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Posts posted by PlummMeanGreen

  1. rolleyes.gif

    If anything, it might hurt Knight's recruiting.  Unlike in-house productions, Tech will have no control over this or over censoring Bobby's on/off the court metdowns.  Plummer, you have a jealousy thing going on when it comes to other programs, just letit go - we are at an unfair advantage and always will be.  Just support the teams and enjoy the games.

    Stebo, at age 54 going on 55 being jealous of much anything is hardly a part of my personna, make-up or disposition. Never was much the jealous type anyway and anyone who has known me much of my first 54 years would probably concur.

    Being opinionated seems to bother some about me more than anything. Guess they will have to continue being bothered.sad.gif Hey, I've been around 54 years and have about 54 years worth of opinions on a variety of subjects--32 years worth of opinions about NT Athletics, specifically football---sorry. huh.gif

    Even now, I'd rather be talking about Bobby Knight and the subject of this thread than responding to you, stebo, about myself and of your humble opinion thinking I am jealous of some person, some school or something. rolleyes.gif Texas Tech is a fine school whose athletic teams during most of my lifetime whether they were in the SWC or the Big 12 usually have finished in the middle-of-the-pack. Who would be jealous of that? blink.gif

    I think Texas Tech's Bobby Knight is a foul-mouthed sumbich' yankee jerk that doesn't need to be pampered with any kind of special publicity, especially of a national television variety. Have you ever heard this jerk, stebo, on his afternoon KTCK radio show during basketball season?

    So....in my heart of hearts, I am mostly humored how my opinions concerning Bobby Knight, Texas Tech or the subject at hand could even be considered tantamount of me being jealous? There may be more suitable adjectives for it, but jealousy is not one of them.

    PS: OK, confession time (they say its good for the soul and all that); anyway, I am jealous that you Young Gun Alums (of which seems like yesterday I was one myself) will be around longer to enjoy a state-of-the-art football stadium at Eagle Point Campus than my group of the B'Boomer generation-so you did catch me in a weak moment after all because of "THAT" ! laugh.gif (But I will get over it and find some solace that at least that facility will one day stand out on that rolling Texas prairieland). rolleyes.gif


  2. Well lets just see how those top-ranked "D's" in the SBC handle an offensive line that may be one of our best to date; and an offensive line with 2 pretty fair RB's AND for you just visiting or lurking, an offensive line that has a Lombardy Trophy nominee leading the way who you will most assuredly see playing on Sundays in the 2006 NFL season. cool.gif

    Did the ranking-meisters of our linebackers use the UT game of last Fall as their barometer or something?!?!? sad.gif

  3. No question we have a ways to go, I opened the Houston Chronicle yesterday (sunday) and they are doing a piece featuring a different college football program to preview/analyze each day. This list includes the big 12 south, UH, Rice and heavy-hitters SFA, SHSU, Texas State, as well as Prarie View A&M, but not a mention of NT. I believe it also included TCU and SMU, but I cant remember now.  I do know I was SHOCKED to see all the schools listed they would be covering and not a mention of NT.

    Even more the reason to add a Houston area radio station to the Mean Green Radio Network (MGRN). We know this board has an endless wish list, but a radio presence in the Bayou City may be one that belongs in the NT Department of Athletic's Top 5 list of priorities? Would a larger Mean Green Club with record numberso of dues-paying members help this become reality?

    Houston NT Exes, any ideas on this?


  4. Thanks for that article to remind us about what our priorities still must be, NT80. smile.gif I think a few of our elect had forgotten why we need to do these things.

    I don't think anyone on this message board is in on any of the fundraising process at NT for the new football stadium, the new baseball stadium, the Wellness Center, a new College of Business facility and future dorms. They are just not going to make us privvy' to high level negotiations in NT fundraising efforts. Can you blame them for that? Much of this has to be done with discretion and privacy, usually a request from the potential donors and for certain one that is honored by NT officials

    The owner of the Denton Outlaws says he will not build a piece of junk out at Eagle Point (NT Regents wouldn't let him anyway) and I believe him. I believe he will wait however long he needs to wait to start building this baseball facility and that until he gets all the necessary funds he needs.

