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Posts posted by UNTLifer

  1. 14 hours ago, Green Mean said:

    I was pulling for Strong to succeed but everything I'd heard and read this season was it's not even just about the wins but the way the team looked coached and prepared and how terrible it looked from most of the national observers.  That said he was also the very first coach to follow a hall of famer and legend for the university and had ginormous shoes to fill. If I'm a coach going into a storied program, I wouldn't want to be the guy right after a legend but that's just me.  

    And on top of that when he was hired Red McCombs didn't help things with his comments of how he was against that hiring etc.  Just a bad situation for him overall but the moment he decides he wants a new HC gig the line will form to the left so he'll be just fine.

    Ever heard of Fred Akers?  He had shoes to fill.

    5 hours ago, Cougar King said:

    1. We have a big renegotiation for Herman, whether or not he signs it is up to him.


    2. You're really naive if you think we're not reloading next year even if Herman isn't coach. (We have 17 starters coming back next year.)


    3. UNT never has been and most likely never will be competition to UH.

    1.  He won't.  He's gone once UT or A$M comes calling.

    2. Reloading is filling what will be emptied, graduates and transfers.  Let's see how many transfer out if Herman leaves and what recruiting looks like with his replacement.

    3. Better check you historical facts.  We are not currently at the same level, but you've hit the glass ceiling, won't be moving up to P5, so we will be there soon enough.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1.  These are uniforms not kits. Kits are for that game where if you get touched, and sometimes not, you flop like you have been hit by a sniper.

    2. This jersey/pant combo is ugly. 

    3.  This helmet would look great with a white on white uniform. Put silver numbers outlined in green. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, mgfan said:

    I know. but this forum is the most active and will most likely been seen here. I want the tickets to be used.

    And how did i get  a " -1" for selling my tickets? I have a wedding I am in to be at. 

    People are funny.  Current students and young alums without family commitments find this hard to understand.  I did until I got married and had my own ankle biters to care for.  Their events and activities become the priority even when we would rather be sitting in Apogee.  It is a hard transition, but you only get to watch you kids grow up once.  I know the feeling.  I ordered tickets for this game, made arrangements for a place to stay, etc... and then something occurred yesterday that will prevent me from coming to Denton this weekend.

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