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Posts posted by emmitt01

  1. Here's the bottom line. Todge, for whatever his reason, sees fit to start Meager at OU. It could be that he's protecting his young gun. It could be that he's sheltering his elder statesman's ego. It could be that, even with the strides Vizza has made, he feels Danny handles the offense better and is more mature in it. No matter what his reason only one thing matters....


  2. Lets look at the SMU team we faced last year


    QB- Justin Willis...year older and better

    RB- Demyron Martin- ditto and we didnt really slow him down too well last year. Will the 4-3 help this?

    WR(Z)- Vincent Chase...gone

    WR(Y)- Blake Warren...gone

    WR(X)- Reynaldo Pellerin...gone

    WR(T)- Columbus Givens...returns this year

    TE- Ryan Kennedy...gone

    LT- Darrin Johson...gone

    (With this said they should have a senior heavy line this season)

    Emmitt's synopsis... First off, the loss of all of those seniors in the receiving corps won't hurt as much as one might at first think. Their two returning receivers are still there. That said, this is a very run heavy offense from what I saw last season and during their scrimmage Saturday. Justin Willis is a dynamic player if you let him move around and leave the pocket. If he has to beat us with his arm he will fail. Not that he won't get some yardage and maybe even throw a TD or two, but he won't BEAT us with his arm b/c of their defense. Bottom line: We stop or almost stop the run and we win. Their leading rusher from last season was Justin Willis with a whopping 591 yards (that's before you subtract losses and then it's a net of 354). Yes, he did throw for 26 TD's and only 6 INT's...total of 2047 yards.


    LDE- Cory Muse...he's likely out for the Tech game, will he be 100% five days later?

    DT- Adrian Haywood...gone

    NG- Brandon Bonds...gone

    RDE- Justin Rogers...gone, and an NFL draft pick How quickly do you replace that?

    SLB- Tony Hawkins...senior this season

    MLB- Reggie Carrington...easily the best player left from last season's defense...gone

    WLB- Wilton McCray...senior this season

    LCB- David Haynes...junior this season

    FS- Randall Goode...gone

    SS- Joe Sturdivant...gone And his backup on the two-deep? Victor Makinde...also gone

    RCB- Jonathan Lindley- senior this season

    Emmitt's synopsis...Almost the entire front four will be brand new. They do have a transfer that weighs in at 300lbs from Minnesota but word is that he is not up to snuff just yet in the conditioning department. Could be a BEAST though when he finds his groove...will it be by week 2? The linebacking corps was nothing to write home about last season against a vanilla Dickey offense and they're without Reggie Carrington this season. That could be the reason that....from what I saw they play with quite a cushion in their secondary. When I attended their scrimmage I saw corners 10-12 yards off of their man. Against Tech and then against us will this be the best plan? As I see it, yes. Both starting safeties are gone so keeping everything "in front of them" might be the only way to keep a green secondary safe.

    Bottom line...let's put those CUSA Title hopes on ice for at least the short term. Also, all of this talk about how great they were last season should be tempered with a dose of reality. I count 6 defensive starters gone from last season and a potential 4-5 on the offensive side of the ball. This is not a juggernaut.

  3. The SigEps at UNT are taking a bus down there with 60 guys to cheer on the team! I don't know about the other fraternities...but I will be going down there with my bros. Hope to see everyone there!

    I really think this deserves noting. From time to time on this board (and I know it was the sentiment when I was in school) people will knock the greeks for not being involved enough in athletics. The thinking has always been that, outside of "greek out the game", the Greeks don't show up. Well, we can see that in this case they most certainly will.

  4. The answer to your question is obvious, you freakin clown. Your the rocket scientist and grammar school teacher and you can't even answer your own question. Woody didn't want to compete with Meager and Tune. He wasn't going to cut the mustard. Is that so freakin hard to understand for a man of your Intelligence?

    Emmitt, I can getting the feeling you might actually be Woody in the flesh.

    So the answer to my question is YOU DON'T. The bottom line is you're on a public message board speculating (that means the same as conjecture, don't get a headache) about the level of commitment of a 20 year old student athlete. Whether you like me or not (you shouldn't so we're at least even) this makes you a douche bag of the highest order. There could be any number of reasons why WW wasn't able to compete in practice that fall far short of not wanting to compete. You don't have a clue of which you speak...bottom line.

  5. Emmitt your a freakin rocket scientist.

    Grammar school lesson and all.

    As my friend (Jack) would say..........."You want the truth? Do you want the Truth? You can't handle the truth."

    Sorry Emmitt.......post me back when you have a freakin fact or some information that is worthy. Until then, kiss my Woodrow, I mean Woody.

    Emmitt, you remind me of another one game wonder, He just doesn't play here anymore.

    So, instead of answering my question DO YOU KNOW FOR A FACT WHY WOODY WASN'T WORKING OUT? you'd rather ask me to engage in your homo-erotic fantasies? :blink:

    Quoner, I think you may have competition.

  6. Boy I like your definition of conjecture when it comes to WW. Tell me Emmitt, why isn't WW with his teamates? Why didn't he practice, lift, and run this summer with his teamates? Please Emmitt tell me why? Oh, I know, he wanted it TOO MUCH and was too good a player last season to put forth the effort that Daniel put in.........I hear ya, I feel ya.

    For the reading and comprehension impaired I'll spell it out for you...Dictionary.com defines conjecture as:

    1. the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.

    2. an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation.

    Do you know FOR A FACT that Woody wasn't taking care of school work, found that he was too far behind in the QB race and decided that since he came here to be a QB he would bow out. Do you know FOR A FACT that he wasn't dealing with a personal issue? Do you know FOR A FACT anything that you spew forth about a student athlete? No, you don't, but you would rather imply that his will-power or heart were lacking because it suits your ludicrous claims.

    No, this isn't MY definition of conjecture it's anyone with a brain cell count higher than 12. (Don't worry, there have been amazing advances in recent years...they have buses and helmets just for people like you)

    Here I'll throw out another definition just for you:


    1. causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.

    2. affecting or moving the feelings.

    3. pertaining to or caused by the feelings.

    4. miserably or contemptibly inadequate:

  7. Cr it's because I call it like I see it. No one liked my Woody analysis and facts, no one liked my Meager prediction and now U don't like my opinion, that Riley is overhyped. Big freakin deal.

    I remain a Riley, a TD, a WW, a Meager, Tune and Vizza fan. But I call it like I see it and its tough tits that you don't agree.

    Let me know when you make all the predictions that I made this summer, correctly and then come back and talk to me.

    Which would those be?

    That Woody didn't want it bad enough?

    That Meager will "light things up"?

    To me these still look like conjecture at best...so I guess Cr can come back and talk to you, oh I don't know, NOW.

  8. Has it occurred to anyone that maybe Todge, on top of being able to understand the throws it takes to be a good QB, also understands how to manage the ego/confidence of one? Is it possible that:

    -Todge gave DM the nod because to bench your junior in favor of a true frosh would potentially destroy your Junior?

    -Todge further new that starting DM means you get to have your true frosh as your backup and, given that DM plays well and stays healthy, you might actually be able to declare your frosh's first year a redshirt one if he never sees the field?

    -He HAS to say "our QB won't look over his shoulder" so that his QB goes out there with a clear head...but Todge knows he's got a fall-back plan and will pull the trigger if need be

    I think this decision and the "coach speak" that surrounds it is just as much about managing young men as managing football games.

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