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Posts posted by MeanGreenHoops

  1. 3 hours ago, UNT 90 Grad said:

    I personally am buying twice as many tickets to this HoD as I did to the last one.  (I'm taking my son with me.)  However, of the usual suspect friends, family, and alums that typically join me for games at Apogee, I haven't been able to coerce any of them to go to this game.  I don't think it's totally on the value proposition.

    This game doesn't fall on a national holiday.  Most of us have a limited number of vacation days you can take and with this being toward the end of the year, vacation days may already be accounted for or used up.  Also, being so close to Christmas, many won't have returned from holiday travels yet.  

    For those expecting a crowd as large as we had against UNLV, I hope you are right; I fear you'll be disappointed, unfortunately. 

    Really solid post. The timing of this game related to holidays is really the only issue to concern yourselves with regarding how our attendance does.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 8 hours ago, TheTastyGreek said:

    His POINT was that "you gotta have a will" and that his team didn't show it. He blames it on "everyone gets a trophy". And he's an idiot, or full of shit. More on that after a brief digression to the greater cultural point. 

    Now, if you want to personally believe that participation ribbons and touchy-feely softness in athletics is a symbol of a weakened, soft generation... You can make an argument for it. I think you can make just as compelling an argument that Kids Today(tm) are on a high-achievement, intense treadmill of pressure to succeed. And the rigorous weeding out process in everything; athletic, academic, social, and otherwise, is more brutal now than ever. Because there are shitty, lazy, mostly worthless kids in every generation, and they'll usually (not always!) grow up to be shitty, lazy, mostly worthless adults. Just like there are high motivation, tenacious kids, sometimes with metaphorical whipmarks on their backs in every generation, and they usually (not always!) grow up to be highly successful, driven and self-motivated achievement-oriented adults. It was true in 1960, and it's true in 2016, and it was true in the 1700s, and it'll be true in another 200 years from now. Kids today that are soft and lazy don't get whipped in the face with a belt buckle. But high achievement kids a generation ago didn't have the same challenges and forge of competitive difficulty that this generation does. And I say that as a guy near 40 who grew up as part of that previous generation. 

    Anyway, even if you think Kids Today(tm) are wrecked and ruined, hearing this guy make this argument in explaining a loss is horseshit. Because EVEN IF he's right, and every kid in this generation is subject to have-a-hug, trophy-for-everyone wussification... EVERY PLAYER IN THE GENERATION WENT THROUGH IT. You're coaching kids that had that same cultural softening as your opponents. He's in his tenth season at Louisville, and every player on that roster is his, two or three times over and again. He's had some of these women in his program for over a quarter of their entire lives. So, if they're soft and entitled... Why did the opposing coach fix the problem and Walz couldn't?

    Now, frankly... I think any kid talented and motivated to wind up playing basketball at Louisville never bothered to keep a Participation trophy, assuming they ever got one. Because you go down that roster, and they're all winners, Frankly, they're bigger winners, more talented, and relatively greater achievers than their whiner coach ever was when he bounced a ball. Walz is coaching at LOUISVILLE. 9 out of his 10 years, he's been recruiting to a Big East or ACC school in the heart of basketball country. How many schools are a clear level above Louisville in women's basketball? I can think of four: UConn, Baylor, Stanford, and Notre Dame. Once upon a time, you could throw Tennessee in there, but I don't think that's true anymore. Otherwise, he's right there with anyone else, and he can have his pick of the talent outside of maybe 5 or 10 girls in any given year. He's not picking through the snowflake pile, even if you're of that mentality about Kids Today(tm). He's picking through All-Americans, kids who've excelled in AAU against rival top talent for most of their lives, 

    So, if his incoming kids are soft, delicate snowflakes... Who is at fault that he got stuck with them? Pick through your share of the cream of the crop better. Or, if they didn't toughen up in 4 or 5 years under him... Who is at fault for that? Use your years with them to toughen them up. 

    And who, exactly, on his roster is he accusing of being victim to Participation Trophy Culture? Is it Cortnee Walton? The girl who finished her degree a year and a half ago, that went 30-0 in high school, won a state championship and a national championship in high school, lettered in two different sports beyond basketball, is on track to finish with a grad degree from Louisville, and also won an award for volunteering and civic involvement that only got awarded to five kids in the whole country? All while not missing a single game last season? Is she a delicate snowflake? Because she seems pretty kick ass, and based on all she did before even getting to Louisville... It doesn't seem like she learned it from Jeff Walz. 

    Again, even if Walz is right, and everyone in this generation of college kids is a soft, delicate snowflake... The other team is made up of snowflakes, too. And if the other coach is better at packing a snowball than Walz is, then the blame isn't on the snowflakes. 

