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Dr. Seuss

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Everything posted by Dr. Seuss

  1. Ben Gooding, on 24 Feb 2015 - 6:28 PM, said: You can't have your cake and eat it too. You said it, people dont care about us, just like most people dont care about UTSA. UNT and SMU isn't a rival because SMU doesn't give two sh!ts about UNT, but we like to think it is. UNT and UTSA is a good rivalry, I cant stand them and they dont like us. Not because I'm envious, like most on the board but because we are the same. Anyone that says UNT has history is living in the past, because I'm sorry we dont. You're probably over 65 and you still talk about the Hayden Fry days, those days are long gone. Ben Gooding, on 24 Feb 2015 - 7:17 PM, said: Our conference???? We joined the same year.
  2. Is Le Creuset going to be designing it? If so, thats the winner
  3. That still doesn't matter, Iowa State has been in the Big 12 since the beginning. They arn't kicking teams out, teams are trying to join. Look at the overall picture. Macro people, macro.
  4. Btw, CUSE would have been a better comparison. Jumped into a P5 conference without a baseball team and a mediocre football program
  5. Some are, we all want the best. We want to be recognized and not looked at like we're SMU/TCU armpit.
  6. I specifically said, why would you spend millions on a new program. Baseball is new, women's soccer, in fact is one of our best sports. Duke has been in the ACC since the beginning.
  7. I highly doubt he post his own tweets. I bet McCarney doesn't.
  8. Why would you spend millions of dollars on a program that wont generate revenue? Because its nice to have? Really, nice to have? UCONN, because they are good at 1 sport. Again, back to my point, it takes more then one sport.
  9. Yes, being competitive in multiple sports. You still haven't answered the question. If Baseball didn't matter, why are they spending money on a new program?
  10. You're comparing UNT to Colorado, really?? Apples and Oranges. You told me to answer the question, I did. UNT wont ever have the money that Colorado has, but being competitive in sports will only increase our chances. More competitive sports teams you have, more fans. More fans, means more money. Back to my question.
  11. Colorado made a lateral move. Moving from the Big 12 to the Pac 10 isnt much of a change.
  12. Answer this question then. If Baseball didn't matter, why are they spending money on a new program? In my opinion, It does, its not going to bring in revenue like football. I never said it will.
  13. I'll admit it, I do not know X's and O's more than Greg Goedecker but I do know when to get out of my seat. In case you don't know how to read.
  14. TCU has a really good baseball team, they went to the CWS before they were invited to the Big 12.. Its not only football. Yes, attendance does matter. Bowls invites is another perfect example.
  15. Umm. We couldn't even get into the AAC, why would you think we could get into the Big12? The Big12 is years away. We would have to be a powerhouse in Football, Basketball and Baseball. I really doubt a brand new baseball team would be going to Omaha in its first 5 years.
  16. Attendance is lagging effect to any type of program; college or professional. He needs to worry about the product on the field and win games. I'm sorry but 4/5 losing seasons isn't going to bring fans to the game. HoD Bowl was pretty clear, if you win games people will come. I'm sure this is just a broken record.
  17. I'm not sure what I'm going to do next year... No more Cooper Jones chants??? Hit Cooper Jones on the seam.. Cooper will be greatly missed
  18. I agree, but thats not my point. Benford has ruined this program, no doubt about it. Its not Benfords responsibility to tell the fans when to stand up, thats my point. You go on a run and the other team calls a timeout, no reason not to clap. Thats what I'm saying.
  19. I agree, I'm not saying everyone needs to be out of their seat the entire game. When your team goes on a 10-0 run in the second haft to take the lead and the other team calls a timeout, people should be out of their seats clapping...Its pretty basic. I have a hard time cheering but when they go on runs, you better believe I'm feeling it. I'm not a Benford fan at all, but when the crowd is cheering louder for free pizza and t-shirts...thats not on Benford, thats just pathetic.
  20. Andrew, on 12 Feb 2015 - 9:30 PM, said: When the crowd is cheering louder for free T-Shirts and Papa Johns coupons then going on a 18-3/9-0 run to close a half against a team that is tied for first in conference, my comments speaks for them self. UNT fans do not know when to get loud. I'll admit it, I do not know X's and O's more than Greg Goedecker but I do know when to get out of my seat. I think everyone who knows me in section 106 at Apogee will agree. Even Kram said I knew when to get loud at the LA Tech game. Its not hard, pay attention to the game.. I was tweeting Greg for most of the 2nd half and I was still getting up. UNT fans would rather b!tch about things they cannot control; Schedule, Coaches, Players, ect then things they can.. Cheering when you're supposed to. Don't tell me its because of bad coaching, you're already at the game.. You're already sold, get up and effing cheer. Rant over.
  21. Doesn't matter... Our fans are idiots, zero basketball IQ. They're cheering louder right now for free pizza and t-shirts
  22. And the crowd is still silent... Effing pathetic 18-3 run and the crowd is still in their seats
  23. I went to the Louisville SMU game last year. Paid $50 a ticket and I would do it again. Spending $10 to watch a bad basketball team isn't worth it
  24. I guess having multiple D1 offers (3) is better than being the only D1 offer. Smh
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