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Everything posted by ShopMeanGreen

  1. I would like to make a road trip also. I really don't have any desire to go to LSU. Kansas State would be cool, I have never been to Manhattan so I would worry about the boring factor (yes I live in Lubbock ). Rice is likely to have the most favorable outcome. What to do??
  2. The university is not a democracy. The University BOR are charged with providing quality education at the same time staying in the black. There are rules mandated by the state as to how all of this is done. Someone has or hopefully will realize that a strong athletic program, especially football, is the best form of advertisement and makes the academics better in the process. The cost of education, fees, books, room and beer, is a business expense that will hopefully provide a greater return in the future. Students must decide if the cost is worth it, if not don't make the investment or spend your money where you think you can get a better return. I donate far more than $300/year to NT because I made some good business decisions and am giving some back.
  3. Rivals can't be expected to put any effort into UNT. Old logo and incorrect information is nothing new.
  4. I'll bet the travel cost to Miami is less than the travel cost to LSU plus $150,000!
  5. Travel cost to LSU is likely a good chunk of change so it's even a worse deal.
  6. Link is still gone. May have gotten lots of complaints and instead or fixing it just made it go away. If I had time I would make a few calls to The FWST and ask around.
  7. Nice presentation (no sarcasm), probably didn't take too long to put together....maybe the FWST didn't make it clear what it wanted.
  8. That's the problem. Based on that presentation if you are not an Alum or haven't been on campus or haven't been that interested you would have no idea what NT has. I know very well what NT has but couldn't tell it from that group of photos. There must not have been a limit on the number of pictures submitted. You can make Fouts look OK in photos with a little effort, the field is top notch, highlight that part.
  9. I also noticed that NT had a higher average ranking than MT or Troy. That tells me they might have had some higher rated players therefore getting more points. NT has a better rounded overall higher rated class.
  10. I don't know what the already enrolled thing has to do with it. Perhaps if they are already enrolled they can fill a slot that was previously open. There can be only 25 recruits not currently enrolled on sighning day as I understand it. I thought Riley was already enrolled?
  11. Just the ability to have a conversation about which recruit looks the best and with the above reasons is amazing.
  12. North Texas Exes sounds fine to me. Why do we always worry about "copying" someone else. Who cares...why not simply be better. In order to be original with hundreds of university former student organizations out there the new name will have to contain Mean Green. Hey..can we change the university logo again, it's been a couple years already. The new branding guy could start fresh so we won't have too many new fans finding us.
  13. No. Won't have anything to with merchandise.
  14. I know this has probably been mentioned before and I missed it, but... How do they come up with the team ranking??? It makes no sense to me. There are teams with less recruits, less 3, 4 or 5 stars and less average stars and are still ranked higher than NT. There must be some calculation they are pulling out of their arse...does anyone know what that is???
  15. I have lived in Lubbock for the past 11 years. It's not my first choice for prime living conditions but it's not bad either. You can say what you want about Lubbock but I would think the most important part of playing football at Tech is FOOTBALL AT TECH. The atmosphere is great. The fans and entire community is very supportive, the game day atmosphere is very energetic and the local press falls all over them. There is truely not much else out here but when a 200K poulation community puts 45-50K peole in the stands what can you say negative.
  16. I have only been a member this past year and have no clue who anyone is. If there is a problem I will say again..."this is OUR University" and if many of us need to make a stink something may get done.
  17. If a replacement was found for LSU would we still have to buy out and would a replacement be hard to find?
  18. I absolutely agree. I would love to see a home and home or even a 2 and 1 with Tech. I think this is a get series to go after. They wanted to play in Dallas as I recall (1 game was in TX Stadium) but I think we could play 2 games in Lubbock and then have them come to the new stadium after that. That would also be a great stadium opener if the stadium isn't ready for K-State. Tech is also 3 miles from my house but that has nothing to do with my eagerness.
  19. I never want to cause hard feeling to another person, because of course I am a people person. I do think another team that NT competes with for recruits is a concern. I don't wish any team North Texas plays to have good luck, get better recruits or any good coaches. I want them to do miserable and have a horrible team. I want North Texas to win. Maybe that makes me a poor sport...maybe I just like to win. NT has had a tough time in athletics for about as long as SMU and I am tired of it. I hope everyone else stinks an NT wins a National Championship.
  20. I think there is a difference between hiring an assisstant coach to teach skills and a DC or OC. Former players can teach the skills to the players even if they don't have the experience to run the whole show. There is also the benifit of having someone that cares about the program and the school.
  21. Any proposed playoff will favor BCS Conferences. They make the rules.
  22. 8. Get some real recognition and favorable press. 9. Move into a conference with more that 1 bowl tie in and some more respect...and some more respect. 9. I think DallasGreen may be a code name for AustinOrange.
  23. Uh..I think that was McGruff the crime dog.
  24. ME TOO! What's this crap about SMU being 8-4 with a new coach and not much recruiting to speak of and NT is desitined to suck for years to come. Why does anyone think the 02 defense can't come back? Was DD's recruiting and talent so much better back then?...no. Why sell the current kids short, no reason to think there is not a whole lot more talent on this team to bring up to speed. BTW, I don't wear green colored glasses or drink green kool aid...I don't P in my Post Toasties either!
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