    The hell with Jeff Walz. Again, if you take his OWN POINTS and apply them to his history, he's a loser. Not my word, not my rationale... His. 

    "Everybody thinks they should get a job. Everybody thinks they should get a GOOD job! And that's not the way it works!"

    Well, how did Jeff get his job? How did this guy, who only played one actual year on the court at Northern Kentucky, get his job? Did the AD at Louisville say: "Hey! I need a guy who averaged 3 minutes a game for a Division 2 school back in 1991 to come in and teach these girls how to be winners!" Did sheer awesomeness, tenacity, and a culture of ruthless meritocracy reward this spare part on a losing team for a shitty program in the Great Lakes Valley Conference 25 years ago with a head coaching job at an ACC school?

    No. I actually gave him too much credit earlier when I said he had one winning college season. Jeff finished up his bench career at a D2 school without ever playing for a winning team (LOSER!). Then, he went home to be an assistant coach for a 7th grade boys team. Lucky for Jeff, his little sister was Kentucky's Miss Basketball back in 1996. He steps up to be an assistant for her high school team, and when she verbals to WKU, ol' Jeff gets to tag along as an assistant there. If his sister were two years older, Jeff likely spends the rest of his career gathering up dodgeballs as just another middle school redass coach in too-tight short shorts. 

    But, he didn't. Jeff rode the coattails of his supremely talented player (as so many high school coaches do) and little sister to a college assistant job. And when the head coach that hired him moved to Nebraska the next year, Jeff tagged along. And as soon as the guy who gave him his college break started struggling at Nebraska, he hopped on another woman's coattails, and rode her success to Minnesota, then to Maryland, and then after a decade he got his own head coaching job. 

    He's been at Louisville for ten years now. He has a team full of exceptionally talented, highly acclaimed overachievers, just like the little sister who got him through the door in the first place. And he's won almost 3 out of every 4 games he's coached. But whether you're talking Big East, AAC, or ACC...He's never won his conference, he's never won his conference tournament, and he's never even won his division. If he has any coaching trophies, they're the equivalent of the '5th place loser trophy' he's talking about in his rant. And it isn't society's fault.

    So, in conclusion... Jeff Walz can take his wagging finger and wave it in the mirror. His roster of superstars got beat, and he says it's because his team didn't have the will to win. And he says it's society's fault, not his. Even though almost every girl on his team had that will to win before they got to his team. Even though every player on Jeff's roster is a better example of achievement, talent, fortitude, success, and not-loserdom than Jeff was at their age. 

    Jeff Walz blaming society for his team's assumed weak will is as absurd as the old regime here saying that games sell themselves. It's a horseshit rationalization from people who ought to know better. Either he's an idiot because he doesn't realize it, or he's an asshole because he's trying to avoid the blame himself.

    If you think society is ruining this generation, the proof of it isn't playing ACC basketball at Louisville. All of those girls have spent their lifetime feasting on Participation Trophy kids and leaving tire tracks on their backs. And if you think Jeff Walz is right when he says that people are too often rewarded with something because of fortune, luck, circumstance, or just soft-hearted surrender to feelings... His entire career is a shining example of it. 

    This and the Jimmy Johns collection box post are my two favorites post I've read here.

    • Upvote 6
  3. I said to some of my friends 4 games in, well we know this staff can coach, i sure hope the can recruit, because if they can then we really have something. So far this recruiting doesn't look any different than any other than last 10 years around here. Hopefully, this they know something we don't.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Having just watched the video, I wouldn't expect us under center this year. While he did say they've talked about it, he also said but then we'd have to allocate time to practicing it and the problem that some of the QB's have never taken snaps from center before. He worries about fumbles in that situation. He also said we need to execute better or maybe call better plays.


  5. On 10/3/2016 at 0:29 PM, Graham said:

    I would also highly recommend looking at AirBnB. NY hotels are crazy expensive, and most of the reasonable options are shitholes.

    There are tens of thousands of great apartments on AirBnB to choose from, usually $100 less/night than a sub par hotel. And don't forget Brooklyn. Neighborhoods like Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Fort Greene, Cobble Hill, Dumbo, etc are beautiful and no more than one or two subway stops from Manhattan. 

    I keep a good Google Doc of stuff to do/see/drink/stuff your face with too. Feel free to have a look here.

    Post-trip thank for the Google Doc. Went to Russ & Daughters and it was great, of course now it means I have to find a decent Bagel place in Dallas because I realize what a real NY bagel tastes like.