    They have a place for now and good ol Mack Park can be improved to some extent as a temporary home I'm sure if his team needs it for next season. I don't think NT or the Outlaw owner would have put their personal repuatations on the line by boasting about a new baseball stadium back when they did if they didn't think it would eventually happen.

    Heard from 2 reliable sources recently that a high ranking NT official believes we will be in a new football stadium in 4 years--not 5 years--not 50 years ( if you listen to our small gang in Negative Ned Corner). Amazing how "The Corner" really didn't have time to get negative at all about "what wouldn't happen at Eagle Point Campus" because............its already happened or it is happening at Eagle Point Campus. rolleyes.gif

    BTW, does any semblance of negativity about NT create a desire within you to want to give extra (or even a penny) to your alma mater? unsure.gif

  5. I didn't realize Tommy Nelson was a North Texas alumni.  I've never had the opportunity to visit but have heard great things about Denton Bible.  Maybe Denton Bible could sponsor a night with the Mean Green.  Just a guess, but with the attendance that Denton Bible has, I would expect to see 5,000 to 10,000 there for the game.

    Tom Nelson played football at North Texas as I recall and his wife's family were good friends with my ex's (Cindy for you who knew her)) family out in the Marshall/Longview area. In fact, we got a very nice and thoughtful wedding gift from Tommy's in-laws as I recall.

    I remember when Denton Bible started out at the old Cumberland Presbyterian Church off Welch Street. Seems they have grown quite impressively since they left that spot.



  6. Finally...someone agrees with me about the "new" green. The hunter is much more attractive. I personally do not buy the argument that our dark hunter green did not look well on television. TCU purple looks positively blue on my TV, but you do not see them changing the shade. Further...no one asked the student body, the faculty, or the alumni if the color should change.

    Ibleedgreen, the reason TCU's purple looks blue on TV is because it is a shade of blue. The Horned Frogs seemed to have abandoned the real purple a few years ago, although you will see it from time to time; just like TV viewers will see a variety of shades of Mean "Green" this Fall. rolleyes.gif

    Like I said before (or something similar), if we put 30,500 fans in Fouts Field each home game this Fall our fans can wear pink with purple polka dots and it won't matter to this NT grad from the 1970's.

  7. Not that is a nice looking cap. What I like about LID's version of our new eagle logo is that it is not too sleek and skinny-looking. It has the compact look and I think that looks great. NT Branding Committee, are you seeing what I am feeling here. ohmy.gif

    Someone? What is the difference between forest and kelly green? Seems the LID's cap (which they call forest green) is more of what I always thought kelly green looked like. I think any green between kelly and what LIDS calls forest green will look fine for the TV cameras. I don't see that we will all match this Fall anyway.

  8. We could certainly use a bowl game in our own market. The local media has to follow your success, and you have the fan presence to get home field advantage. Who thought of the Hurricanes as a national power before Miami upset the Cornhuskers in the 1982 Orange Bowl? Suddenly, some relatively unknown small private school which wasn't a member of any of the 'power' conferences was elevated to superpower status. They delivered a knockout punch in front of the right people. [ yes, I know that may be an extreme example, but it was to make the point clear]

    Yes, North Texas has been playing in a nice bowl in a fantastic destination, but to the local media and to the local sports fans, North Texas has still been toiling in relative obscurity.

    The North Texas students are from the Metroplex, the North Texas alumni live in the Metroplex, the North Texas ticket buying customers are in the Metroplex, the North Texas media is based in the Metroplex, and the North Texas recruiting base is in the Metroplex. Where would it be best to play a bowl game? You guessed it, in the Metroplex.

    *Please note that I am not excluding playing in other locals, but a bowl game in D/FW would do wonders for North Texas' perception.

    Once again, ADLER, you are preaching to the choir here.

    As everyone and their dogs, goats and sheep know by now, I don't fly so NO's has been an impossibility for me & especially for a week day game, but I'm sure I'd be able to rev' up the old Studebaker and make the 20 minute drive from Parker County to Amon Carter Stadium if that ever occurred for the Mean Green BUT THE POINT I WANT TO MAKE HERE IS....

