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Everything posted by emmitt01

  1. I don't care if you don't believe in conspiracies...this was a jobbing. And the audio feed just happens to go out right afterward.
  2. Did the league just "assure" their #1 team will make the semis?
  3. WKU would be ecstatic if UNO won...as far as they're concerned, I'm sure, USA is the only team that can beat them.
  4. Me My wife Zeke Zekes wife Medpilot Your mom
  5. Word is that student fees are a definite no-no. Has something changed?
  6. Yeah Stickler was out there. As for linebackers the person I recall the most was Nwigwe because the coaches yelled at him. I'm pretty sure I saw Padrom out there as well if he is #46...looked good.
  7. Yep. The team looked good (or at least as good as you can look in helmets and shorts). *It looked as if the QB's were a bit more comfortable with the spread than they were this time last season. *Giovanni Vizza is our QB. He looked like the most proficient passer (throwing darts) and he appeared to be treated like he was the starter. Still saw a few questionable throws into dangerous spots but this is day 1 of spring. *I don't know for sure it that's who it was, but if #31 is Adrian Adams we have got a stud at one of the CB positions. The guy was all over the place and I even saw something out of him that was refreshing. On one play in particular he found himself out of position and the CB coach came over to talk to him about it...his response was "my bad" and he put his arm around the coach and they talked about it. No signs of the "Leon" Covington attitude. *Saw Isaac Thomas. He said he will start lifting on Monday and should be back by next month. Still gonna take spring ball off though. *The defensive coaches had some fire to them! I didn't feel like I was watching a pee wee league practice like I did last season, these guys were treating college age players like college players. *I think we have 120 receivers. None of them are as good as Casey Fitzgerald...but Sam Dibrell looked to be making a case for a close second. And #8 and #5 (I think it's Sam Roberson and Marcus King) could be a special kinds of weapons...just a big body out there. Still a little early to tell too much since there was no hitting and because of our M.A.S.H ward full of the missing but I came away with some confidence.
  8. Looks like the Liberty Bowl might go the way of the Cotton Bowl and the Orange Bowl...relics of a bygone era.
  9. I do like this hat though. http://www.lids.com/pid/20095009
  10. Looking at the "Green Pride" home page it is inspiring to see programs I started 7 years ago still in effect.
  11. Still the best women's basketball name ever.
  12. Ok then, I'm in Denton Saturday for sure. Anyone else?
  13. I'll be there. Even if it turns out not to be on I've only wasted 5 minutes getting there.
  14. Vito indicated in his blog that there would be a practice tomorrow (Sat) due to the start of spring ball being pushed back a day. The AD website though indicates only a practice today and then starting back up on Monday. http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...;ATCLID=1406125 I'd really like to go to see practice tomorrow but don't wanna make the trip for nothing. Any ideas?
  15. Please tell me it will be starting any time now....
  16. Allow me to finish out this entire thread on my own. Somebody will post: Looks like an erector set. If we're gonna build one I hope we do better than this or not at all. Plumm will post: Just another school that has passed us by. Hells Bells, "staying the course", young gun alums...WAC...something, something... Somebody else will post: Anyone have any idea where we stand on our stadium? Somebody will post in reply: I have great faith that our stadium is in the works. Kram will post: I like your enthusiasm. Join the exes. Somebody will then post: We're not even close to having the money. Mandy is the devil...
  17. Can't say I disagree with him about the new "tenor" this board has taken on. Any and all Pavaroti jokes are declared lame pre-emptively.
  18. This has nothing to do with NT football. I DEMAND that it be moved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <_< <_<
  19. I think our football team would take it. We already get the "violations" portion of the equation each year.
  20. Don't worry it's something most college kids go through. Usually works itself out after one or two drunken nights and some unfortunate polaroids.
  21. The way I see it we only have one chance to win this tourney. We have to blow out ASU. If we are able to cruise against ASU at home then we can take a lot more confidence into Mobile. A nip/tuck game against ASU would leave our team wondering "If we were only able to beat these guys by 2,3,4 points at home then how are we gonna beat the prohibitive favorite on the road?"
  22. I too heard him say they would be open. We'll see if this is the case.
  23. Scuse me for trying to potentially save someone from identity theft by placing this in the place with the most traffic. Lord knows that if this thread got read by a bunch of people and naturally died to page 2 the whole board would cease to function. This email was sent to me by my super secret insider informant in the athletic department. Better?
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