    Also, checked out the High Line, very cool.

    One to add to your list is Eataly on 23rd. Italian Food Disneyland.

  6. 17 hours ago, westdorm528 said:

     Thanks for the nice comments....the parade is about an hour maybe a little under....not sure where the NT tailgate is...is it on the softball fields across from the Thayer...that is where so many put up their tents and tailgate...its across from the bowling alley with the post office on the right...my friends tailgate in some of the parking lots above the stadium......pretty sure visiting teams tailgate on the softball fields....are groups meeting...i would like to stop by and say hello...they do have buses that run 24-7 at the end of the field up to the stadium....they also have small handicap buses that run  up the hill in front of the Post office....up to the stadium....the walk up is not too bad but you are are walking uphill...when the game is over just walk down... don't wait for buses..walking down feels good....MeanGreen Hoops they do have yellow school handicap buses..but they leave from the Post Office....how are you getting to the softball field? once at the softball field then its easy....one of my best friends a retired NYC detective drove the bus for years but his bus company lost the contract this year.. I'll ask him tomorrow for more information...but let me know where the NT tailgate sets up.....the visiting teams fan sits in zone 2,3 or 4 I think..its in the end zone...my buddy is the PA announcer and is sending me a ticket....you would think he would give me a 50 line yd seat....but because I talk so much "smack" about North Texas he's putting me in zone 2,3 or 4....I'd rather be with my Mean Green people then the 50 yd line....hmm.. maybe not...lol.. we better beat the Black Nights..

    Thanks for the info. They are having the tailgate at Buffalo Soldier Field which when I looked up on Google Maps shows it's a 1.1 mile walk from the plain. Do those buses run down to Buffalo Soldier Field from where the parade is? Thanks again for the info.

  7. 14 hours ago, westdorm528 said:

     We had our 1st frost last night here in the Hudson Valley.... leaves are looking pretty good....about 1/3 of the trees have turned its color...its possible in two weeks we could be at 100%.....if you never saw the fall around here you are in for a big surprise....it is beyond stunning....Michie is surrounded by trees,hills and a lake...before the game you can see the reflection of the trees off the lake....there isn't a football stadium in the country that is more beautiful in the fall......you want to make sure your inside the stadium when the corp arrive...its awesome to watch them march in..they don't march in but run in..with their battalion flags....if you are outside when the corp come in you have to wait..so get your seat early.....with the band playing,American flag waving as the captain of the team runs on to the field to get goose bumps and have to cheer for Army....but for the 1st time in many years once the kickoff starts its " Go Mean Green"...

    Also the Army skydivers from 10,000 feet above us all land on the 50 yd line and deliver the game ball....these guys hit the 50 every game...the joke around the Point is Army's record the past few years has been 2-10 last yr,4-8,3-9,2-10 and 3-9....if the Black Night skydivers can hit the 50 yd line 10,000 feet why can't Army complete a freak'in pass in the past 6 years...

    Will update you guys going to the game....don't forget...dress warm...heavy sweatshirt and a beanie cap for the ears....don't need gloves yet until November......

     The parade starts at 9.00am....get there at 8.30 so you can sit in the stands...parade is outstanding...its a 12.00 game so that is good..don't have to wait outside that long...from the parade to kill some time go over to the Thayer Hotel at the entrance...its awesome to walk around.....


    Thanks for the info. How long is the review on the plain? We are definitely taking that in.

    Also, is there a way to catch a bus or golf cart over to where the UNT tailgate is. I've got an older person with me who can't walk to it. Trying to decide if we should go to the UNT tailgate or not. Will not if we can't catch something since it looks like about a 1 mile walk from the plain.

  8. On 10/9/2016 at 11:28 AM, BillySee58 said:

    I really felt like the downfall of the Mccarney was not only due to bad recruiting, but due to bad recruiting when we had momentum and things going for us as a program.

    Mccarney failed miserably with a 2012 class filled with players with weak offer lists, coming off a very impressive 5-7 season where he nearly matched Dodge's win total after just one season. Then in 2013 we struggled despite the announcement that we would be moving to CUSA.

    Finally, between our HOD bowl game and nine months later when we played our first game, recruiting really was unimpressive despite finally being able to show off a bowl victory and impressive season to recruits. That was the beginning of the end before the 2014 season even started.

    We have a lot going for us. It's time for us to start getting big time recruits who 5 or more other FBS programs want. Or get players here and there with lower-tier P5 offers like Iowa State, Kansas, Purdue. We're close and it's awesome.

    When you say we're close, do you meant that we're close to getting some of those recruits?