    ......many of you have been nice enough to recreate your NO's Bowl experience to me (even get me a Big Easy/NO's Bowl t-shirt, Huff & Mrs Huff most every year) to make it feel that I was there (as much as that is possble), but we also know we have our New Orleans Bowl/NT alums who many of you have told me you never see at Fouts Field for regular season games. So........it would be good to get that group of fans back to the Metroplex and hopefully back on campus so they can see whats going on in Mean Green Country. When that happens, maybe we have some more NT fans coming home to Fouts Field. Who knows maybe one of them will see that empty spot north of the new AC and have a few ideas or 2 that would fill in that space thats 'bout the size of a football field. rolleyes.gif

  9. I feel like one who has missed church for 3 months in a row and the deacons and church-lady types are getting all over me! rolleyes.gif

    If I look back at my "chamber of commerce'ish" post about the virtues of FW, I don't recall saying I was expert on anything on this board except I think I do a farily good job of not going after posters as an attempt to belittle them or suggest that one alums way may be right and the other alums is not, any posters possible problems with using airlines as a mode of transportation or even a posters opinions in general. Yet I have noticed a handful on this board have mastered some or all the aforementioned quite well.


  10. With the lack of success of the Radison, I just don't see another hotel company jumping at the chance to build there.

    Competition might make the Denton Radisson work a little harder? rolleyes.gif

    But didn't they change management and finally get it all together at the Denton Radisson? It seems they would have to work overtime to fail in Denton with so many campus activities bringing outsiders to campus PLUS Texas Motor Speedway events of which we are told every hotel from FW to Ardmore are sold out several long weekends a year.

    UNTLifer, I do remember when they were having their troubles, but wasn't that in the distant past?

  11. I don't see how doing tv shows on top basketball programs gives the program an unfair advantage, even if they didn't have the TV show, top recruits would still be wanting to go play for Bobby Knight in Lubbock. ESPN did a The Season on Gonzaga Basketball a few years back. Top recruits are going to know about these programs and want to go play for them whether or not they have a tv show. If you used that theory, then I guess Fox Sports Net should pull Big XII Showcase off the air since it gives Big XII teams a unfair advantage.

    So why give them the additional advantage if they all want to play for General Knight as it is?

    Have you ever heard this pr-ck on KTCK 1310 The Ticket? He's an A$$hole of the highest order and I think he and his good buddy Bill Parcels should go back to where they are from (and it sure as hell ain't TEXAS)! sad.gif

    Both Knight and Parcells seem to forget that if not for the media (who they obviously disdain), no one would give a damn about either OR know a damn thing about how blankety blank eccentric and self-serving they are.

    League coverage on TV is fine, but this is all about only one school. If TTech or any "one" school is offered such a TV perc, then all schools should have the same opportunity and that is the M.O. in how the NCAA used to operate in the past. Just my .02. blink.gif

  12. I have a really stupid question about constructing the stadium.  Florida State's stadium used to look like an erector set (it really was a dive) and they faced the same restriction against using state funds for athletic facilities.  When they renovated their stadium, the entire outside structure that wrapped around the erector set consisted of classrooms and administrative offices (ie; non-athletic uses).  Therefore, FSU used state money for the construction and only had to raise money for the internal athletic-oriented renovations.  Is something like that possible at UNT?  Has it been considered?

    I have heard that the last part of your post has been considered as a possibility at NORTH TEXAS.



    One of our "thinking outside the box" alums (untcampbell) very cleverly showed me a "curved to fit the north end zone" hotel facility in my office one morning awhile back; but such a hotel would take care of that north end zone while (perhaps) providing some funding for other parts of the stadium, especially if (sublimenal Wyndam, Marriot, Hilton, etc) received prime interstate real estate land for free in which to build such an end zone structure. rolleyes.gif

    BTW, I thought it was great idea when you diagrammed it for me back then and I think it is still a superb idea today, Scottie Campbell! Anyone think this idea is worth emailing Rick Villarreal?


  13. In the Memphis area, the UM football posters are everywhere. Posters should be going up in establishments all over the Metroplex, not just in Denton. I live in Collierville, which is 30 miles from UM, and there are a lot of UM posters out here. UM is drawing big crowds, well, at least by our standards.

