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Baby Arm!

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Everything posted by Baby Arm!

  1. I've often said the Oklahoma and Georigia are the ones to blame for the current state of college football. Turns out Supreme Court Justice Bryon White saw it coming years ago: Link
  2. FYI, you don't need a degree from a school to be a fan. From the looks of Apogee stadium we could use a few "T Shirt fans" tpp
  3. " Iowa still is looking for an opponent in 2016 (likely on the road)" With Iowa guys like Dan MacCarney and Hayden Fry in our corner we cant get this game as the middle of a 2 for 1 ????
  4. They did. When this all started, and Aggy got their panties in a wad over Texas' new toy, DeLoss Dodds publically stated that if it was a cause of the conference breaking up, then no high school games would ever be on the LHN.
  5. Actually the blame goes much further back than that. The REAL root cause of all this can be traced to when the University of Oklahoma and University of Georgia sued the NCAA over ownership of their TV rights. That case was the Pandora's box that unleashed big money into college football.
  6. Whoa, sensetive much? Must have touched a nerve there huh? My point was that while Fouts wasn't built as a high school stadium it was often referred to as such. While Robertson actually was built for and by the HISD. I didn't say Rob IS a high school stadium, I said WAS.
  7. Really?? How do expect this board to rank these? That's like asking to rank your kids against the neighborhood kids. Everyone is going to be just a bit biased. But Ok, I'll play your reindeer game. From the bottom up: I've often heard of Fouts referred to as a high school stadium but Robertson actually WAS a high school stadium. It was built by the Houston ISD. As constructed Fouts and Robertson were nearly identical. Today's Rob is what Fout's would have been if we decided to lower the field and expand the stadium. THANK GOD we didn't go that route. Ford is a partial erector set. The lower bowl is below grade and based on concrete but the upper bowl is metal decking and seats surrounded by a brick facade. I like that Ford has ALL the seats with chairbacks, something I wish we had done. SMU has great tailgating on the boulevard but prime spots cost $ and space is limited. The parking at SMU is terrible. At Apogee at least there is SOME parking close to the stadium. Apogee is ours so I like it best. i.e., my kids are better than your kids. Apogee>Ford>Robertson
  8. Probably just the first step into turning the LHN into a 'regional network' so it will fit in with the PAC 12 tv deal.
  9. Interesting, but will anybody be able to watch Link
  10. Meh, it's all semantics and politics at this point. No matter who appears to be driving the bus, OU and Texas are joined at the hip. If either one leaves for the Pac 12 the Big12 is done and the other will go too. OU wasn't fond of the impression given last summer that they were following in Texas' wake on realingment. It didn't help that impression when their AD said wherever Texas went, OU was sticking with them. This time around Texas is getting enough blame and bad press I think they are more than content to let OU take the lead on this one.
  11. "...say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, but at least it's an ethos!"
  12. and yet some on this board degrade him because he draws a paycheck from the University of Texas
  13. This afternoon Craig Way on 1300 The Zone in Austin was talking about Thursdays' game w/ FIU. "My alma mater opens up the Dan McCarney era on Thursday..."
  14. Actually I saw Chip Brown/Orangebloods.com report this yesterday.
  15. While the above mentioned apps will let keep up with the score of the game. I highly recommend the Watch ESPN app. If you have tv service through Time Warner, Brighthouse or Verizon Fios, you can actually watch the games on ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU and ESPN3
  16. It's typical carraige rights negotiations. They go down to the wire, and more carriers will get on board eventually. When the BigTen Netork launched it was on only two cable systems it's first year. People in Columbus, missed a couple of Ohio St. games because the games were on BigTen Network.
  17. Link When I saw this picture my first thought was "When did Brian Austin Green sign with the Eagles?
  18. There will be a lawsuit. Outfitters always sue when a new regulation is enacted. Previous regulations limiting cooler size, and banning glass and stryofoam containers were challenged in court too. Those regulations are still in place. Who knows how future litigation will come out but since there are already bans on certain types of containers, the city believes this regulation would hold up too. As far as sales taxes, There are lots of families that would probably go float the river more often if it weren't a floating beerfest. Might not hurt the economy so bad.
  19. Im saying it now. Video or it didn't happen. You hearing me Rick? VIDEO!
  20. Since you asked for a local's perspective, here's mine: This isn't a ban on alcohol. In this morning's Herald-Zeitung the outfitters are already making plans on providing mini-kegs for carbonated drinks. Juice and water can be placed in non-disposable drinking containers and jugs. Comprimise has been tried for years. We've tried limits on cooler size, banning jello shots, glass and stryrofoam. Trash barges on river, mesh litter bags provided, None have worked yet. The river pollution is out of control and the vast majority of tubers don't care they are trashing our rivers. This isnt a vocal miniority here either There has been an outcry this year for the city to do something. We are tired. Tired of the tons of trash, tired of the drunks, tired of bad behavior. tired of people urinating in our yards. Tired of the fights, the public nudity. Tired of drunks leaving the river and into their cars to drive on our streets. The rivers inside the city used to be family friendly. You can't take your kids there anymore. Background, If you tube through an outfitter you already have to pay a fee that goes towards river clean up. Problem is the vast majority of tubers within the city limits don't use outfitters. They come to town with their own tube and booze and leave nothing but trash and bad behavior. This summer has been worse than previous years with the lower river levels on the Guad and Frio, traffic on the Comal has been up exponentialy. A couple of times this year they actually had to close the river a couple of times because there were too many people on it and it became a safety issue. Also there has been an increase in bad behavior directly tied to alcohol. For instance this summer 3 people have died on the Comal. Alcohol was a contributing factor in two of the deaths. Another incident was an off duty US Marine was drunk began assaulting his girlfriend, when NBPD intervened the Marine attacked the officer and choked him to unconsciousness before backup arrived. Citations and arrests for MIP, PI, DUI are way up. Why is this a big problem.. 1) LITTER. Every weekend there are litteraly thousands of pounds of beer cans on the bottom of the river. The river bottom has a carpet of beer cans. Photo Some may clean up after themselves but the vast majority don't The city cleans it up every weekend, but it only repeats itself week after week. The river clean up fee doesnt begin to pay for it all. Plus with the increased traffic the NBPD has officers on mandatory overtime the cost of the patroling the river is draining city coffers. 2)Environmental factors- Currently the water quality in the Comal is ok but fears are it has been comprimised by the trash, alcohol, and urine. There's is just too much of it for nature to overcome. The river is a habitat of an endangered species. There has been talk if the city didn't do something the EPA could close the river to all tubing. More people on the river means a slower float, what used to take 2 hours is now taking 4-5 hours. People are drinking more and trashing the river. Thought behind the ban is it will put an end to the mountains of trash and slow down the drinking. If you are one of the tourist that come and float the rivers, clean up after yourself... GREAT, YOU ARE WELCOMED. However the bad apples are ruining it for you. Don't blame the city and citizens of New Braunfels for the extra hassel. Blame the bad apples.
  21. Except there's no water up there. That's what's driving all the traffic to the Comal this year.
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