    I kept thinking Saturday, man I hope this staff can recruit, because they can clearly coach. And having both would be the the beginning of something truly exciting.

  9. 18 hours ago, Cr1028 said:

    You guys may think I'm crazy but I firmly believe our students/recent alumni getting into the Marshall players' heads was huge contributor to the victory. Our folks were jawing at them until they jawed back and I think they couldn't focus on the game because they were so focused on the stands. Two Marshall players almost fought each other. We had grad assistants or inured players (not sure) making obscene gestures, we had players tellin the fans to come find them after the semester. I loved it. Huge home field advantage. I know, some will say to stay classy and not engage the players, I say if it helps us win a game like we did this Saturday, I'm all for it.

    Noticed their bench getting involved with our student side. My lady said it best after the game, I'm glad we beat that team because they were real mouthy.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Green Mean said:

    I find it weird that some alums would go to the HoD game and won't ever come to Denton.  If that is the case then maybe they're the issue.  Denton isn't not more than 30-45 mins away for most of the metroplex so building a pipeline in Dallas doesn't make any sense to me because Denton is part of DFW as a whole..  If people want to come to Denton then they will...if they don't then they simply won't.  

    I just think the school and athletics program haven't ever really given our alums to care enough to come to Denton and be connected.  We have to fill up Apogee every game first and we only achieve that by winning and winning big including consistently flirting top 25 ranking.  We have Apogee and built it for a reason.

    You might find it weird but it exists. I met two different groups at the HOD who said that exact thing. One lived south of Dallas and thought it was too far with traffic. The other lived in Georgetown so the additional 45-60 minutes was too much for them.

    I also know people who live in Frisco that think it's too far to go to Dallas.

    But I'm with those who say if we still get 6 home games, then yes.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 27 minutes ago, greenminer said:

    EDIT: I'm talking about the 10/6 episode.  Not Rice.  Sorry

    I'm with Charter Spectrum and the first 1:26 of the episode just wiggs out on my DVR.  Basically, it studders a little - won't rewind or FF - and suddenly cuts to Mr. Fine mid sentence.

    I was thinking it was my DVR, and not necessarily the provider.

    Happened to me on Fios.

  12. 13 minutes ago, GMG24 said:

    Let this sink in, we have 13 LB's listed on our roster.  We have 16 OL listed.  

    Bernie Santos 0 offers, walk-on 

    Jerod Fritsch 0 offers, walk-on from NCTC (played at Northwestern State) http://www.nsudemons.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=3289

    Elex Woodworth 1 offer from FCS Northwestern State

    Creighton Barr 5 offers, Nevada, Arkansas State, Eastern Michigan, Air Force, UNT 

    Chris Miles 11 offers per rivals 

    Chandler Anthony 4 offers, Illinois State (FCS), Memphis, UNT, Wyoming

    R.D. Wegmann Defensive Tackle convert to OL, 1 offer UNT 

    Jalen Thomas transfer from ASA 5 offers Marshall, Old Dominion, South Alabama, Georgia State, and UNT

    Trey Keenan 16 offers Transfer from Tech was recruited by Cumbie 

    TJ Henson Trinity Valley transfer 5 offers from CC, UNT, ECU, Nevada, Georgia State, and UTSA ( I think ) 

    Chett Munden 2 offers UNT, ULM, (rivals shows 3 more offers but doesn't list the school) 

    Jordan Murray 2 offers San Diego State, UNT, I think I remember he had an SMU offer as well and chose use late.  

    Sam Rice SMU transfer, 8 offers, UNT, SMU, Duke, Marshall, Memphis, New Mexico, Utah State, UTEP 

    Doro Omerhi Walk on (can't find any offers even from FCS) 

    Garrett Gunter Trinity Valley Transfer can't find any info in a quick search 

    Wylie Reinhardt TE converted to OL, 2 offers Texas State, and UNT 


    No offense to any of these players but, if you look at the overall list it is VERY underwhelming in regards to offers.  Those are one of the strongest indicators if a G5 kid will pan out.  Obviously there are the anomalies which Fine is looking like he will be one.  However, more times than not it is correct. 



    I'm surprised Jalen Thomas hasn't played. Also, on the Seth Litrell show he mentioned Chandler Anthony would have been a player but he is injured (not sure if he said his name, I think he said young recruit from OK).

    • Upvote 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, Censored by Laurie said:

    even recognizing that the lot of this crowd isn't terribly arty...I'd still highly recommend the Dia:Beacon and Storm King Art Center...the prior is a massive modern art collection housed in an old ship-building warehouse...the latter is a beautiful outdoor sculpture garden. 

    Thanks for those tips!

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