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Posts posted by UNTLifer

  1. Since one of Army's main colors is black, I will propose the following options:

    1.  White Out: White pants w/ green trim, white jersey's with a chrome helmet with green logo/feathers.

    2.  Same as above but with Green chrome helmet.

    3.  If we wear dark jersey and Army their white, then the above with a green jersey and black accents.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 12 hours ago, UTSA Fan said:

    This gets so old... I root for both teams. Actually had an Eagle but the mods changed it, probably to facilitate instigation. It's not a dig, I thought I read that on here awhile back and wonder, in context of the thread, if that is the reason for not seeing awards. I don't take digs, I follow scoreboard. Everything else is b.s. 




    I never heard that. What's wrong with his health? It's not serious is it?

    He had minor knee surgery, if there is a minor surgery, late in the year.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Dallasfan_22 said:

    Has always played D-End, our new coach had him make the move to D-Tackle this season to help shut down the run up the middle. Drew double and triple teams all season, freed up our linebackers. Not as glamorous as D-End  but he just wanted to help the team. 6'3" 230lbs, very quick off the ball. Definitely a 5 tech. type player, he was just far and away the biggest and strongest player on our small schools team 

    Thanks for the update.  Love his frame and motor.  Did he receive an offer from us?  If so, any insight on where he might be leaning at this time?  Glad you enjoyed your visit.  We all think UNT is a hidden gem and you won't find a better education, location and group of folks, even thought we do argue on here from time to time.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Quoner said:

    We've been here all along doing our best to avoid you, too, but I guess this is seasonal, like picking fights with 90 across multiple forums and scrounging tickets. 

    Disagreeing with 90, but if you call it picking fights so be it.  Not sure what you mean by scrounging tickets?

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  5. On 12/4/2016 at 7:37 PM, Mike Jackson said:

    1. That is nothing to celebrate that is a HUGE problem.  These fans didn't come to Denton the following year and they won't come to Denton in 2017 season regardless of what happens in the game.  I am often lectured about how having a game the Cotton Bowl during the State Fair is a bad idea but for this bowl it is great all the sudden.  I don't understand that.  If these fans don't come to Denton in the future then what point?  I hope they have a good time and UNT get some good pub but it is a flash in the pan if you don't win big.

    2.  I don't have a retort.  It is great that you are excited but I believe you are in very small minority of local UNT Alumni.  (Most who don't even know gmg.com exist) 

    3.  I don't think Army Academy really "recruits" (at least for sports) like this comment seems to suggest.  As a veteran from a family of veterans seeing military hardware is not exciting for my family or me either.

    I hope you have a great time. Go Mean Green.

    1.  Fighting the fried oreo eating crowd to go to a game at the Cotton Bowl in October is a whipping compared to not fighting the fair crowd and going to a game at the Cotton Bowl.  Those fans that didn't come were the result of a lazy AD that did nothing to capitalize on that season.  This AD already is ahead of the game compared to RV and Co.

    2.  I think a lot of people are excited.  See how opinions work.  Just by basing my assumption off of those on here that are excited vs. the 2 or 3 that aren't, I would assume this is the same for the general UNT public.

    3.  Army recruits nationwide.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 18 hours ago, MeanGreenMailbox said:


    Employment is a two-way street:  they can fire you, you can quit.

    Buy-outs are negotiated before the coach ever sets foot in his office and begins recruiting. 

    So, coaches who leave before they are fired are "POS?"  Baloney.

    And, I don't buy for a second that the majority of players don't understand that college football that the FBS level is a business first.  All you have to do is look at how the conferences are structured. 

    No Houston player - not one - could have possibly really deep down believed that Herman was staying there. 

    As far as Tuberville is concerned, he gambled and lost.  After a couple of seasons there, he could easily see there was no way to win the Big 12 at Texas Tech.  At the time he went to Cincy, they were just a season removed from being in a BCS bowl.  At the time, the path to a better bowl and conference titles seemed to be at Cincy. 

    He was AAC co-champ in 2014.  Next year 7-6.  This season it crumbled on him.  He exited with a negotiated buyout.  He's 62.  What do you want him to do, drag out his decline the way Mack Brown did at Texas? 

