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Posts posted by meangreenacct

  1. You need to get over yourself, Horn did not force them to break in his neighbor's house. He did not start the situation in anyway. There are those that take action and those who don't. Horn was wound up, disgusted, and felt he had to do something. For me to watch something like that would be like watch watching a rape, I would not take that in my neighborhood. Maybe you live in a bad neighborhood and are used to it, or maybe you have never faced real crime. Joe Horn watched this from his Daughter's house, the house that his grandchildren lived in, he was protecting their environment as well. Unless you have been in a similar situation don't comment, I have.

    I'm sorry something is seriously wrong with you if you can really equate stealing someones property to rape. There's a big difference between having to replace their TV to having to live with the pain and torment that lingers with rape victims for the rest of their life.

    Don't get me wrong, I am for people being able to defend THEIR property when THEY are in danger.

  2. No one is saying getting shot down qualify's them to be president. My point is that yet another person within the Obama campaign made embarrassing remarks in which Obama had to again address it and distance himself from. Clark, who has obviously forgotten that he too used his military record to justify his leadership qualifications to run for office in 2004, and later that year was qouted spouting John Kerry's so called heroics in Vietnam as justifyable leadership qualities as well. Evidently military experience and leadership of any kind doesn't extend to John McCain? The "Getting shot down" remark was the end result of the conversation of which Clark was depicting McCain as "untested and untried".



    Actually the point is that guy was attempting to make a point that getting shot down is some how important in the context of the race or else he wouldn't have pointed out that Senator Obama had never done that. I guess it all boils down to a person's perspective. When I first heard the comments, I was pretty offended, but that was because I only heard what Clark said without context. Placed in context, I actually am not that bothered with it. He was just responding to the other indivdual saying well Senator Obama has never flown/been shot down, and he just pointed out that he didn't think that qualifies someone. Which I agree with.

    As to the other point about military service. I do agree somewhat with that point as it relates to his support of Senator Kerry. As to his own military service, General Clark stated his military service in leading NATO missions in Kosovo (I think) are what prepared him for the Presidency. He stated that Senator McCain's service did not prepare him as well because he was never a commander of a wartime unit.

  3. From yyz28:

    Just my 2 cents:

    While I lean toward Screaming Eagle's view that drilling is a very shortsided solution, I think the only way the crisis is going to be addressed is through a compromise that will allow some drilling (conservatives would like this...as a liberal, I'd rather see offshore drilling than ANWR) but also set extra incentives to getting the alternative energy sources up to speed in a faster manner (liberals would like this). It wouldn't make anyone totally happy, but it would set into motion each of the short and long term solutions to the problem.

    Now that that's decided, can we all just gather around the campfire, roast marshmallows, and sing kum-ba-yah? :D

    Unfortunately, I tend to agree. The only solution is a comprise. I'd really like to see us develop some of the shale in Colorado/Wyoming and other places.

  4. Huh? What work do I get people to do?

    Your familiarity with playgrounds makes me think you know more than you let on. I'd love to join you for a beer - maybe a Chimay White if we go fancy - but I have some Sunday family plans. Maybe during the season? I work close to Euless - we could always meet out there.

    Also, why not address meangreenacct's question?

    Actually, to defend EE, he did address my question through a pm. I cannot defend much (well actually anything) he's previously posted, but I do think that posting an article from StormFront was an honest mistake.

  5. It happened again this past weekend. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8063002422.html



    How about Charley Black (an individual associated with the McCain campaign) saying last week that McCain would benefit from another terrorist attack? Or Grover Norquist, someone not directly associated with the campaign but someone important enough that McCain sends representatives to his weekly meetings, saying Obama is just John Kerry with a tan?

  6. quoner et al.-

    the questionable article delt with germany's synthetic fuel production at the end of wwII and came from the main link of ww2f.com. it had nothing to do jack boot troops, racism, anti-semitism, witches, goblins and other anti-anything.......just how germany used inovation to overcome fuel shortages.....das ist alles.

    so you can, now, put down your ropes and branding irons.

    I think the question is not about the merits of any specific article on the website, but as to why you were on that website in the first place. I guess conventional wisdom would probably not cause someone to think " I'm really interested in finding information on gas production/prices etc., let me look to a renowned racist website for guidance".

  7. William Ayers, domestic terrorist. Of course, these associations that have the Right in a frenzy aren't nearly as serious as Obama's inexperience, his complete lack of understanding of business and capitalism, and his naive foreign policy.

    Ah, I had heard about that "connection", but I guess myself found it tenous (sp) at best. I do agree that I would classify Ayers past actions as those of terrorism. Although I may agree with issues he may support, I don't think actions that involve violence are the solution. As far as the connection - they both served on the same board of an anti-poverty organization in Chicago, it wasn't as if Obama appointed him to the board.


  8. I can't help but wonder that if Hussien Obama actually had any kind of recognizable character to begin with, other than the inability to choose quality individuals to associate with, that there wouldn't have been so many of those Urban legends popping up like they did in the first place? When you associate with admitted terrorists and hatemongers and give people reason to believe that your not all that proud of your country to begin with then I can understand how it all came about.

    Funny stuff.


    Who would be the admitted terrorists he has associated with?

  9. Rick, you know I respect you more than most (hell, all save a few) on this board. That said, though, tell me how questioning whether our current administration is effectively going after those responsible for terrorism, and those they said they were after, means that anyone has forgotten the atrocities of 9/11.

