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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Good thing I said the field goal would be the worst case scenario as our offense still had two more attempts from a couple yards out to score and seal the game leaving Memphis l let zero time on the clock….
  2. That’s not how this works…. At all…. Outside of a few nut cases…. That’s not how sports and teams work.
  3. Yes so they are at fault as well but Rodgers could have run when it first broke down. That was a last ditch effort that resulted in a TD.
  4. That’s not true. We were only what 7 yards out and 3 to score. We run and they stop us they either burn a time out or lose more clock. Both benefit UNT. I don’t play to tie but I much rather have my worst case scenario I go to overtime than lose and the defense has been awful. I wouldn’t trust them with anything over 20 seconds left on the clock
  5. Absolutely not because the tie was the worst case scenario. 3 downs to score. 2 if you run it up the middle and keep the click moving. We let the clock burn and still score we win. It was a poor decision.
  6. Absolutely not…. Rodgers should have known better and kept the ball and burned that clock. The worst that should have happened is overtime. Not losing the game in the 4th quarter. That’s the most piss poor play I have seen all year is throwing the TD there…. football is chess and these guys should know better!
  7. It’s a defensive issue… I wasn’t aware every coach on this staff was in charge of that…
  8. Yep…. Why Rodgers chose to score there with what the click is at is a bit mind blowing but coaches should have understood where they were. 5/7 yards left with a minute on the clock you burn that down.
  9. Yep now that’s the coaches… why would we score that close to the end zone that fast…. We could have burned clock and win or worst case scenario taken it to overtime. Run the ball up the middle and never score on they first play. That’s just a young coach mistake there.
  10. I still worry we left them too much time. I would have burned more clock that close to my end zone…
  11. Problem is all season we have been brining too man guys….. it needs to change. We rush/ have to many guys going in.
  12. Somewhat true yes, but it has gotten better. I would happily lose to Memphis by 24 at home than teams like Cal Poly on the road by 20 🤣 Yes we have invested more and that’s why we are playing better teams at home in a nicer stadium and contending for 6-6 records. People want to go backwards? The only backwards I want to do is have the fields for tailgating back and that’s it….
  13. Yea because losing to McNeese state and eastern Louisiana was just the peak of football…. Oh or getting blown out by Sam Houston. Or simply not being able to compete the likes of cal poly and UC Irvine. Yes losing to a top 25 school by a touchdown and navy by 3 and getting to play teams like Cal and then Memphis at home…. That’s just so awful…..
  14. I’m convinced few to none sat around through the early 90s teams…. Emmitt and Rudy I think we’re at the games maybe around 98 if I recall at the tailgates. Almost nobody really knows how bad we use to be…. This isn’t close to being bad….
  15. Once again we rush to many guys and nobody is there once the back breaks free…. stop putting so much pressure it ain’t working…. It’s been weeks….
  16. We stack to many guys on the line every play! Nobody plays back…. Nobody tracks the run…. We just stack guys on the line and they run all over us or they hit a short pass…. All season….
  17. Coach looks like he has a sun burn on tv. They been out there practicing a lot. Putting in work.
  18. The part of our game that needs to improve is line on both sides of the ball. I-line can’t block for the run and struggles to protect the passer. D-line can’t get pressure andit doesn’t matter if we line up 3,4,5 guys on the line nothing changes the pressure we get.
  19. We need to pass 90% of the time. Our run game is awful! Why would we even bother running that there….
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