    Back in the day, many of our group put NT football schedule posters (and pocket schedules) as far as Keller, Roanoke Krum, Ponder, Justin, Little Elm, Aubrey, Celina, Pilot Point and Lewisville (still NT's virtually untapped gold mine) and I believe some took a few to Gainsville. It was a concerted effort and well organized. If we just had alums from each of those cities volunteer to put the posters out now then we have all those areas covered again.

    I think NT needs to draw a circle around the area it really should focus most of its marketing and then blitz he hell out of that territory. We might be fighting our war on too many fronts thinking Dallas County would be a prime fan market to place large numbers of posters because I think we would run out of posters very quickly. rolleyes.gif

    We have 500,000 citizens in Denton County that gives us plenty to draw from if we just get aggressive more than anytime in our history to just go out to get these new fans/new faces.

    At a Metroplex college, those of us who have been around this market for a few decades might suggest that you need to market your college football program as if the fans have completely forgotten what the football team did the year(s) before record-wise. If you don't do this, then you will find some empty seats in your football stadium in the Fall. ph34r.gif

    I believe NT is building its future fan base with students who have witnessed Mean Green football teams that have gone to bowl games the last few years and have seen their team on TV many, many times. This is the group I believe we will get back to campus in record numbers once they graduate.


  14. If we can't get 1/3 of our alums(I believe there are 100,000) to donate 1000 to the university for athletics,we're in a sad shape...

    The question some of us might ask is do we have 1/3 of those registered with GoMeanGreen.com giving to the chief fundraising arm of NT Athletics, ie, the Mean Green Club?

    So then the journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step? Well, at NT the first step might mean folks like those of us on this message board (who may be NT's most enthusiastic) all becoming financial investors into NT Athletics because God Almighty Himself knows most of us have given NT Athletics enough free advice and ideas over the years.


    The new stadium is on the drawing board, folks, but lets all remind ourselves as to what wasn't on the drawing boards 4 years ago.

    (1) How about starting with the moving of most athletic operations to the new 200 acre Mean Green Athletic Village on land between those 2 interstates?

    (2) How about a state-of-the-industry and now completed Athletic Center?

    (3) How about an ultra-modern Victory Hall dormitory out at the MG Athletic Village complex?

    (4)) How about a Wimbleton-type tennis complex now under construction that will allow NORTH TEXAS to finally become a player in NCAA Division 1 tennis?

    (5) How about all the Liberty Christian School land and specifically all of its athletic venues most of which are now being modernized?


    I feel we will all be surprised with a new stadium sooner than later (and I realize others of you don't) but a big motivator now for the NT Administration, the NT Board of Regents and NT fundraisers is because NORTH TEXAS has too much perception-wise to lose (some call it losing face) if we don't attach a 35-40,000 seat stadium to our present south end zone facility. This Athletic Center which already has a veranda for approximately 1,000 MG Club donors facing northward is for allowing our largeest donors to watch a Mean Green football game at a brand spanking new football stadium. I don't think NT leaders had the veranda put on the Athletic Center's blueprints so NT donors could look out at the Denia Neighborhood duck pond. smile.gif

    So lets not panic about any of this until we see warheads coming straight at us, fellow NT'ers. blink.gif I don't think an NT Board of Regents that is chaired by NT grad Bobby Ray (who will probably be asked by the Governor of Texas to serve in that position again) are going to allow anyone they hire in the NT administration to start pressing buttons that would arm and then aim any of those warheads at NT's Department of Athletics, either. cool.gif


    <>*<> Harry/Cerebus, I think it would be great if you guys would share with the Mean Green Nation just how many bytes GoMeanGreen.com receives periodically. It would open a few eyes on campus and beyond and that's a guarantee. cool.gif


  15. In all honestly, why is it believed on some that Lee Jackson would siphon money that would go to a football stadium to UNT-Dallas. Funding from UNT-Dallas will come through UNT-Dallas student referendums and through tuition bonds through the state. Granted they will need to build up a scholarship and endowment fund, but I don't think people are going to be directed from stadium funding to scholarship and endowment funds.

