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Everything posted by H-towngreen

  1. Because if that back up come in and completes a few passes then the uproar for someone other that McNutty is that much louder. Mac covering his ass.
  2. I'd have to let him go. I don't see it getting better this season or any other with Mac at the helm.
  3. The QB issue isn't just an issue for this season, with the crew we have right now, it's an issue for years to come.
  4. If you were the UNT AD, would you fire Coach Mac at this point?
  5. Not sure why the other threads are being locked as well, haven't seen anything over the top. Mac will ride Andy to his firing. Hopefully that comes sooner rather than later. And just remember, Andy was the 3rd string qb last year at this time.
  6. There are a few people on here, Billysee, BenGooding and myself who knew that our bowl run was a fluke and not the norm. Everyone was stoked to give Mac an extension bc we hadn't tasted victory like that in way too long. It was a horrible idea and most everyone else is not taking off the green colored glasses to see the truth. Mac must go. His game plan is stuck in 1970, and more importantly to the program, his recruiting is stuck in 1970. Remove him sooner rather than later.
  7. Just wanted to give a shoutout to myself for calling this bs.
  8. but he doesn't turn the ball over and does great on the tests the night before games!!!
  9. Walk-ons are a great story but the number of walk-on starters is way too high. 2014 and 2015 either look strong bc they were good classes or look strong bc the other classes were so weak.
  10. Uniforms, why do we suck so bad at this? Not only fans but the players themselves were pissed with these. It's laughable bc it's UNT and it's the norm. Scheduling, why do we suck so bad at this? 5 home games? How is everyone else landing 1 for 1 and were not even close. We just schedule the same 2 teams for THE NEXT 20 YEARS!?!?! It's laughable bc it's UNT and it's the norm. Mens basketball. Remember when we were close. We were almost there. Almost top 25 vote worthy. WELL WHAT THE FUDGE HAPPENED?!?! It's laughable how far we've fallen bc it's UNT and it's the norm. Fan apathy. Does RV realize he's losing us????? And I'm not actually going to listen to the podcast as I don't give a crap about the nonsense RV is going to spew. Think of it as my silent protest of the state of the athletic program.
  11. I see your "what if" and raise you a "what if" What if Dickey had actually capitalized on Dickeys run of 4 straight bowl games???? phew mind blown
  12. It's the week before one of my favorite days of the year....College Football Kickoff!! I'm sitting here thinking to myself and came up with a "what if" What if Dodge would have brought on a staff full of experienced coaches instead of bringing along his HS staff. Do you think things may have turned out different? I lean towards yes. I like the original hire. It was a gamble no doubt but at a school like UNT you need to take a gamble every once in a while. With proper coaches around him I think that he could have been a Gus Malzahn type. Dodge knows how to put points on the board. We've all sat here for the last few years and talked about how Mac was winning bc of Dodges recruiting.
  13. You could ask that about Jess Trussel a TE who ended up signing with Purdue, no UNT offer.
  14. So another HS that is better and deeper than NT is at QB
  15. I don't think you guys are giving Chad Morris and SMU enough credit. I keep reading in threads over and over again about how that is one of our guaranteed victories this season. That is not and will not be the case. They have talent, I would say more talent than UNT does, go back and look at the recruiting battles. They had a coach who had thrown in the towel several seasons ago. Now they have a young, offensive minded coach who will turn things around quickly. It will be SMU's first chance for a W and is at home. I hate to say it but I don't think we win this game. Call me out all you want if UNT goes in and wins, but I just don't see it playing out that way.
  16. The QB depth chart is the main reason I'm more disinterested in this season than any other in my UNT fandom
  17. I was hoping to land him and the TE from Carthage, Guinn.
  18. from Carthage DE Jarrod McLin. Man if only we had some people in his ear to tell him about UNT. I'm sure Mac wanted to hold off till after the season though. Who wants to handle to hassle of having early commits!
  19. I understand the let's change what it's working line of thinking but to do what Mac is doing is insane in this day and age. Mac probably went back to square tires on his truck bc he got a nail in it once.
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