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Posts posted by Huff

  1. Today's print edition of the FWST has an article with the title "North Texas Expected To Hire UNC Assistant"       In the body of the article it states "A person familiar with the thinking at UNT said Littrell would be the choice.  Insiders believe that the Tar Heels want to wait on Littrell's announcement until after Saturday's ACC Championship game against Clemson"   The article goes on to state "That time line perhaps led to a rise of confusing reports that had sources in Ft. Worth believing that Meacham was headed to North Texas"

    Those of us who read or post on GMG.com would probably say that this was only one of the many things that have led to confusion about this situation.

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  2. The good thing about so many openings is that there will be LOTS of assistant coaches looking for a job because their head coach just got fired.  Some of these will be good coaches who ended up in bad situations.   Our new head coach should be able to put together a good coaching staff with lots of college coaching experience in a very short period of time.    This will be really important because they will need to hit the ground running to get a decent recruiting class signed for next February's national signing day and/or get some decent junior college signees that can get here for the Spring semester.

  3. I thought the coaching staff had a good game plan and the kids gave a great effort.    Sometimes you get beat by a better team and that is what happened today.    We have nothing to be embarrassed about after this one.       I agree that Chico will make somebody a good head coach if they will give him a chance.   It won't be at North Texas but I will root for him wherever he ends up. 

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  4. Well, I hate to admit it but I was wrong on this one.    I did a little internet research and found that Dr. Cearly was Athletic Director from 1962 through 1969 - Rod Rust was Athletic Director from 1970 through 1972 - Fred McCain was Athletic Director in 1972 and 1973 - then Hayden Fry became Athletic Director in 1973.   He stayed through 1978 then Fred McCain returned as Athletic Director for 1979.   Bob Tyler was Athletic Director for two years then Fred McCain returned to the Athletic Director's job in 1982.    I did not realize it but Fred McCain was our Athletic Director on three separate occasions.     How strange !!!

  5. I believe the answer is Jess Cearley.    Dr. Cearley was the head of the men's physical education department and in those days also had the job of being athletic director.        At that time the coaches were also on the faculty and taught classes.   The football coaches - including the head coach - all taught football coaching classes.   The basketball coaches all taught basketball coaching classes and the head track coach taught that coaching class.    Hayden became the first head coach that I know of who later became the athletic director.    The world was a different place in those days. 

    Fred McCain was one of Odus Mitchell's assistant coaches who became athletic director several years later.

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  6. Guys I don't think this has anything to do with RV trying to cover his tail.   This has happened each year for the last several years.   We also got a call tonight.   It was from a young lady on the tennis team.   I knew that we recruited a lot of kids from Europe so I asked her where she was from.    She laughed and said she was proud to be from the US of A and was the only one from the US of A on the team.   We had a nice visit.   She seemed like a really nice young lady and was very appreciative of the help that was received from the Mean Green Club members.

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  7. In the past we have hired three men who had been fired from their most recent head coaching position  -  Hayden Fry, Bob Tyler, and Dan McCarney.  Only one of those had any real success here.   Maybe we need to look in a different direction this time.

  8. I like Coach Dickey and enjoyed watching his teams play but bringing him back would not be the right thing to do.


    UNT90 I am surprised that you are not heading up the Hire Dickey campaign.   Under the umbrella of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Coach Dickey's return might be more than RV could stand.   If he were forced to hire Coach Dickey RV might just quit.    No buyout.....no golden parachute.....just gone.    If you want to know of a place to get bumper stickers printed up let me know.

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  9. The official attendance was listed as just over 19,000 but they must have brought somebody in from SMU to come up with that number.    There were very few seats in our Club Level section that were being used.   Some people filtered in from the Hill during the first half but very few.   If there were more than 10,000 butts in seats I would be surprised.



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  10. You could actually substitute the phrase "a season" for the word Homecoming and say it for me.    I once really looked forward to the start of the season and each week that we had a game.    The last twenty years have pretty much sucked the excitement out of it for me.   

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  11. I once heard a motivational speaker who said "if you keep on doing what you've always done then you'll keep on getting what you've always got."   I think that applies to our quarterback situation.    If we are happy with the results that we have seen with our current quarterback then we should stay with him.   If you are not happy with the results that you have seen, perhaps it is time to look at a different option. 

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  12. Rick there is a phrase "my mind's made up.....don't confuse me with the facts".   That certainly applies to some of our fans in this situation. My wife says that is often applies to me, too.     I enjoyed watching Coach Dickey's teams play.   They played great defense, had a sound kicking game, and used a ball control offense with a solid running game and a few play action passes thrown in.    I enjoy that type of play but understand that not everyone does.    Coach Dickey could be a jerk at times but so can I so perhaps that is why we got along so well.    I would love to go back to those bad old days of winning conference championships and going to New Orleans for bowl games but don't see that in our immediate future.  I had forgotten how brutal those nonconference schedules were.   Thanks for the reminder.  Keep up the good work.


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  13. Another thing to consider is that this is the fifth year in the five year commitment that people made for Club level seats or Suites.   I think most folks anticipated more in the way of wins and in the way of quality opponents in these past five years.   It will be interesting to see how many choose to renew that commitment and how many say "no, thank you" for next year.



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  14. Although we live in Azle our grandson lives in Flower Mound and plays baseball there.   In the Spring before he graduated from high school Ryan umpired a bunch of the games for Christopher.    We got to visit with him several times.   He was really excited about coming to North Texas.   He is a good guy and one that we have enjoyed watching.   We hope that he continues to develop and gets even more playing time this season.

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    • We had a group of ten that sat down the left field line in the Lexus Level seating. The air conditioning inside was sure worth the extra cost prior to the sun going down at the start of the game.   There were lots of green guys and gals there.  The line to get the caps was VERY long but moved pretty quickly.    After the game we were leaving the stadium and two people tried to buy some of our caps from us.   One lady was very nice and one gentleman said that he had been trying to get anyone to sell him one with no success.  Who knew that the Mean Green would be in such demand ?
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