    Also this time line does fit in to what I think will happen. I don't see giant multi-million dollar checks falling out of the sky anytime in the near future. An individual or corporation is only going to donate a huge chunk of money if they feel it's a good investment. And right now they see a 4 time conference championship team that can't fill a little more than half their stadium. I'm not impossing my opinion on this, I'm just saying what someone on the outside sees.

    Hey, we are just all expessing our .02 here as we always do.

    BUT.....such thinking may even suggest that NT should have never built the Super Pit and just stayed in the Men's Gym with its varsity basketball program and we didn't fill that ancient venue each basketball game.

    The Men's Gym is still (amazingly) standing, so why didn't we just do the typical NTSTC thing and merely stay in it for a few more decades and watch the NCAA Division 1 parade pass us by completely? We don't build this new stadium in due time, not only will NCAA D1-A pass us by but about 3 or 4 schools in the Sun Belt will do the same because of their "whole package" of football related venues with their stadiums as the icing on the cake.

    So many of our NT alums (not saying you are one of them, NTEagle08) are like the Stepford Wives and are just tunnel-visioned or catatonic tranced to think this way when we want to progress certain areas of our school, specifically athletics. For many of us, that new football stadium will be more than just concret and steele out at Eagle Point Campus, but rather a very big symbol of what we're finally leaving behind in Denton, Texas, mostly an edifice that creates the wrong perception about our school. Those of us NT alums who have worked in DFW the last few decades could all collaberate on a book on the perception subject.

    I think the reason that there is a new football stadium in our plans is that many of our present NT leaders (start with Norval Pohl and Bobby Ray) somewhat feel the same toward Fouts as the Jitter Nolen group did toward the Men's Gym. It was just time to upgrade and attendance had absolutely nothing to do with any of that for either the construction of the Super Pit or our eventual new football stadium.. Lamar Hunt got his soccer team out of the cavernous Cotton Bowl stadium. Why didn't he stay there because it would have been cheaper and he was not filling that venue at Fair Park?

    Chancellor Lee Jackson of Dallas, Texas, was given the Chancellor's job with a charge of building the campus of UNT-Dallas toward the top of his priority list. Also, with ALL the resources of the UNT System (he offices in Denton BTW) at his disposal including the "A" list of prime donors. Many from that list that NT Athletics played a big part in keeping interested and involved in their alma mater, too.

  16. Also interesting points regarding athletics:

    -35,000 seat football stadium at 35 million dollars

    -timeline for stadium is 5 or more years away

    -indoor football practice facility not required, but a site need to be indentified for a future 40 to 50 yd bubble

    -Center court of the tennis complex when built will have capacity for 600

    -Track Stadium capacity at 800

    -no real time lines given for any of these facilities

    First of all, absolutely nothing has changed as far as the timeline for our new football stadium. Fouts Field will be just fine as we wait for a new stadium because it has even become a bit more fan friendly with all its new ammenities compared to how stark cold a venue it was before Rick Villarreal came to town.

    None of us are really privvy' as to which Heavy Hitter NT alums and/or NT friends our campus fundraisers are talking to and which one out of that handful is the most serious. NT fundrasiers would be insane to leak out such information as to who they are talking to with this being such a huge project and one so important to the future of our entire school.

    I'm afraid NORTH TEXAS officials have waited too long to build a 35,000 seat football stadium for $35 million. Lamar Hunt just finished a 21,000 seat soccer stadium over in Frisco for $80 million. I think Pizza Hut is providing a little over $1 million annually to this project for the next 20 or so years from what I have heard.

    Big Donor? We needed one from the first day we knew we would build a new stadium at Eagle Point Campus as well as we all know we need one now. We could be surprised (because how else would we describe our emotions) with an announcement tomorrow OR 5 years from tomorrow. We can all speculate (and we all do) but none of us have a clue as to who might really be on the front-burner as one whose large donation could move up the 5 year timetable for our new stadium at the new Mean Green Athletic Village. Personally, I have received much solace in seeing what we have standing on those 200 acres now and what is presently being built that will soon open. 2 years ago some of you said that would never happen and you know who you are. rolleyes.gif

    Guess all this ultimately depends on what kind of fundraisers we have employed at UNT who can mix well, play golf well and sell the virtures of UNT with potential Big Donors exceptionally well or if we are lucky enough--have a fundraiser on campus who actually knew a potential Big Donor or 2 before they were even hired at NT.

