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Posts posted by emmitt01

  1. Stadium update ? :unsure:

    All teams (other than golf) are now playing on very good on-campus facilities.

    How bout our Football Team?

    You remind me so much of the teenager with middle class parents who asks every day up until Christmas for a new car. Every day his parents tell him that groceries, rent, utilities, gas and the four club sports he's playing all drain the household budget...yet every day the question is the same, "When will I get a car?" Then, come Christmas morning he gets a PS3 that his dad hunted long and hard for, new clothes, and a Christmas card saying his parents have started to put money into a college fund. The kid then looks up at his parents and says "Yeah, this is all nice and all but all I asked for was a car! Why don't you love me?!" Sad.

  2. emmitt, why so sensitive regarding Dodge2007's posts. Here are the facts we know since Dodge arrived:

    1. Dodge stated that the QB battle would be won by whoever performs the best.

    2. Dodge clearly stated that Meager was ahead of the competition coming out of Spring ball.

    3. Woody barely participated in Spring ball due to his class schedule.

    4. Dodge signed Vizza by telling him he would be given every opportunity to start.

    5. Has Dodge said anything positive about Woody's quarterbacking abilities?

    Seems to me that your issue with this goes beyond ability.

    Good to see Dionne Warwick isn't the only one with a psychic friend.

    In all seriousness, my issue with this goes to outrageous and outlandish posts stating that "Woody had better get used to the bench" or "Meager will lead us to new heights" when in fact NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, in Meager's past states that he can perform when the lights come on. (Oh yeah, and the guy who's touting Meager's greatness just happens to have a grand total of 102 posts lifetime) Sure, he was the leader coming out of the spring but you yourself just said that Woody didn't get to participate because of class...might that be WHY Meager is ahead right now? Last I checked the only quarterback currently on this roster to take over a game himself had the initials WW, and the only QB on this roster to ever lead a touchdown drive against UT has the initials WW, and the quarterback with the highest completion percentage last season has the initials WW. So, come to think of it, maybe my issue has EVERYTHING to do with ability. ;)

  3. Yeah, with the Holy Land Foundation trial jury selection starting, there's "no reason to suspect terrorism as a motive." Go about your business, folks. <_<

    Let me assure you EVERY suspicious parcel, vehicle, person, apartment is being given due dilligence with this trial going on. The "no reason to suspect terrorism as a motive" line, as I'm sure you all already know, is to avoid mass hysteria.

  4. What did YOU, as a fan, over the last two season's see that would make you think otherwise????

    You know as well as I do that it's not what we've seen over the last two seasons but what we hope to see this year that is keeping us sane. :lol:

  5. Sorry Emmitt, your home boy WOODROW is not going to get a sniff.....The one play wonder doesn't fit in the big Dodge pickup. You ought to know that...........your the freakin sheriff in town. Hey EMMITT kiss my "woody."

    Coaches telling fans to "kiss my woody"? That's got to be some kind of NCAA violation.

  6. Does anyone have a clue of the official date of August practices. First I heard it was Aug. 5 but then it was changed and to be anounced at a later date........anyone know for sure??????????

    I heard it wouldn't start until Meager could get the Bible rewritten to read..."and on the 7th day God started at North Texas, relegating Woody Wilson to the bench."

  7. I really hated this part:

    3. North Texas will continue to struggle. The pieces simply aren’t in place for new head coach Todd Dodge to run things the way he’d like. The offense needs receivers, and he doesn’t have any good ones to work with. This will be a more competitive Mean Green team that’ll lose its share of heartbreakers.
  8. Maybe they could become Dallas cops and learn to plant fake drugs on people and cost the city 6 million in lawsuits...would that make them less useless?

    You have the sheer audacity to lump me in with criminals, not just rogue cops but criminals, all the while throwing out straw man arguments left and right to defend your stances that have come under perfectly logical and cogent attacks? That I'm replying at all shows that my temper and pride have gotten the better of my judgement because you are on face ridiculous and unworthy of a retort. But, as I'm in a foul mood after working a 70 week this week to take real drugs and thugs off the streets (Every hear of the Aryan Brotherhood?) I find myself replying to someone who hasn't the common decency or sense to differentiate difference of opinion from personal attacks.

    You bring up Deep Ellum as if it is the paragon of what a downtown area should be like. I actually patrol your utopia and let me tell you it aint as pretty as you'd like to make it out to be. The "artists" who inhabited it for your 20 year golden age simply did not have the capital (ooh, there's a dirty word) to sustain their bars and clubs while catering to local artists and charging "reasonable" cover at the door. Clubs that catered to a younger, more rambunctious, and sadly more criminal element could pack em in Mon-Sun so they thrived in the buildings abandoned by your champions of what socialism can do in America. Now could the city of Dallas have stepped in repeatedly to subsidize clubs like Trees, DaDa, etc? Sure, but why? Is it really a reasonable expectation that the city's tax rolls should perpetually bear the burden of funding a playground for a fringe element? Now I don't say fringe element as a derogatory term, only to say it was a miniscule population when compared to the greater population of Dallas...thought I'd save you the trouble of limiting your rebuttal to a single meaningless term in my post as you did the last time. <_< More importantly, though, and I can't believe that in your 5 page long crusade for credibility on this topic you haven't realized this yet FRY STREET AND DEEP ELLUM WERE NEITHER DEMOGRAPHICALLY NOR FINANCIALLY SIMILIAR. Even if your argument weren't flawed your comparison is apples to oranges.

    Lest we get off on the wrong foot here realize that I don't dislike you or even know you for that matter. But I will, in all cases, take you to task when you have the unfettered gall to lump me in with the lesser of my compatriots.

  9. So are we to assume that CVS is impervious to loitering by "that crowd"? I'm not so sure it was the businesses or "the old dilapidated buildings" that attracts the "crowd" I think much has to do with the fact that the corner is located across the street from a major liberal arts university.

    I disagree completely. Major chain businesses with corporate attitudes won't tolerate miscreants on their front stoop. The Tomato and the like, with their "come one come all...no matter how weird" attitudes did.

  10. regionally Denton is recognized for 2 or 3 things: UNT, the square and Fry St...and for the particular croud and aesthetic associated with these things.

    And I am extremely glad that "aesthetic and crowd" now need to find a new place to be useless.

  11. Sam is a specimen for sure. Don't be surprised to see him redshirt. Breece, Casey, Brandon and possibly BJ Lewis are expected to get most of the reps in August on the outside. I want to keep this post positive and I will leave it at that. Roberson will be a force to be dealt with......I just do not believe it will be this year. NO EMMITT, I am still not on the field yet. I only listen to the players and those close to the team, not the chat room boys and girls.

    Why bring me into it? I only respond to outlandish statements veiled as concrete truth when they are bandied about. This, to me, looks like as good a guess as anyone's. :P

  12. 32219.jpg


    DENTON (7/23/07) – The North Texas athletic department will unveil the new football uniform on Saturday, August 4 at the Mean Green Kickoff Cookout. Mean Green fans can get a sneak peek of the uniform over the next two weeks on MeanGreenSports.com

    Starting today, MeanGreenSports.com will begin to unveil the new look, one piece at a time. Right now, the North Texas player is revealing only the new helmet. It has been 40 years since North Texas wore a white helmet. The 1967 team, which included Joe Greene, was the last North Texas to wear a white helmet.

    The Mean Green Kickoff Cookout is one of two annual events that the athletic department is hosting in August. The third annual North Texas Women’s Football Clinic will be held on Thursday, August 2 at 6 pm. Fans can register for both events on-line.

    Where is this on the athletics website? I see no link to it on the main page.

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