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Everything posted by CurveItAround

  1. It didn't appear to me that we were subbing any more than UTA. It has definitely settled down a little. We still have someone ready to go at pretty much every whistle, but it's not 3-4 at a time like before.
  2. Good grief, at what point do players have to take responsibility for their poor performance and effort? This thing reminds me of the jealousy between the thre J's on the Mavericks long ago. CJ, JW, and TM need to either figure out how to get along or one or more of them have to go, starting with CJ IMO. I saw plenty of opportunities for our guards and wings to step up and take an open shot, but they won't and when they do, they can't hit the broad side of a barn so it ends up lookng like were are just running around on the outside of the arc. They are not being asked to do anything much different in terms of 'scheme' than most college teams are. This ain't middle school, we are not going to run a specific set play designed to get a specific shot. This is basic motion offense that requires players with ability to create. This is what top programs like Marquette run because they have players that can create, like we are supposed to have. Maybe Benford has over estimated the ability of our guards/wings to create and distribute. Maybe he should implement the stack and overload offense so our guards and wings don't have to think, they just have to memorize where to go on the floor. Good grief! This seems like either a talent problem or a jealousy problem to me. Can't completely absolve Benford in this, but the players are not holding up their end of the bargain. He needs to figure out who needs to be subtracted from the mix.
  3. Wow. I don't know where to start with that mess tonight. I am certainly disappointed in Tony's childish behavior. He is shrinking before our eyes. He should have gone to the NBA last year when people really didn't know what he was. He is removing all doubt as to what he is early in the season. I hope he turns it around. I don't think I could be less impressed with Chris Jones so far, and dear god we have no one that can shoot. They are afraid to even put it up. If we don't get to the line or shoot layups/dunks, we have virtually no chance. How many times did UTA pull up for a 3 and take it. Their PG would drive and then dish it out to a shooter who would actually shoot the ball. There were plenty of times our guys could have taken a virtually uncontested shot, only to drive and miss/charge/TO. Later in the game, we have our PF taking 3 pointers (a couple of air balls by the way). I hope it's not to late to sign someone that can shoot, and play PG. Ugly.
  4. Geez. Can't take a joke. Did I hit a nerve?
  5. We just need to have our ducks in a row so that we are more attractive that SMU when the new league starts and is picking from Rice, Baylor, TCU, Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa St, Texas Tech, Houston, Tulsa, UTEP, and Oklahoma St is formed. We probably only have a few more years to get ready...
  6. Agree with most on here. It just gives us more exposure and coverage in the state that gives us 90% of our recruits. Can't be afraid of the potential for them beating us. The same works in reverse when we beat them. By combining together in a condensed footprint, I believe we can get more coverage as a whole instead of a bunch of fringe teams scattered across 'markets'. Most of the schools do have fairly significant alumni. If we ended up with USM in the west due to eastern adds, it would be fine with me. USM and UAB, even better. TxSt next choice, ULL after that. Seems that there are several options that would be positives in my mind. Now, if we start losing teams like Tulsa, UTEP, Rice, etc... that changes things a lot and we are probably right back where we started, but we can't really control that.
  7. So you are suggesting if we are smart, we should leave UNT while we can and buy an orange/crimson/maroon tshirt to position ourselves accordingly?
  8. Selfishly, I hope CUSA adds another eastern school so USM would hopefully move to the west. It would be a really tough division, but it would prevent us from having to play an existing SBC school as often (which several on the board seem to want to avoid) and USM would provide a little name recognition with our fans. Even though FAU has not really established itself, it would help a little with OLY travel and provide a south Florida game pretty much every year (not that we recruit Florida a lot, but still). I could live with playing Tulsa, UTEP, Rice, UTSA, La Tech, and USM every year and rotating through the eastern team. That would certainly meet our original reason for moving and would be step up in competition level for us. We had better be ready to step up our performance though.
  9. WKU has to shittin bricks if they don't get added. Lose their biggest rival and be a non contiguous state to the rest of the conference. Would probably evaluate a move to the MAC if they are left out.
  10. It will be interesting to see what happens. If another eastern school is added, USM probably slides into the western division with us. If they add a school west of USM then we will have to see who that is. Of course, if we lose additional schools, all bets off.
  11. Starting to see reports. http://hamptonroads.com/2012/11/sources-conference-usa-adds-middle-tennessee-state
  12. The article I read this afternoon now says 2014 as well. I would have sworn the original announcement said joining for the 2013-14 season, but it looks like everything is saying 2014. It will be interesting to see what the schedule actually looks like. Based on our previous assumptions, we would have been getting home games from each of the departing teams.
  13. A good start would be 1,000 new MGC members at the $1,000 level.
  14. Yes. Let's just add Oklahoma in the west and Georgia in the east and be stick be done.
  15. Didn't Tulane's announcement say they were playing in nBE in 2013?
  16. The NCAA should have set this up from the start. Now the inmates are running the asylum.
  17. Was about to post essentially the same thing. We went through this whole chasing our tail trying to prove that we belonged somewhere where no one else wanted us in the late 70's. We hired a good coach that convinced us we could get to the SWC. We poured every ounce we had in it, we had a few good years. When we got passed over, our coach bolted at the first chance, our program went bankrupt, and we went to AA hell for 20 years and are still trying to recover. Even if we would have gotten in, do you think there is any chance we would have been allowed to stay once the powers that be tired of us? Ask UH/Rice/Etc... Let's build our own game, and be successful. I don't want to be something we are not. I want to be the best that we are. I want to have a group of really tight knit geographically located teams that compete like hell against each other and survive through this apocalypse that is about the occur. If we build a tradition over the years of kicking ass, and our support continues to grow, we will get rewarded, but I don't give a crap about what a bunch of blow hard teams like those chasing the nBE say. They will bankrupt themselves trying to be something they are not. The only way the teams in the upper conference will respect us is if we respect ourselves and prove that we are an equal. Teams like SMU and UH will never be allowed to join, or if they do they will be used and kicked to the curb like before because the power teams know they are so desparate to get 'in' they will do anything. I wish we would not have lost Tulane, but purely because I was looking forward to a reason to go to NOLA, not because of the great football or basketball and I doubt more fans would show up for Tulane than they would for someone like TxSt or UTSA. Don't get me wrong, I want the league we are in to be as prestigious as possible, I just don't want to sell our soul to get there. Let's see where we are when our schedule comes out in Feb.
  18. Oh, you're back. I thought maybe Jeremy Philips found you.
  19. Tulane's announcement said they were going in 2013. If our earlier assumptions were correct, Tulane was going to be in our division and coming to Denton. La Tech likely moves west now and shows up on our schedule. Just got a little tougher.
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