    This present group at UNT is letting a big opportunity slip by them (and some unnecessary years to wait in building our new stadium) by not hiring soon to be honored (again) by the Houston Touchdown Club one Mr. Hayden Fry to be an NT consultant just as we did ex Aggie Gene Stallings a few years ago. Hell, we hired an Aggie, anything wrong with hiring someone who actually worked for UNT and had about 4 of his kids graduate from UNT? blink.gif

    Why not hire someone (Fry) who knows the mega-wealthy Caruth family of Dallas, Texas, America or a Robert Moody of the Moody Foundation to come on board the NT payroll as a constultant so he could at least introduce these people to our present fundraising employees.

    Is there something we're missing here as to why this probably hasn't even been discussed on campus by even our Board of Regents? Hopefully, because the Fry (and Blakelly) idea came from a college message board is not one of those reasons. It is my hope that pride and ego will not prevent us from getting a new football stadium in Denton and that because of some really petty and small reasons. >>>>>>>>>> BTW, from a most reliable source, did you know GoMeanGreen.com had well over 10 million hits in one particular month not that long ago? ohmy.gif

    BACK TO FRY: For over 10 years the former SMU Ad and head football coach at SMU (later 6 yrs at UNT) who knows many DFW Big Hitters not even tied to SMU but who gave to SMU in the past. Maybe they are not giving to SMU post Death Penalty as that hacked off many of such larger donors away coupled with the demise of the SWC? Folks, we're in the North Texas Metroplex of almost 6 million population (according to NTCOG) and not a rural area of some backwater college town. dry.gif

    It just doesn't make sense that we go back into our teacher's college cocoon mode of thinking when we really have a chance to elimate that modus operendi forever while at the same time leap our school a light year or 2 forward by building the one campus facility that the largest numbers of NT Exes will ever gather together at the same time. Duh?sad.gif In essence, NT "MUST" leave in the past the "we can't do that at North Texas" kind of thinking behind. Zig Ziglar in his sales seminars or in one of his many books calls all that------"stinkin' thinkin'. blink.gif

    IN ALL FAIRNESS TO CAMPUS FUNDRAISERS: Much of what NT fundraisers will be allowed to raise for a new stadium depends on how much the NT Board of Regents allow Chancellor Lee Jackson to influence a Big Donor who would possibly give a big chunk of cash to our new football palace in Denton, but instead use his position, power & influence to sway such possible monies that could go to our eventual new football stadium to his present pet project and agenda, ie, building a new campus in his own hometown of Dallas, ie, the University of North Texas at Dallas. ph34r.gif

  17. Injuries are indeed a part of the game, but it's naive to think Meager does not have a history/problem with injury. You're right, worrying will do NT fans no good, but how can we not worry?

    Someone once told me 99% of the things we worry about usually end up being a complete waste of mental energy. I understand where you're coming from on this subject, Got5onIt, but Dan Meager has had no more injuries than most QB's eventually experience while missing some semblance of playing time. As stated in some article or a post, Meager came back from an injury at Pearce HS to lead his team into the Texas UIL state play-offs.

    Probably the most memorable Super Bowl I can recall (especially being an American Football Leauge enthusiast back in the day) was when Broadway Joe Namath (4 or 5 knee operations and all) led the New York Jets to a Super Bowl win over the Baltimore Colts. He was magnificent in that game.

    I am not comparing our young Mean Green QB Meager to the NY Jet NFL Hall of Famer at this point, but QB's take their injuries, come back and make the best of what they've been dealt.

    As we all know, injuries are (in deed) part of the game and NT's opponents have to deal with all this too; also, they have the same concerns about their players grades and elgibility, too.

