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Daddy Dumpsalot

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Posts posted by Daddy Dumpsalot

  1. I love the indignant attitude on this board towards the SBC. Half our fans probably missed prom because they were convinced until the very end that the hot girl was gonna come around.

    To further your analogy....adding UTSA to an already weak and disrespected SBC is like realizing that all the pretty girls are already being taken to prom so you ask the fat ugly girl the night before just so you can say you have a date.

    No thanks, I'd rather go stag.

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  2. I'm just wondering if we would really be better off in CUSA.

    We have seen Tulsa come to Fouts, and they were not a huge draw for our students.

    I cannot see where our fan base will be any more excited about playing UTEP and Tulane than they are now about playing Middle Tennesse and Troy.

    The whole point of joining CUSA was to play Houston and SMU every year.

    So, without them, is CUSA really better?

    YES...are you freaking kidding me?

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  3. Hope all who stayed in your cozy little bungalows last night are proud of yourselves for missing the making of NCAA history. What a slap in the face to the progam, the seniors, and most of all Lance Dunbar to stay away in droves when all knew what was possible on this night. I for one who has missed few home games in the last 50 years can not find it more odious that the jerkwater town of little "d" can not even phathom what it has in its two universities. This has to be the poorest excuse for a college town in America. I've heard all the lame excuses ---too many things to do in the metroplex, too many commuters, have to support both universities if you support one, afternoon games are bad for local merchants' business,etc.,etc. All these are pure unadultered BS. Take it as fact--- Denton can put down its largest employer and smirk about it. The UNT faculty has shown it is only a bunch of self serving pseudo intellectual pin heads and the C of C a bunch of self agrandeousing blow hards. The students should hide their degrees from sight since they show absolutely no respect for their alma mater. The commuters are a bunch of blood sucking parasites who only use UNT and then quickly disregard all ties. I have never been so ashamed to be associated with the City of Denton as well as the drunk doped up band of worthless students as this first season in Apogee. I hope you all realize down the road what a disservice you did to your university and your city last night, and don't respond by patting yourself on the back for your "punny" student fee of $10. when everyone else is paying double that. Yes I put my $$ where my mouth is--- I'm sure I'm close to $100K lifetime investment in my alma mater, and I came from a family of very modest income unlike the pompus, pampered brats from SMU, but also unlike the dope smoking, weirded out students of apathy that now inhabit this campus. I hope you're proud this morning. I know I am because last night I witnessed history and said goodbye to a great group of young men that this city and the students and faculty of UNT truly do not deserve. :growl:

    But it was raining and cold and it's such a long walk.

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  4. The uniforms are great...the helmet on the other hand.....well lets just say we need our logo on the helmet and not "North Texas".

    I think we should expand on this a little. Can someone please include photoshop sketches of what they thing the helmets and unis should look like?

  5. Still kind of bothersome to me that North Texas name is never mentioned in these kind of media blurbs or anywhere else for that matter. Surely we are not going back to the days of all things under the radar which at times has meant' that nothing of significance is really happening. Folks, you ready to see an upstart UTSA football program join a long line of other schools post-Missouri Valley Conference era for North Texas who have also gone "beep beep" past our 100 year plan for a football program? Sad to say, but that would just about do it for many alums I know.

    Put our name out there North Texas officials--no one else is going to do it (with the right people, that is): Even SMU got their name out there with Big 12 officials, got some publicity out of it then next thing you know they are going to be in whatever is left of the Big East. We all laughed at the Big 12 thing with SMU, but we did not when a school that we are literally and most likely out-drawing at the gate in our 8'th losing season in a row received an AQ league invite. (As a reminder, SMU was in the midst of about a 15 year losing streak their first year in CUSA).

    But...it's like Deep Green posted when he said "it's all about school branding with the BCS and bowl people." Deep, it really does sound that way more and more; that is, they want the name school no matter how poorly the name school has performed the last 15 years and apparently they could care less how poorly name school draws at the gate, either. This is why schools with good attendance like Southern Miss, East Carolina and others similar willl not make this BCS party because they were not on the NCAA radar back in the 30's 40's and 50's.

    To put this In layman's language, these crusty old NCAA/BCS/ESPN farts around the age group of the Chuck Neinas'es love to sit around and talk about their own younger years of following NCAA football along with their own father's memories as in the storied days of Doak Walker and Sammy Baugh to bring all this closer to home. They would rather do that than talk about how North Texas in 1968 probably had one of the 5 top football teams in the entire NCAA with several NFL draft choices coming from that team. Yet who the hell knew about any of that in 1968 since it was coming from our steam powered publicity machine in Denton, Texas? So in all reality, we have seen the enemy and it is who once again?


    It's sad and depressing but I think RV is content in this conference based on my conversations with him. Fire RV??

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  6. I am personally hoping for belt domination in our bowls...cause it makes me feel better about UNT's competition.

    Hoping and where you're placing your bets are two different things. Personally, I hope for a belt collapse for the one bowl game we're in because it proves how awful this conference is.

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  7. I could'nt agree more. If this scenario plays out, the Sunbelt should extend and invite to NMSU, La. Tech, Texas St. and UTSA. I believe the conference would be better off with this re-alignment. At least for now.

    So you want us to go backwards? First, NMSU and La Tech wont join the belt and why on earth would we want Tx St and UTSA in our conference?

  8. if all goes well, it appears that SMU, Houston. and UCF will be joining the Big East by end of month. if CUSA wants to reload to 12 schools, it probably would replace their Western Division loses with NT, and either La.Tech or UTSA.I mention UTSA because they are 3rd largest market in Texas, while Ruston is a rual community of 25,000.my Eastern Division replacement would be one of the F_U's, as the conference wants a presence in Florida. if CUSA decides to become a 10 team conference, i think the choice is between NT and one of the F_U's. what does your crystal ball project?

    I would prefer to have no other sunbelt schools or schools in the FCS.

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  9. There is no question. If we get a chance to get out of the Belt and into MWC we go MWC. How could anyone want to stay in with MT, Monroe, FIU, FAU and the assortment of non-football schools like UALR and South Alabama which I guess is getting football? Are you kidding me??? You would stay in with that rabble instead of Colorado State, Fresno, Nevada, New Mexico and Wyoming? We have GOT to get out of this conference. I was talking with someone last night in San Antonio and he thought we were still in 1-AA. You can carry on about Big West but in 2011the MWC has better programs even without Boise.


  10. God, I hate our fan base sometimes. Seriously. I have never seen a more uptight group of out of touch "football fans". Why don't we golf clap when we score a TD? I bet you found it outrageous that our band played over their fight song and finished their chant.

    If we don't have a typical FBS atmosphere, we won't have attendance. Guarantee you McCarney and Villareal like what WE do, and not what YOU do.

    Out of curiosity are you one of the fans that does the "beep beep beep" sound when the opponent gets a penalty? If so can you please stop because it's college football not high school football.

    There are two things I would like us to stop doing: 1) stop the beep beep beep sound on an opponent penalty, and 2) stop the bull sh*t chant when the ref makes a call we don't like.

    All that said....do whatever it takes to win because winning feels nice.

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