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Everything posted by MeanGreenEngineer

  1. The Darrell Himself sometimes had problems with it. Of course, it's easy to reminisce about the good 'ol days... remember when we went to Austin and only lost by 20 something... that was awesome... Edit: Looks like I can't spell reminisce.
  2. I'm Darrell Dickey, and I approve this message. http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/30/857624ml8.jpg PS: I told you F'ers....
  3. The IRS is more than happy to collect those 9 billion dollars that will never be claimed and use it to prop up Social Security. It's the real reason the ITIN's were created in the first place.
  4. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24054024/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18077009/ http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/..._to_file_taxes/ http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9615621 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/19/business/19illegals.html http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/taxes/...antstaxes_N.htm http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20..._1n15taxes.html
  5. pppsh. The law never stops those on the side of righteousness. Like H.R. Haldeman, who not only was above the law, he had one SWEET flat top: Look at that thing... It is MAGNIFICENT!' If you are ever looking for me at an athletics event, look for the guy with a slide rule and that haircut.
  6. It's actually the Prince of Zimbabwe... But eulesseagle still calls it Rhodesia.
  7. I'll save you the time. The thread was titled "Mean Green Quarterback or PAPIST THREAT?!". The thread was mainly ranting about how the spread offense was part of the jewish conspiracy, then something about how the Italians where taking all the jobs from Americans.
  8. This thing is going down in flames. Stop trying to save it, grab a parachute.
  9. That is the part you had to question? Very interesting. So, I always imagined you and euless have your white power lunches (you know, nazi burgers (white bread, swiss cheese, mayo ONLY)) and talk about world domination and the jewish conspiracy... Is that how it really happens?
  10. STORM FRONT DOT ORG??!!! WHAT THE HELL? Do you read that site often euless? Let us look at some of the thread title over there: jews Murder White Babies in the Womb Race and Brain size, black I.Q.'s raised in homes by middle class whites Disturbing new trend-Whites adopting non-white kids Want To See The Blacks Deported? Mein Kampf Question Zionism is the cause of the problems The Klan has made a huge come back What to do about wiggers? Ridding the White Race of Cultural Impurity JEWS explained... Walt disney white power genious! Who can rule our White Land Lightbulb Inspiring, Powerful Commentary by 21 yr. old White Female Racialist! How a Few Jews Overturned Western and US Culture is this an unintended result of holocaust propaganda? What the U.S. can learn from Cuba about miscegenation Why would you post a link to that forum?!
  11. So, you are saying 'GIVE US YOUR GASOLINE!". How are those mutually exclusive, it won't matter how we increase production in the long run, because can't meet growth. And most of those are going to be much more expensive. You are going to get $2.25 a gallon gasoline out of Canadian Oil Sands. What CEO in their right mind would agree to that sword of damocles dangling over them? The only proper way is to enforce higher efficiency standards on everything. Autos, homes, electronics, let the market self correct by raising gas prices and forcing people to live closer to work and not travel as much. Of course, that won't make Oil Companies billions, so I am guessing you aren't too interested in that.
  12. I drove by that this morning. I had no idea why RV was standing there in jungle pattern fatigues, but it all makes sense now.
  13. Just get it all in coins, worked for Scrooge McDuck: Bonus: You get to swim in it!
  14. This thread reminds me of: Also, whenever I see a post by UNTFlyer, this is what I picture: GIVE US YOUR GASOLINE!
  15. Shut it! That is all super secret stadium study information. You will never get to see another of those super awesome informational binders again. On a side note, I really like that Dr. B took the time to write the title in glue and then sprinkle glitter on that glue, for each and every one of those binders, by hand. Though the title could have used a little more work: "Our Totally Not Imaginary Plans for a Totally Boss Stadium (and not a lame one like those snots at SMU)" Also, the the could have used a green My Little Pony sticker, it would have been a nice touch.
  16. I hear we are throwing as many as 6 of our 14 research dollars* into a feasibility study. The study is in a silent phase right now, so thats why no one has ever heard of it, or ever will. * Don't worry, Dr. B made sure to use the 6 most unwrinkled dollars, the good soda machine usable ones, in order to impress the public.
  17. Could you list the accomplishments that lead you to believe that? No we didn't notice that because that did not happen. RV threatened to leave several times during Pohl's tenure, and I don't see how you would call Dr. Pohl a Hurley legacy.
  18. R.I.P. Gary Gygax http://crave.cnet.com/i/bto/20080304/Gary_Gygax_Gen_Con_2007_270x359.JPG The good news for Gary Gygax: Inventing Dungeons and Dragons got him all sorts of girls. The bad news for Gary Gygax: Mainly, the sort of girls who played D&D.
  20. Says the man with a gay midget fetish. This, somehow, disturbs me more than anything else in the thread.
  21. psst: I saw him eating a kadayıf at the last home game... You Make THE CALL.
  22. It suddenly all makes sense. So THAT is what your avatar has in her bikini top. I am suddenly very, I mean NOT attracted.
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