    Tuberville has spared the Bearkats the embarrassment of running them into the ground for another year or two trying to prove he could still do it, when the greater evidence of the past two seasons says he can't.

    The guy was 159-99 in 21 season as a head coach.  He had a good run, and he knew it...and, got out before the game totally passed him by.  He'll make a great talking head for some network on Saturdays. 

    I hear Verne Lundquist is retiring, so the deck will be shuffling at the SEC and their affiliates.  I bet he can get worked in there somewhere for a TV gig.  Mack Brown is doing great in that role with ESPN/ABC.   

    If you ask me, he's done Cincy a favor:  gotten out while they can still get a good coach during the recruiting period, and negotiated a smaller buyout than if they'd had to fire him without cause.

    As for Texas Tech, they could have opted for a better coach after Tuberville left, but settled for Hairgel Hands.  It's not Tuberville's fault that the Tech AD was an imbecile and, basically, shoved his head up his backside in hiring a coach as inexperienced as Hairgel Hands was.

    Texas Tech is what it is, a pox. 

    1.  Nobody said that coaches who leave before they are fired are a "POS."  It is how they left.

    2.  Tuberville: Maybe "his better path" was at Cincy instead of Tech.  Again, you can leave with class or be a POS and walk out of a dinner with recruits without explanation.  Classless.

    3. How he leaves Cincy is beside the point and off topic.

    4.  Stating "Mack Brown is doing great in that role with ESPN/ABC" is laughable.  Is there a more irritating voice on television or radio?

    5. Who Tech chose after Tuberville left has nothing to do with the topic other than to allow you to spew your hatred towards them, which we already are well aware of, but since you brought it up...Tech hired Kingsbury to satisfy their fan base with a link to Leach's greatest season.  Kingsbury did wonders with Manziel at A&M but it appears being a head coach is over his head.  He doesn't pay attention to the "other side of the ball" and that has killed them every year.

  7. 2 hours ago, Graddean said:

    There is a big difference between losing and being a loser.  I think Walz lost sight of that in his rant.  At some point in our lives, we have all lost at something.  yet, I doubt many of you consider yourselves to be losers.  The only losers are those who will not even try.  If you fail to put out your best effort, you are a loser.  If the other person or team is simply better than you or your tea,, the loss does not make you a loser.  

    Exactly.  Losing and being a loser are two different things.  

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  8. On 12/4/2016 at 1:03 PM, TheTastyGreek said:

    Walz was a player at Northern Kentucky for 4 years. 

    3 of those teams had losing records.

    Someone call me when a guy who isn't a loser has something to say on the topic. 

    He lost 3 straight years, won the last one. He's 1-3. He's a loser. The world should have spit him out onto the reject pile 20 years ago. 

    Oh, wait... 

    Job well done, ruthless meritocracy! 

    Here's a +1 for missing the point.

    On 12/4/2016 at 1:27 PM, Graddean said:

    I agree TastyGreek is right.  The guy is wNting to blame society and anything else for his team's loss.  If his players are that way, he recruited them.  He likes to call others losers so he doesn't come off as one.

    And another swing and a miss.

    • Upvote 4
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  9. 4 hours ago, MeanGreenMailbox said:

    Yeah, what a POS that Tuberville is, just like most church-going supporters of the military:

    So bad, even the Freedom From Religion Foundation leftists took notice:

    "The report maps out the spread of these chaplains, which often trace back to head coaches Bobby Bowden or Tommy Tuberville.   Bowden and Tuberville's assistant coaches, players, chaplains, and in Bowden's case, his son, spread this religious epidemic."

    Can't have the coaches spearheading "religious epidemics."

    But, really...why would Texas Tech be mad?  They got to hire their own Texas Tech Jesus, Hairgel Hands, who has carefully crafted a 24-26 record there (13-23 in the Big 12).

    Yep, he has done some good.  He also walked out on a table full of Tech recruits.  Got up, took a phone call and walked out without even the courtesy of an explanation.  I am not even a Tech fan, but that was about as classless as you can get.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Tuberville is a POS.  Considering what he did at Tech to a room full of recruits prior to accepting the UC job, I hope he doesn't find another job leading young men.

    Brohm would be interesting at Baylor.  They would be just like Tech though, all offense and no D.  That CUSA Championship was an embarrassment to defensive football.

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