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Status Updates posted by UNTLifer

  1. This is going to be the longest off season ever.

  2. If you were in the metroplex adn not at Apogee on October 8th SMAME ON YOU EVEN if you were physically at the Rangers game. If you'll notice, they are still playing Detroit.

    1. Green Mean

      Green Mean

      Shame on me I guess

    2. Censored by Laurie

      Censored by Laurie

      Smame on you adn smame on Sean Bass.

  3. I noticed you said you drive 6 hours. Where do you drive from?

  4. Time for Lee F. Jackson to go. Guess what the F. stands for.

    1. OzarkEagle


      Right On! Nothing but trouble for UNT. Always pushing dallas.

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