    Better yet, let me illustrate it this way. If there was a child molester loose on my beat there would be a natural public outcry for the police to do something. I could institute a "no exceptions" curfew for all children...they get bused to school, bused home, and don't leave their homes otherwise...and then went out and arrested every person within 10 miles of my beat with a criminal history even suggesting child abuse. I guarantee you that the child molestation would stop. Oh yeah, and if you question my methods I'll just say that "You don't care about children", that you have "forgotten" those children who were violated. And every parent would feel so much better. But have I actually solved the problem? Have I caught the real bad guy?

    Call me an optimist, or overly demanding, but I want Justice done the right way.

    Come November I think we'll see that many many Americans agree...and not even because they like Barack Obama mind you, they'll be voting for the "anything new" candidate.

    Or we could pay the equivalent of militia's money for every per they arrest who they say are child molestor's and then we could lock all of them up indefinitely based solely on their word. Surely that would just make the problem go away.

  10. 2345678902107_150X150.jpg

    On 9/11 I purchased this Japanese Peace Lily. I have not been attacked by terrorists...

    or Bengal Tigers, African Killer Bees, 7th Day Adventists, the Grizzly bear that killed Timothy Treadwell, Milton Bradley, crazed Yankee fan with her car, pit bulls (thanks FFR) housed at Bad Newz Kennels, ecoli aquired through neither spinach nor tomatos, femine-named Hurricanes or headless zombies.

    God Bless that Japanese Peace Lily

    Pure greatness.

  11. Bad legislation. 9-11 has received all the mileage that it should...loooooong long ago. Not to say that terrorism is dead, far from it, just that the Bush administraton has long since disproven the theory that we can catch and detain anyone with REAL connections to what is threatening our nation. Not to be overly dramatic but one of our fore fathers once said "Those who would trade liberty for a little security deserver neither" and I am inclined to agree.

    Well said Emmitt.

  12. Gore's hypocrisy isn't the problem. The problem is that our government refuses... REFUSES! to allow us to continue to explore and produce the resources that we have in favor of less efficient, more expensive alternatives. This is not the time to ask Americans to pay more for energy. We need to drill ANWR and our coastlines and give energy companies tax incentives to research and develop alternatives.

    Funny thing... the politicians who claim offshore drilling would only save the American people a few cents also claim that if the Saudis would just produce another million barrels a day that the price would drop $30-40 a barrel. Technology is much better now and we can drill in deepwater fields far from shorelines. Since the Chinese are already drill 20 miles from Key West (in Cuban territorial waters), it makes no sense for us to continue our policy of begging the Saudis to help us.

    Actually, from everything I've read the Chinese drilling thing is not true.


  13. Just because I enjoy the college game over the pro games does not mean that I can't recognize pure stupidity for what it is...look up stupid in the dictionary and you get this example. I predict this kid will never set foot on the court in a Kentucky uniform if he ever sees the court as a college player...man, this is pure folly...

    I gaurantee you the kid will see the court as a college player. Even at 8th grade one can tell when a player has the skill set to succeed, and I believe he demonstrated that in the various camps he has attended. Now as to commitments and handing out sholarships at that age, that is ridiculous. Coach G probably won't even be at Kentucky in five years and team needs can change drastically from year to year. I think the Junior year is really the earliest this process should begin.

  14. Looking at the reports...

    In Basketball:

    Arkansas State has an APR of 893. That's 32 points below minimum. They're not suffering any contemporaneous penalty, they have a first-occasion Historical Penalty of "public notice". No listed scholarship penalty.

    North Texas has an APR of 924. One point below minimum. Our contemporaneous penalty? Loss of a scholarship.

    In Football:

    Florida Atlantic has an APR of 915. Their penalty is 3 lost scholarships (82 max, not 85) and a maximum of 22 issued in one year.

    Florida International has an APR of 887. They lose 3 scholarships (82 max, not 85) and they are also restricted to a maximum of 22 issued in a year.

    North Texas has an APR of 917. Higher than either FIU or FAU. OUR penalty? We lose 5 scholarships. Our max is now 80.

    What the hell??? How do these penalties work??


    AZ State APR 905 - No penalties???

    Auburn APR 905 - No penalties based on demonstrated improvement and comparison to others schools? Can we compare ourselves to Auburn and get our scholarship back?

    Clemson APR 920 - No penalties

    Indiana APR 899 - No penalties for same reason as Auburn

    It doesn't take long to see that this process is extremely arbitrary and that the Athletic Department should appeal the penalties (if that's possible).

  15. Though you'd never hear me say it, because I think TT is one of the best talents on our roster, this guy would be a bigger get than TT according to most.

    I think that may be the consensus, but I really expect TT to blossom next year. I can't wait, I love his aggressiveness.

  16. I keep checking in on the basketball forum in hopes that I'll see a posting that he signed!

    Good - I'm not the only one. I also keep checking Rivals and Scout, although Rivals still has him signed with Davidson. No mention of not qualifying. I remember going through the same routine with Tristin Thompson last year.

  17. I hope the fact we didn't have anyone in NY doesn't hurt us too bad.

    I know...I hope the same. I like the fact that we still have the scholarship to offer. Hopefully we'll get on the phone ASAP and say we've got a huge Greek fanbase at UNT (well we at least have TheTastyGreek) and that will seal the deal.

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