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Everything posted by GMG81

  1. Excellent news. Growing the student body expands the brand for when they graduate into the workforce. Though UNT must be careful to not water down the product.
  2. That is definitely not OK. I'm a white man and I do not endorse this. Psh.
  3. Seems like a great kid from a great family. I wish him nothing but the best.
  4. I can buy the logic. I would consider that if we brought in a regional name school for a 1 and 1 series, G5 or P5, attendance would be far closer to the 21k+ than last years average of 13k. Now another variable that has to be accounted for is the student turnout. For a regional game, like most games, they churn out 4 to 8k on any given game. For a regional game you have to imagine it is closer to 8k+ than 4k. Do we accout them as potential profit off ticket sales since their admission goes off of the athletic fee embedded into their tuition? If so that's almost 100k off of your 600k+ figure. Now on the flip side of that, we have to consider expenses for these P5 road games. What is lodging for close to 100 people in Florida? Travel expenses to and from, food, equipment haul, etc. Like you said, we must stay in the black because we keep doing them. But how far and is it finanically worth drowning the programs perception a little deeper each and every year? I like to think that it's not. I like to think that our new AD will start to make these an every other year occurrence. Needless to say, it will take winning to rewrite the equation.
  5. Annual Top25 team. 3 national championship. 3 Heismans. 6 or 7 SEC championships. Current team...physical D. Improving O. Great overall school from an academic standpoint. UNT will have its hands full come Saturday. Glory to the Green.
  6. Florida is an unpredictable squad. This game could get quite ugly. Or this game could be too close for UF comfort. No way to really tell what will transpire. Florida - 45 UNT - 24
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