4 though for sure. OK, I'll stop, let's just sulk in our impotence. We are good at that, after all.
  3. That is exactly what would have to happen. As I've stated on this in the past few weeks, we'd have to set this up moving forward starting now in regards to scheduling. Then inform CUSA of a 20XX departure and make sure all ducks are in order to finalize at least 3 or 4 straight years of only have to fill in the schedule, not create a full schedule. As far as the money, let's be real, it's already nothing and will be less and less sooner rather than later. If we schedule properly, we will get exposure each and every week, or most weeks just by default of our opponent. We will not have a conference championship to play for and I can live with that, especially if this works. But we will not be denied a bowl game when we get to 6 wins. We are in a format that is not sustainable. We do not have enough buy in from our fans to continue building upward, and we have just about nil TV money. Let's say we open up the 2022 as an Indy team with... vs SMU at Colorado vs Mizzou at Memphis vs Texas State at Ole Miss vs Arkansas State at LaTech at Iowa State vs Texas Southern at Virginia vs Texas Tech That is a slate that would create great attendance, buzz, and not to mention being able to recruit to this kind of schedule as THE independent program of Texas. The difficult part of this would be having to create same scenarios for other sports, but it's doable. It's a lot of work, but if calculated and done with diligence and can be done. People get paid good money to make things like this happen. Also, in time, a schedule like this with success would make us relevant. If a team like us gets to 11-1 with this schedule there is no way we do not fall into the top 8, maybe even 10-2. I say 8 because the playoff will be at 8 by 2022/2023.
  4. They should be equally important. In this case, having a strong fan base showing support of a program that very well may be losing their coach would be promising in reassuring the players, fan base themselves, candidates eye balling our program, etc. Having us play in a practical radiation danger zone with just about 37 people in the stands will do all of the above, but the exact opposite.
  5. Not butthurt. Just don't understand how you can "100% Agree" with Emmitts practical dooms day post about our season success, bowl destination, of just the overall meaningless existence in the realm of college football world, and be like nah to trying to get the hell out of our current situation. Maybe independent isn't the answer, maybe it is. But it's at least trying to get the hell away from Old Dominion, FIU, MTSU, FAU, UTSA, UTEP, Charlotte, garbage. If we, their 'peers', consider them garbage then the rest of the college football world couldn't tell you their mascot, location, conference affiliation, etc. etc. And the thing is, many of the casual can't. We are not in a spring board conference anymore. We are in a dying league, and it will die, be rest assured of that.
  6. Was just about to come post this...Snyder gone.
  7. I understand why people think it's bad. The risk is worth the reward. Am I OK to have this opinion? Is that OK with you?! Does my opinion offend you?
  8. If true, I'll be eager to see where some of our conference mates destination and opponent.
  9. That's why going independent is at least an idea. Otherwise, it'll be forever more of the same.
  10. This. The system in place is killing CFB. The bowls are now all but meaningless. They kind of always have been in some regard, but with the influx of new bowls. 5-7 teams getting invites now, and the sponsorships smearing their name all over the bowl title has really killed the meaning of bowls. The system needs to be busted down and reconstructed. Whatever needs to be done, whoever needs to be bulldozed over to get it done, it needs to happen much sooner than later.
  11. If the AD turns down Dallas vs name opponent to go to New Mexico this may top the cake as the dumbest thing the current department has done.
  12. The results of this season may be uncommon ground (9 wins), but it's still only 9 wins when thinking of bowl destination and opponent. It may seem special for many UNT fans, but on the outside it's deemed a respectable season at best. In the current FBS format, we have no end all. We could legitimately be 11-1 with our lone loss to UAB and our postseason scenarios wouldn't shift very much, if at all. It's shitty to think like that, but that's our current reality. As for SL possibly leaving, the Jimmy Sexton move all but solidified that. He put his name in the Tennessee hat last year, and no one batted an eye at that. But UNT folks had Gary Pattetson type dreams. The guy is obviously trying to jump on whatever fast track he can, Sexton + Tennessee states that. Also, too lazy to look it up but his 3 years here may be his longest tenure of being anywhere.
  13. What is that like a 15 or 20% increase. They need to start handing out these increases where I work. And he has 0 experience has a head man, right?
  14. No, no, no, nooooooooooo. If you haven't read into the absolute vile he involved himself in at Ole Miss, look into it. I would like to say I am surprised by him getting even interviews, but nothing about ethics or lack thereof in college football surprises me. It's good old boys club at the highest level of the slang definition. It's disgusting, to be frank. These dudes can literally do WHATEVER they want, but if a program thinks they can either help them win or recruit, someone will find a place for them. And it's wrong. Dead wrong. But dumbass fans (looking at you P5, specifically blue blood fans) do not give one shit about any of it. Win. At any and all cost. They want to eat the sausage like fat overpaying pigs, and do not give one iota of a shit how it's made.
  15. That has been decided, or at least I am told, that he is not getting that job.
  16. I don't like watching the MAC either, but only because I almost always catch their mid-week games and atmosphere on TV, as dumb as it may sound, matters at least a little to me. I can't get my football juices flowing when I see 47 people in the stands.
  17. lol...no need of your brain to hurt. All of what you said is correct. Boise State is not P5 or is considered a P5 for scheduling purposes. They are without doubt the most respected G5 'program' far and away and that gives them leeway when dealing with the media and 'perception'.
  18. I mean it's not even an argument though. The ACC wants all of their membership teams to play an additional P5 program each year outside of their normal conference slate and their conference office decided to allow BYU as one of the "P5" games as a OOC opponent.
  19. We and the Belt are the worst. MAC, in terms of data, is a better conference as CUSA. And I as well want nothing to do with the MAC because it will probably be vs Buffalo and they would push our nose up into our brain. In terms of recognition, attention, support...It'd be more of the same as playing Troy last year. Like I said, I would prefer a BYU or Miami type team for obvious reasons in a regional bowl. As a far and low secondary option I'd take a good MWC team (preferably the loser of the MWC championship game) in New Mexico.
  20. Technically, you are right...they are not. But again, they are have P5 talent and are considered by 30 or so P5 teams as a 'P5' opponent type team in terms of scheduling. They certainly have the name recognition, following, and money as many P5's. Either way, point is, I'd happily rather be matched up vs BYU/Miami than any FunBelt or MWC team.
  21. https://247sports.com/college/louisville/Board/103994/Contents/ACC-BYU-now-counts-as-a-P5-team-71096125 I think the Pac has also taken this on as well. Pretty sure of it actually.
  22. BYU has P5 talent and I think they are one of the de facto "P5" teams that 2 or 3 P5 conferences consider a P5 team for scheduling purposes.
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