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Posts posted by UNTLifer

  1. Yes but they are not using collegiate implements. High schoolers use 12 lbs shot and 1.6 kilo discus. Collegiates use 16 lb shot and 2.0 kilo discus which makes for a very big difference. I looked up what UNT throwers are presently doing. Discus is 166 feet and 147 feet. Neither placed in the points at SBC championship. The best throw in shot was 51 feet good enough for 7th. Stickler threw the disc 198 feet in high school (10th best in Nation) and only 182 feet at UNT.(UNT record)

    Again, I am not knocking the kids on their efforts and success. I am pointing out that there is a huge time issue involved in splitting football and track. I would rather see them focus their efforts on developing into productive football players than take away valuable time and energy from that development by doing both.

    Man, you are an expert on everything, aren't you.

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  2. should I also factor in that Chuck said in his report that the vast majority of the new student fee money would be eaten up be servicing the debt on the new stadium or should I pretend as though that money represents a huge new amount of money for UNT to make further improvements with?

    and should I factor in that those student fees only can legally cover half of the cost of the stadium which means the expense of the other half still needs to be accounted for....or should I pretend that half will get paid for out of thin air or that Apogee covered 100% of that?

    Thanks Chuck. I like to smear peanut butter in my armpits and ride my unicycle around my house while wearing a sun bonnet and bermuda shorts, Chuck.

    Is that the Chuck you are referencing?

    • Upvote 4
  3. ---I have a mixed opinion.... I had a mother-in law who did not drive... no license then. Also does the ID have to be current...?? An expired license or passport that obviously shows the person should be ok....it does positively identify them.... Some older people just don't drive anymore and have no current ID. . In some remote parts of West Texas it is not all that easy to get to a license place or to even obtain an ID... especially if they don't drive or never had one..

    --- The whole idea sounds great... but there are problems with it. Nothing is as simple as it looks at first. I work elections and am an election judge. I have seen no evidense of voter fraud anyway.... well one idiot tried to vote absentee and then again on election day... he got nowhere and was arrested. Also had a woman bring in senile relative and wanted to "assist" her [ie. other words vote for her ] ... that didn't fly either .... an ID would not have helped in either of those two cases..

    --- The worse thing I have heard [from relatives] is that some polling places [not here but in Dallas area ] just aren't all that private and that people behind them [ and sometimes election officials] can see how they are voting...

    --- There been cases this year in other states where a person was registered and brought an expired ID to vote... they were denied even though they were registered and the people at the election desk were certain the right person was standing in front of them...... not good.


    Since you work elections, how do you verify a person's identity when they arrive to vote?

  4. The details are sketchy as to why, but for some reason Mr. Zimmerman decided earlier that Trayvon was walking suspiciously. I’m not sure what that means but I’m sure it has more to do with the tone of his skin than the movement of his feet.

    I find Mr. Zimmerman's actions, as well as the nonaction by the police department, to be horrible. I also disagree with the quote above. The writer is interjecting his opinion into this article while he has no basis, at this time, of fact. I feel the comment is probably 100% true, but this is where I now despise current day journalism. They can't just report the news, they have to interject spin or opinion.

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