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  1. Fellas, I would like to say- We’re back
  2. I think this is it. Socialization of UNT football as being the thing you do on Saturdays does not exist in the student body, nor the greater community. Now, we have to compete for attention with the Netflixs. We are losing the spectacle of the event- the watch parties, the tailgate, the camaraderie, the sheer decadence that is American football culture, the FOMO (feeling of missing out). These are aspects that require organic growth. This starts and ends with P2P (person to person) interactions that occur everyday. If it wasn’t for this forum and living in the college football capital of Atlanta, I would not care about UNT football half as much as I do. I find it hard to interact with the brand outside of Denton. We have to support B2P (brand to people) dissemination. Incentivize interactions by providing recognition and resources. A good example was the student organization recognition and supporting their tailgate for the next game as a reward for turnout. I see help being offered inside the stadium. I want to congratulate the athletics team on moving the needle on fan experience in a fresh new season. Personally, I’ve had a great experience talking with our ticketing team and staff. And our home game a while back was a kick with my friends from other schools who needed plenty of help by staffers haha. But my interactions with the fan community has been meh at events. My friends from UNT never engage with the university. As a younger grad with club tickets, I kinda feel out of place up there. But the tickets are so comfortable and affordable. I mean the 25 year old non traditional student, Asian, single male segment of the UNT base is *booming* up there lol. I fly in every month for work and to see friends, but I’m losing interest in going to Denton. However, all the engagement is centered around being in Denton. Man, UNT Football kinda sounds like my ex… I should call her.
  3. I don’t live in the DFW area. But there were 2 Tulane watch parties in my area. We don’t travel well nor retain alumni throughout the country. Personally, I would like to know if the alumni association offers help setting up events. I would like to host one with our Atlanta alumni.
  4. Congrats to Coach and to Raushenberg! This was a tough game. My takeaway- we can move the ball on offense, the defense is in shambles, Rodgers is our guy, and I’ve never been more excited for the bye week.
  5. Seeing these guys up close, it’s wild how undersized we look standing across from FIU. I hate to say that this game is a toss up
  6. After the weekend I’ve had here, we had better shit down their necks to put the cherry on top. Pardon my French
  7. Trying to get this thread back on track. Any ideas on a pregame?
  8. I’m staying on Hollywood Beach. Are y’all going to tailgate or go to a bar before the game?
  9. First away game as an alumni. Who’s going to be there? I’m solo traveling, but I would like to meet up with more people on the road.
  10. Does anyone know if any local bars or places have a shuttle service going this year?
  11. I’m going to FIU. Hopefully, SMU and Tulane. If anyone is coming to Miami, I’m down to tailgate. I’m traveling solo.
  12. I second this. As a new Atlanta resident, I want a reason to see my team in a market that would be great for recruiting and I want to see the old Turner field.
  13. C Rod said it first. I just want to watch the SMU, UTSA, Tulane, UAB, and Memphis games and enjoy it.
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