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Posts posted by UNTLifer

  1. Goestenkors would not be bad and she wouldn't have the pressure that she had in Austin.

    My thought is that it she is/was a proven coach and things just didn't work out for her in Austin. This could be a chance for her to build a program, as you stated, without the pressure of Austin, and reestablish herself. Who knows, she might like it in Denton and stay.

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  2. I don't mean this as a slam on Coach Dodge, but hindsight says he was more a product of SLC than SLC being a product of him. No doubt he had to be a good coach to collect the wins and titles he did while there. With that said they won before he was there and they have won after he left......

    First, I wish Coach Dodge nothing but the best. Yes, he made some mistakes in his time at North Texas, but he handled the situation with extreme professionalism and class that many could learn from.

    Regarding HoustonEagle's comments above though, I totally agree. He was a .500 coach pretty much until arriving at SLC. There he found endless resources, kids from wealthy families willing to spend money on the kid's development and the ability to install his system at the 7th grade level, so that it was second nature to these kids when they entered Carrol High. He won't have the same resources, nor the pool of talent at Marble Falls so this should test his coaching ability. Again, I wish him much success, but Marble Falls isn't Southlake.

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  3. Does anyone know where to get some inexpensive tickets for this game? I'm a student, don't know if that helps.

    Check with the athletic department.

    Welcome to North Texas and to the GoMeanGreen board. Hope to see you on here more often and invite other students to join in.

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...not 100% sure of this from what I have heard from her over the last couple of days. But, am also sure that if her mind was, indeed, fading that the court itself would take some sort of action. We'll see how this plays out....

    Sounded to me like she was throwing the administration's lead counsel a bone by asking leading questions after Judge Alito had him stammering like a first year law student.

  5. Aston, Mac and JJ are the best recruiting coaches of the "Big 3" sports I think we've ever had at NT at the same time. Love what they are doing with their teams and very excited for the future. I think all three had underrated seasons as coaches this year. Underappreciated may be more appropriate.

    Mac took a team that had experienced nothing but losing and almost had us bowl eligible.

    Aston took a team that was in disarray and has them playing lights out for a number of games Ans exceeded anyone's expectations.

    JJ had a team full of newcomers/freshmen and lost two of his top producers and scorers at mid-season and regrouped and led the team to the conference tournament finals again. This could have been his best job coaching since coming here.

    Love what the future holds.

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  6. Good day mean green fans! Let me begin by commending you on a beautiful stadium and an interesting forum for your members.

    I have to however take issue with the comments in this post. How many games at FIU was on ESPN last season? By your logic I should assume there wasn't any ESPN broadcasters at the games last season since they had to endure the Florida elements the season before.

    Press boxes are nice to have not need to have, and eventually that will be addressed. But if I had to choose between seating more fans vs a couple of reporters braving the harsh and cruel Miami weather, I think I would go with the fan seating which is being addressed as we speak. Begin removing AoWqEaUCIAAVD3n.jpg to now AosV2cXCIAIiEPu.jpg

    The priority was first to get competitive and to get there we need facilities to support that. So a 50k sq foot, two story field-house was built into the stadium. 14k sq ft weight room for strength and conditioning for our student athletes. I believe we are seeing the benefits of that investment.

    Fans don't come out on Saturdays to see the stadium, they come to see their team compete at the highest level. it's easier to fix your facilities than your program. I think we have all experienced this (our 1-23 record, your 5 years of Dodge).

    High Schools have press boxes on their stadiums.

    Seating for more fans? You have about 2k that are showing up when you have a good team.

    I wish you success, but not having proper facilities to host an event is an embarrasment to our conference and it should be to your school.

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