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Green Nightmare

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Everything posted by Green Nightmare

  1. Is there an updated depth chart anywhere?
  2. Excellent point. Be it fair or not. TD is going to get some mileage out of this fan base for being positive about the program Yes we owe a ton to DD. However he was victim of his own success. He developed a formula that led to conference titles. However when the league caught up to us he refused to change the system or the coordinators. TD recognized a deficiency, Mendoza, and made a tough decision to correct it. DD's attitude and actions were standoffish with the fan base and administration. TD seems to be willing to work with us all.
  3. Yeah some fresh posts would be nice You combine so many of my loves, Sports, D!ck Jokes, Texas Doucher how can i resist
  4. its great news, if you believe him which i do. However for some god forsaken reason this doesnt come to pass. we are headed for a mess
  5. "entirely confident NT will be in a new stadium in 2010" TD Quote
  6. Ahh. Well I'll look for you guys out there
  7. Lot of talk but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one Nice work Flyer This line in Mandy's bio scares me though While she remains as the Executive Director of Mean Green Club, McKinley will take on additional duties in the coming year as it relates to all capital campaign projects within the athletic department
  8. Why did I click play????? Lifer stay in green or go Orange, for you sanitys sake. He plays country covers,poorly, and intejects alot of alcohol references. Its seemed louder last year, would play over a radio or TV. Untfan23 where are you setting up shop. I think we were near you guys last year. DO you all have custom shirts?
  9. JD Did you steal my game experience from last year? You summed up my point perfectly. They took all the fun out of it We would get there early to get some grass or a spillover spot and the end of the row Much like above we fought and fought and would win out 9 times out of 10. That was in the orange lot. SO I gave up and just parked in the BLue lot with my pass for 2 games and was so far from the "action" and got my @ss whipped into submission by the beerman Glad to hear the changes Maybe they can communicate them before i arrive a 7 for the Tulsa game. If they don't lets all get there at one time and monopolize a row?
  10. TYSports should tackle this Maybe profile some other coaches in this speak?
  11. you can tailgate. And there are no assigned spots MGC gets you a blue or green depending Just they put the blue people all the way over by the Murchison and the Orange all the way over by the village Really helps foster a relationship between alumni and students.
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?i...e=ESPNHeadlines
  13. Last year was my first as MGC Member. I"m 28 graduated in '04. Prior to last season I always was in the Orange Lot. Last year I picked Blue over green but found myself parking a car in the Blue Lot and paying to tailgate in the Orange Lot. I absolutely hate the layout. I sort of understand from a traffic point of view why they start the blue lot on one end and the Orange another but it makes it so choppy. Also as much as I enjoyed Beerman in the past. Tailgating right next to him for 2 games last year was a beating. I made friends with the Event staff and they became somewhat flexible on letting us "pick a Parking spot" etc in the orange lot Does anyone else hate the new layout. Especially non-sellout games it makes it look so sparse?
  14. Ok don't shoot me here There is one of these in Denton Tommorow @ noon Gateway Center
  15. Tramp As someone who's been around since 2000. That line above has been uttered to many times to count. Why is it taking this long. Between the conf title run of 00-04 and the excitement with Dodge. Its time for him to answer or give us some concrete plans
  16. Underrrated or there will be no mailer for solicitation, its the silent phase, just send in a check marked "stadium"
  17. Allegedly another in trophy club Friday 7/18 and I am looking into the Denton one
  18. There is one coming up in Denton per the Athletic Department Just like the last one it is not really being promoted So shall we pack it and civilly demand some answers for these kinds of questions? Probably the best forum for it since media coverage will be probably non-existent Like I posted before, the gist of it is this. They don't really know what they were doing with these events. part fundraiser part info session, 100% poorly executed.
  19. Here's where we can all agree on some ineptitude It got promoted to anyone, it looks like with an email or address on file with the AD's office which runs counterpoint to their intentions of stirring up new interest. It gets back to all of our wishes for better communication. instead this just looks like another cluster F
  20. I agree 100% that people like "us" should be at these things, helping in any capacity However the word I recieved was this wasn't being promoted to people who are season ticket holders etc Not saying thats the right plan, just what I heard
  21. See my previous post. These events are not meant for "us". Us being the season ticket holder and mean green club donor. Its to get people not involved with the program to donate etc.
  22. ahh my neighbor Jperg Mine aren't changing either. I suppose lets wait though or dust off the old thread if we know where it went
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