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Everything posted by UNTstormchaser

  1. I'm aware of that. I'm not calling them a Boise by any stretch of the imagination. The point I'm making is that plenty of programs impress and do better than expected despite their short tenure in the FBS. No one expected them to be over .500 last year.
  2. Yeah, but you could say the same thing about a lot of teams, like WKU, and USF (especially them, remember when they were ranked #2?)
  3. Well my naive optimism just took a hit. Let's hope that Pegram doesn't get shafted.
  4. This is ridiculous. I'm all for hospitalizing criminals with metal illnesses in lieu of jail time, but there needs to be a way to prevent shit like this from happening. I have a rather simple solution. If you're deemed mentally ill and would normally be considered not guilty under that circumstance, put the verdict on hold. Put the person into the mental hospital indefinitely, and if that person is never considered "cured", then they stay there for life. If the person is ever "cured", put them back on trial without being able to use the insanity plea. One might argue that this is unfair, since the people were mentally ill, and shouldn't be punished because of that, but it isn't like we can just let these people walk free after. So, I think that's a fair compromise.
  5. It would be payback for week 1 in football.
  6. That's the best attitude to have. Fantastic way to look at things, my friend.
  7. FIU has a lot of talent and I'm glad they're coming to C USA with us. But, it takes more than talent to be a Boise. Maybe 5 years down the line we can say that, but not before they've actually accomplished anything.
  8. There's nothing new on the website at all. I've seen all these products on a few other websites. Pretty sad...
  9. I'm gonna try to make it with a couple of fellow student friends.
  10. Good god Rob Ryan is sexy. I don't know why his brother gets all the attention...that's my man right there.
  11. You missed my second post on the subject.
  12. If that's the case than that makes this a lot better. But, at the same time, even cutting the cost in half to make it a still crazy $30 million, that's a lot of extra money going to more important things. I really hope they did some legitimate research to see if they can get a return on their investment. Even if they were far and away the best 5A program in the state that dominated yearly, publicity with a public high school program isn't going to do so much. I don't know, I guess I just kind of find it a silly waste. Did they really need an indoor golf practice facility? Did they need to add a 75 foot HD scoreboard? It just seems so superficial for a high school team. This blows most D2 college teams' stadiums out of the water.
  13. I'm not assuming they had $60 million just lying around, nor am I arguing that the money should go to education. I'm pointing out how sad it is that, as a society, we can justify spending that insane amount of money on high school football. They got $60 million somewhere, I believe it was in bonds. I'm just kind of disturbed at the fact that $60 million can be spent on something so unimportant. It isn't like they didn't have a stadium that seated a large amount of people already. If they had some low-rate joke of a stadium for a Texas 5A team that only seated 500 people and was falling apart, then building one would be important (not $60 million important though). But they had a stadium that sat 14K people. If it's old, renovate it. Spend a couple million on it to pretty it up. You don't need to build a 18K capacity stadium with a 75 foot HD video scoreboard. Christ, this stadium is nicer than Texas State's. Anyone that used that argument at UNT is either high or an ignoramus. The situation is totally different, as I'm sure you understand. UNT is a tier 2 public research university with 36,000 students, and a division 1 football team that gives out scholarships to athletes. Allen is a public high school. The fact that they spent 2/3 the amount we did on a new stadium is disturbing.
  14. I'm glad that at least no state funds were used, but it's sad that we live in a society where one can raise $60 million for high school sports in one town, and we can't raise $60 million for education. And you people wonder why the Asians are beating us! GAH! (obvious sarcasm is obvious)
  15. http://www.kvue.com/...-165007846.html I'm just curious to get all your opinions on this. I'm not from the area, but I do understand Texas' obsession with high school football. But I think this goes a bit too far. I don't know much about the Allen ISD, except that the high school is massive (my suitemate last year graduated from Allen, he said the graduating class was something like 2,000). But even if the school has vast academic resources and is not starving for money, imagine the amount of good things that could come of investing $60 million in academics. I mean, if you needed a bigger stadium (which they didn't, the old one fit 14K apparently and this one fits 18K), you didn't need to spend $60 million on it. Spending $5 million on a high school field seems absurd to me. I understand that it houses a weight room, indoor golf practice place, etc., but this is HIGH SCHOOL. Did they really need to add a 75 foot HD video board? I don't know, maybe I'm just a bit bitter. Rhode Island's public education is a joke right now, all the school systems are starving for money and they keep hiring superintendents that command $250K salaries. The school I graduated from was one of the nicer public schools in the state, and one of the largest, but even we struggled to buy new textbooks, especially for AP classes, and hire/retain good teachers. Luckily due to a couple of federal grants we won, we were able to upgrade and expand the campus, which was fantastic, and put in a state of the art music lab.But, the political system in the education dept. was corrupt. They cut trade classes, like woodshop and autoshop. And they're cutting art and music programs throughout the department. Yet they had enough money to give the ALP* kids all iPads. So, maybe I'm just bitter, and unaware of how well the public education system in Texas is actually doing. Thoughts on this everyone? I guess one other thing to worry about is if other school systems try to follow suit or even outdo this. This could be the opening of a dangerous Pandora's Box. *ALP: Assisted Learning Program. Essentially this was a group of about 15 kids who were chronic trouble makers that should actually have been removed from the school, but the state had no where to put them, and had to keep them somewhere. So what the school decided to do was create an alternative program for them, where they'd learn in isolation from the rest of the student population, but take Phys. Ed. and lunch with the rest of the students. The program was designed to "help" (cater to) these kids, so they're allowed to have major temper tantrums (throw desks, swear, walk out of class, etc.) without repercussions, because they have "home problems" (note: I live in a nice suburb. they may damn well have home problems but the way they act you'd think they grew up homeless in the Bronx). Essentially, they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want and as long as they do some work, they graduate in 4 years. One of the kids assaulted a dude with a bat last summer, and almost killed him, and was on trial on and off throughout the year, and he's allowed to walk free throughout the school. And yes, these are the kids they decided to buy iPads for, they were allowed to use them as long as they behave well. They bought 15 iPads for these kids, instead of buying new AP textbooks. Great school system, eh?
  16. If that article is considered journalism then I'm a nuclear physicist.
  17. Compared to cocaine, it is a fantastic alternative. Marijuana is safer than alcohol (and tobacco) is. The only reason it's illegal is because the government was in bed with too many people in the timber industry that had a lot to lose when hemp became a popular alternative to timber, so they went on a smear campaign to illegalize it. It'll be fully legal in all states within 25 years...legal, taxed, and regulated like tobacco and alcohol.
  18. Unfortunately it has a lot to do with age. I'm the first person to readily admit that the vast majority of people my age are spoiled little brats spawned from the age of instant information and instant gratification, and have no clue about what it's like to really live, and therefore lack class and respect. I was kidding about the guilty part, just making a joke. I didn't take part in it, just for the fact that there ARE families around. But, there isn't much I can do. It's the kind of thing that happens with students at any college...I hate my generation haha.
  19. The newest generation of students seems to like adding a certain word between the T and Eagles. It rhymes with brothertrucking. And I am guilty as charged.
  20. That is such a tragic story. Growing up in Celtic land, I heard that story a few times as a kid. Definitely made me want to stay the hell away from cocaine. In fact, it still does. I'm certainly not about to go snort something that might kill me on spot. No one right of mind should ever do anything beyond drinking alcohol and smoking weed.
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