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Posts posted by meangreenlax

  1. 20 hours ago, UNTLifer said:

    No, but he has accomplished a lot while in office while pissing off both parties.  He has kept his campaign promises, like them or not, and has, in my opinion, been a successful president so far.

    Like what?

    By my account all he’s done is fix crises of his own doing. Government shutdown? His fault. Trade wars? His fault. Creating the most unstable presidential administration staffed with nothing but two-bit grifters? His fault. Increased tensions with Iran? His fault. Obvious obstruction of justice during the Muller investigation? His fault.

    He’s a sweaty bumbling rube who throws enough culture war red meat to his chud followers to make them gloss over the fact that he’s a two-bit grifter. As long as the libs are #owned, 40 percent of the country will love him.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Ken14 said:

    smu or utsa…. ive heard all the trash talk in San Antonio... and the preppies in Highland Park. We are head and shoulders above those chumps...We are a great University....GMG

    UNT surpasses both of those schools easily. Pony fans are stuck in the 80s thinking that they’re relevant. UTSA... well, they’re a junior college. I’ll be afraid of them when I’m afraid of UT Arlington

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  3. 11 hours ago, Aquila_Viridis said:

    Well if he can make it a year or two without any of their poor girls having trouble, Liberty will be prepared to offer him $5 million per year.

    Liberty will most definitely be the school that brings him back into FBS. There’s some commentary to be made there but this is the football board so ill move on.

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  4. 44 minutes ago, UNTLifer said:

    Hope you never screw up or get treated as a scapegoat, covering all bases here, and want a second chance. 

    He was the head coach of that team. He was ultimately responsible for his player's actions on and off the field. If he was ignorant to the institutional failures that led to the misconduct, he was either dumb, or willfully negligent. Let's not treat these guys with kid gloves.

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  5. Social democracy does not equal a socialist dictatorship.

    The American "far-left" is basically center-left compared to the rest of the world. But when juxtaposed against the American right wing, fueled by 30+ years of Reaganite austerity that seems intent on ripping apart the New Deal and taking us back to the 1920s, universal healthcare/education, anti-monopoly, pro-union policy seems crazy. FDR must be a commie, right?

    Image result for fdr second bill of rights

    Yet those policies are extremely popular. So popular, in fact, that Donald Trump used them on the stump to get elected.

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  6. As long as UNT stays near the top of the CUSA, this will be a great opportunity for exposure. While NFL Network is a secondary network, its one of the premier networks for football.

    My only gripe is that 10 games is nothing... The battered UNT fan in me says we maybe get one of those slots, and of course it’ll be the one time we get clobbered on. UAB will get a bunch because they’re still able to milk their sob story.

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  7. On 5/16/2019 at 1:20 PM, KRAM1 said:

    Don’t like loan debt? Don’t take out loans. And it is silly to think one cannot get a college degree without big student loan debt. Parents and kids just don’t want to make decisions early, go to the community colleges first for two years, live at home and work while going to that Community College. etc., etc. There are ways...such as using loans ONLY for tuition and books and fees...not cell phone bills, Taco Bell, tattoos, dating, rent, etc. Those things prior planning and part-time work goes a long way in handling. There are tough decisions to be made...decisions that should be made EARLY...most today don’t. They would rather claim the only way they can go to college is by racking up thousands and thousands in loan debt. Absolutely wrong!

    And, let’s not forget doing the job in HS so you might qualify for some scholarship money.

    And, let’s not forget the GI bill. Enlisting in a branch of the military and get a bunch of your college costs covered after you complete your enlistment. 

    And, find a company to work for they helps you pay your loans back. Just read about such perks in the paper this week. Companies are having challenges hiring in today’s hot labor and economic market and they are offering such perks...and some...hiring GS and CC grads are helping pay costs to complete a 2-yr or 4-yr degree.

    I could go on.

    Not, saying it is easy...not saying some of the above is not in the cards for some folks, just saying that “going the loan route” has consequences. Consequences one accepts when they borrow the money. 

    Tough love, I guess. Lots of folks seem to need it these days.

    OK, I’ll look forward to all the “it’s not fair” and “old man you don’t know what you are talking about” replies in 10...9...8...7.....

    Damn, I shouldn’t have bought $40k worth of tattoos and Taco Bell beefy 5 layer burritos... But really, you seem to talk a lot of shit about the very students that are paying the fees that subsidize the sports programs you like to watch. I don’t see you complaining about that.

    Typical boomer bullshit talking points. There’s so much to unpack here but the bottom line is that the costs of college have outpaced housing, consumer goods, healthcare, and wage growth. States have cut funding, shifting the costs to students. Schools are increasing overhead by investing in administration and luxury capital projects (see Apogee Stadium, et al). The entire system is broken, and no amount of cutting back on Taco Bell and Netflix is going to fix it. 



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  8. On 4/29/2019 at 12:52 PM, El Paso Eagle said:

    Good fit for EJ?   From ESPN http://www.espn.com/nfl/draft2019/story/_/id/26620619/2019-nfl-draft-biggest-post-draft-questions-all-32-teams

    What are the Ravens going to do at inside linebacker? After losing C.J. Mosley in free agency, Baltimore didn't add a replacement for its leading tackler with any of its eight draft picks. The Ravens didn't find much value with this inside linebacker class, which was thinner than other positions. Team officials appear comfortable going with Patrick Onwuasor, who finished strong, and Kenny Young, a fourth-round pick from a year ago, in the middle of their retooled defense. The Ravens have a history of finding quality undrafted inside linebackers and also could sign a veteran who's still available. -- Jamison Hensley

    I guess I'm the token Ravens fan around here. The article is right, the Ravens are uncharacteristically thin at LB this year. Historically the team has done well in picking up UDFA LBs. If EJ lands in Baltimore and balls out, he will play a lot and contribute. 

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  9. Not having guys drafted really isn’t a surprise to me with the amount of talent that is available at the P5 level. Let alone the other non-power conferences. How many CUSA players got drafted this year? 

    It’s going to be an uphill battle. My hot take is that Mason Fine will be a late round pick but who knows.

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