    Beginning in just a few weeks, I (along with most all of you) am looking forward to watching the development of who All SBC & future NFL receiver Johnny Quinn calls "the future of the Mean Green." I am not quite sure what we see the first few games of the season with this young Mean Green football team, but whatever that turns out to be will merely be part of our young team's overall development process. <>*<> At the end of the 2005 NCAA D1-A football season, I don't think there will be a better football team in the Sun Belt Conference than the University of North Texas MEAN GREEN, but I will concur with some of you that those first few games of the season are a concern for now. unsure.gif

    Of course, Mean Green fans everywhere keep our fingers crossed that all of our Mean Green football players have no injuries or at least keep those injuries to a minimum, but like the weather, its just something we have no control.


  18. I had the opportunity to meet Meager last night (while buying a drink for PC and J Quinn...they are 21 right?).  A few things struck me.  First, he's not the behemoth that Byerly is.  Second, he looks like a quarterback.  Whatever a quarterback is supposed to look like, he looks like that.  Also, Quinn introduced him as "the future of the Mean Green" so I guess he's already got one leg up when the go to receiver puts stock in him.

    "Dan Meager: The future of the Mean Green..." (quote by All SBC receiver Johnny Quinn) smile.gif


  19. Rick, what Gene is really saying between the lines is that he "hopes" NORTH TEXAS doesn't build a new football stadium, but I think he is going to be as disappointed with what he eventually sees at our Eagle Point Campus as he has been with his 'Stangs for the last 20 plus years.

    To quote Darrell Dickey (and I do so liberally): "The University of North Texas has never failed in anything it has set out to accomplish." To Gene's dismay, the locomotive is already in motion for NT to build a new football stadium. Tell Gene ol' boy (who I had the, uh, "priviledge" of meeting) that The University of North Texas" has to attach something to our present south end zone facility (which already has a veranda for about 1,000 MG football fans) and it just might as well be a new 40,000 seat football stadium. cool.gif

    These poor ol' longtime Dallasites who just cannot turn loose of the past and their perceptions of what NT was at the time their great-grandfathers were young men still thinking its that same school (from that era) today. In many ways, its really kind of, uh, sad to see those who seem to be having a difficult time joining this new millineum. unsure.gif Unfortunately, we even have a handful in MG Country having a little difficulty doing the same thing. (Denia for starters?)


  20. John, I guess you are once again correct in that I don't have cahoneys because I do not fly and have not flown in any airlines for almost 30 years. I think even several on this board know that by now.

    I would not have a problem making the 20 minute drive to the FW Bowl if that ever occured but "drive" is the key word here. As I posted, I still think New Orleans is the more intriguing of the 2 town for our fans based on when I drove the 9 hours (from DFW) to the Big Easy to attend a convention years ago with the Latina girl you met at Alliance Airport's Subway Sandwhich.

  21. But this year features the best chance the Mean Green will go down. Sure, all-world running backs Patrick Cobbs and Jamario Thomas are there, but there isn't a proven quarterback (or a quarterback that's ever played) that can make the pass when needed. There's too many talented quarterbacks in this league that can win ball games all by themselves. Not to mention, the rest of the league is simply catching up.

    ......Carl Meadows, Troy, QB ? Meadows threw only four passes last season, but won the job over returning starter D.T. McDowell, who is no longer with the team.


    So Troy U has a QB who has thrown 4 more passes than Mean Green projected starter, ie, one Dan Meager, and that gives Troy U some big advantage? Has this reporter checked the Texas HS football credentials and pedigree of Dan Meager and just how many major schools had him on their prime target list for QB? So the reporter says we don't have anyone who can..............PASS THE BALL?!?!?!? lol!

    And which SBC QB won ball games all by themselves last year? blink.gif None of us would be able to count even one who did that against NORTH TEXAS.

    Does this reporter particularly not like the running game and how 2 Mean Green running back (against SBC defenses) could possibly run out time clocks all across the SBC and run the table once again this Fall? ohmy.gif

    Ok, this guy is a Troy U homer reporter and what more could he have to say other than (perhaps) given a bit more praise to the last 2 year's NCAA National Rushing Leaders? cool.gif Maybe he over-looked Sir Patrick Cobbs and Super Jamario Thomas, but he for sure won't when Troy U plays NORTH TEXAS on national television this Fall.

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