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Everything posted by emmitt01

  1. There's a sure fire way to make that stop. Beat them next time.
  2. The best part is he had a SMU offer. I love to see them lose at anything. :-D
  3. Yeah...when I tore my meniscus on both sides of my left knee I went back to work 2 days later. Probably not the best of ideas since I couldn't climb stairs or chase anyone but still. After about 2 1/2 weeks it was "all better."
  4. Blasphemy! How dare you post that the almighty WAC has 3 teams below the 15,000 mark and the SBC has 1? Don't you know that if we joined the WAC (you know, for the prestige and all) that these attendance woes would be solved overnight. Lord knows we'd easily send the 1,000 that NMSU needs, the 2,000 that Utah St needs and the nearly 4,000 that Idaho needs to stay afloat. And we could surely count on them to send at least that many to Denton, right? Since we're worried about new stadiums (we won't need that travel money) and attendance and all.
  5. I think we'll see what kind of a man Todge is here. SMU assumes (as always) that all they have to do is throw money at Todge and he'll bolt for the hilltop...forgetting of course that they are a coach's graveyard, but that's for another day. We'll see if Todge truly believes his "I think we can win here" and "I want this to be the metroplex's team" talk or whether he really just wanted a D1 job and will now go where there is more money (but no greater potential).
  6. Totally disagree. The line should be drawn at yelling about a sick mother, a sexual assault (if you're yelling at a female player) or something of this sort. This isn't even in that category. Nobody gets hurt, you KNOW it gets under their skin, and it's funny as hell.
  7. You GREATLY overestimate the North Texas fanbase. I'm sorry but I'll believe that NT averages 25,000 when I see it. We are still too married to the "make it totally convenient for me, cheap, and a name opponent" mentality to expect that the numbers we saw this year will translate into consistent crowds.
  8. And just how many years will Dodgeball be brand new?
  9. No, of course not. On the flip side some scheduling issues are unavoidable. Having a fan base large and rabid enough that we don't expect the athletic department to cater to our individual schedules would be a big plus too, no? I get that a 7pm tip is a HUGE bonus for families...but what time of day isn't inconvenient for somebody?
  10. Why not? Until we get a fanbase that turns out to see our team simply because they are playing we will be "lil' ol' North Texas".
  11. Do you honestly think I would have my tickets anywhere where standing and screaming don't happen?
  12. I know the odds are looooooooooooooooooooooooooong but can you imagine what would happen if Colt Brennan won the Heisman? Plumm would have a 30 paragraph post that would look like this: All You Young Nestors Have To Admit We Belong In The WAC blah, blah, blah, blah, Hells Bells, blah, blah, blah, Intersection of Two Highways, blah, blah, blah, Dickey sucks, blah, blah, blah
  13. Anybody up for a little pregame tailgating or should I leave the grill at home?
  14. 1)A complete game. I don't believe our team has put together a full 40 minutes of good basketball yet this season. We have had great 10-20 minute runs but never really put all of the pieces together. If we don't learn to stop taking the first 5 or so minutes off we will get in some trouble this season...yes, even in the Sun Belt. 2)Balance. I think it's great that Josh and Keith have had games of 25-28 points. But if you look at the box score from the UT game you see Josh with 28, Keith in double figures, one or two other guys with around 6 or so and then it drops off. McCoy and Dez had zero. I would love to see a stat line where, when you look down the scoring column, it looks like 17,13,12,8,8,7,6,6,5,5,4,etc. (That's 91 points ) If we continue to have 80% of our scoring coming from a select few it makes us much easier to scheme for. We have the horses to have the load shouldered evenly on any given night. 3)Good shooting that forces teams out of the zone. UTA killed us with the zone, NMSU had some success with it and watching the game against UT they too frustrated us a bit. I wanna see either better dribble penetration to collapse it or more/consistent spot up shooting from the mid-range. Let's not become that T-Pain song "I'm In Love With The Triple" 4)Good and lively crowd. I just can't help but harp on the need for fans to come out to see this basketball team. They, unlike our football team*, are putting a quality product on the field right now and it's worth making the effort to come see them. If we can support 2-10 football we can support a conference champion. 5)Play to our level and not theirs. Honestly tomorrow should be a game where we get up early and cruise. Good to great teams do this consistently. We need to be one of those teams. *I have every confidence that our football team WILL turn it around.
  15. I was referring more to tailgating. If it rains in the pit we've got some real problems.
  16. Well? I know we all want to talk about RFQ's for a stadium but we've got a game Saturday.
  17. And somehow we do? The two programs are NOT separated by much...and I'd be hard pressed to say which one is on higher ground right now.
  18. Ok, who's coming to the basketball game? It's on a Saturday so no traffic excuses. I'll be out there an hour and a half early just like always to tailgate for those that wanna bring a dog/brat/burger to throw on the fire. Any volunteers to bring chips, cokes, water, beer, etc?
  19. So, does that make TCU the worst basketball team in the metroplex?
  20. Weather permitting, yes I am. I saw a forecast for some rain though...I hear inclement weather means NT fans shouldn't show up.
  21. I'm gonna have to disagree there. This team is deeper and more athletic than last year's...and still very young.
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