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El Paso Eagle

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Posts posted by El Paso Eagle

  1. Look what JJ has done:

    1.  Eased up on us playing the top 25 in roundball and getting the crap beat out of us.

    2.  Lost about 5 or 6 games by less than an average of 6 points.  Those could have been wins (but were not)

    3.  Compared to DD.... it took DD his 5th year before his teams kicked into gear.  Could be the same for JJ.

    4.  You never hear of any disention among the players.

    5.  He is slowly bringing in better players.....you have to remember that UNT is a MID MAJOR.

    6.  Who do you recommend getting....and for what price???-----if you say you don't know or there are plenty of people out there---ok---then who??   cant name any you want to take a chance on?

    7.  Give JJ a chance...everyone knows what shape the UNT program was in when he took over and remember his old coach came to UNT to stand behind him (cant remember the legendary LSU coach's name).

    8.  We have had some excellent BB coaches at UNT but the admin has let them go:  including Spika (for you Hamilton/Fraley/Hamp Hazelton/Whitiker fans); Blakley (chances are we will never get another pro coach)--This guy packed the pit for every game; Jankovich.

    9.  Give JJ a chance...he comes highly recommended and looks like he has some very good players coming in.  Takes time to build a team...cant be done in one or two years.


    Not trying to get into a pi$$ing contest, but don't sell NT so short -

    Look what JJ has done:

    1. eased up on us playing the top 25 in round ball and getting the crap beat out of us.

    Thanks for admitting were playing an easier schedule and not wining more games

    2. Lost about 5 or 6 games by less than an average of 6 points. Those could have been wins (but were not)

    Lost 5 by 7 or less, BUT using this logic we also won 8 by 7 or less

    5. He is slowly bringing in better players.....you have to remember that UNT is a MID MAJOR.

    Oh, the favorite fall-back for anytime NT does not succeed. Does this mean that when we are successful it’s because were lucky? By the way – the other teams kicking our butts in the Sun Belt are Mid Majors also!!!!

    6. Who do you recommend getting....and for what price???-----if you say you don't know or there are plenty of people out there---ok---then who?? Can’t name any you want to take a chance on?

    So you don’t think we would get applicants if the job was open? Didn’t we turn away Billy Gillespie (sp) – (UTEP, now A&M)? When the position at NMSU opened they had no shortage of applicants.

    9. Give JJ a chance...he comes highly recommended and looks like he has some very good players coming in. Takes time to build a team...cant be done in one or two years.

    Please see reference to Billy G. at UTEP and A&M

  2. The basketball support at this school is a joke, and it is no wonder that CUSA passed us by.  We CANNOT blame SMU or politics for this, all we can do is look in the mirror as a collective fan base and know the real reason.  We have a long way to go in football, and longer in basketball.  The shame of it is, everyone thinks a stadium that has not been built or funded will answer the former and nobody gives a crap about the latter.

    Truer words may never have been spoken (or in this case written).

  3. This is not something you blame on lack of support- we need to quit accepting that statement as a blanket reason when any NT team does not perform. This is not a case where we are facing Top 10 teams and we do not have the athletes or talent to compete. Bottom line is we are not performing on the court and ultimately (and I realize this is a stretch for us) we need to hold the coaches accountable.

  4. Considering the majority of black football players at the collegiate level, then there is something very wrong about having black head coaches make up only 2.6% of D1-A head coaches. You can't honestly believe that of the 117 head coaching jobs in D1-A football, that black coaches were the best candidates for only 3 of those jobs. To think that is so narrow minded I really don't know how to respond to it.

    Not a question that I can answer but with all the concerns being raised regarding the hiring of minority coaches why are there no comments raised about the “star” minority athletes not choosing to play for a minority coach? Let face it D-1 football is a BIG business and if schools start seeing a competitive advantage in the caliber athletes they are singing because they have a minority coach you would see a sudden and dramatic increase in the number of minority coaches.

  5. Marshall is in another league, they have been successful since we where 1aa.

    South Florida is in Florida a state that has way too few 1a programs for its size, and that is barely being fixed, I also forsee a down turn for USF, just like:

    UCF, which is has two less wins than SMU... 0-9

    UAB is on shaky, shaky ground, they are bleeding money, and they Bama wants them dead.

    Troy is in our leage, and hasnt beat us, and is going to be staying home this bowl year, I cant say they have passed us yet.

    good points Cerebus, i dont see how 4 teams that havent went to a bowl have passed us by and especially since one of them is 0-9.

    This post has been edited by calvin on Nov 8 2004, 01:09 PM

    To answer this question - They are ALL in conferences we could not get in to. I think that would suggest they have passed us by.

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