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Posts posted by meangreenacct

  1. Please, how in the world does any of that compare to the

    So what that she's had a few flubs? None of it is as nearly as bad as warning the country that if we elect her running mate that it will incite an international crisis here? She's only been at this job for 7 weeks. Joe "GaffeFantastic" Biden has been in the U.S. congress for 36 years and still doesn't know the difference between

    You know, you libs need to ask yourself why it is that if Palin is such a dumbass then why is it that so much has been spent by your party attacking her? I mean, such a moron for VP certainly wouldn't garner any attention from the well informed voter who can clearly identify such a fraud and that her presence doesn't really matter. So why bother? If she's such a clueless dumbass then no one would be paying any attention to her, right? Wrong. She lives her life as she feels a hard working professional and inteligent woman/wife/mother should and sticks to her convictions and identitifes with the working class of this country better than any of the other candidates this year and it's driving the left freaking nuts and I think it's funny as can be.!


    Or this:

    Q: Finally governor we've been trying to engage some local grade schoolers for the last few elections. We do a feature called ‘questions from the third grade.' Brandon Garcia wants to know, "What does the Vice President do?"

    PALIN: Aw, that's something that Piper would ask me, as a second grader, also. That's a great question, Brandon, and a Vice President has a really great job, because not only are they there to support the President agenda, they're like a team member, the teammate to that President. But also, they're in charge of the United States Senate, so if they want to they can really get in there with the Senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom. And it's a great job and I look forward to having that job.

    She doesn't even know what the role of VP is. It's to be ready to take over should something happen to the President and to break ties in the Senate. Officially, that's it. Of course the VP provides advice to the President, but their role is not to set the legislative agenda of the Senate. I think the only reason people are even talking about Palin is that some people are affraid if she and McCain are elected, she will eventually become President. I think the polls I have seen reported on the NBC and ABC news have shown that more than half of Americans believe she is not qualified to be President. As to spending so much money to attack her, I have not seen adds attacking her. I've seen ton of adds taking McCain by Obama/approved by Obama, but none attacking Palin. I hardly think having the RNC spend $150K+ on her clothes or having the state of Alaska foot the bill for her childrens travel is something the common man can relate to.

  2. Please explain what "remotely educated" should sound like?


    The opposite of this?

    Couric: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

    Sarah Palin: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundary that we have with Canada. It's funny that a comment like that was kinda made to … I don't know, you know … reporters.

    Couric: Mocked?

    Palin: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.

    Couric: Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign-policy credentials.

    Palin: Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbors are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of. And there…

    Couric: Have you ever been involved in any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

    Palin: We have trade missions back and forth, we do. It's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia. As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.


  3. http://www.star-telegram.com/college_sport...ory/967246.html

    NT to burn red shirts on Forrester and Roberson...6-6 and 6-4 wide receivers...hopes to provide more vertrical tendencies to enhance a system of quick routes. They could provide jump ball receptions over smaller DB/s downfield. That makes 2 more freshmen to play this year...over 24 to date I believe, really shows how young our team is.

    Roberson had played a little with 5 catches...Forrester hasn't played after suffering a shoulder injury in pre season.

    I read the article and it seems to indicate that the plan is still to redshirt Rucker.

  4. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't see how its any different than people who work 30-40 hours a week and go to school full time, like myself. Except I don't have special tutors and study halls, and I still make good grades.

    Somewhat agree. I worked anywhere from 30-45 hours a week through undergrad and grad school to make ends meet. You do what you gotta do to make it, I think alot of athletes have that mentality.

  5. I believe a nation (referring to government) that becomes "rich" by means of taxing its citizens at some point becomes obligated to quit taking so much. I don't believe taxes were authorized and implemented to make the government rich. They were usually given the okay because of some specific perceived need(s).

    Thanks for providing this. I am no accountant or businessman by any stretch, but is not all that corporate income (generally speaking) still taxed in the form of individual income, dividend, and capital gains taxes?

    I am an accountant ;)...the answer to the question would be not always. If the corporation pays no income tax, whether through a loss, tax exemptions, loopholes, or through "operating" from the Cayman Islands any money that does not leave the business will not be taxed. If the corporation chooses to keep the profit as retained earnings it will not be taxed until distribution to the shareholders. Strictly speaking C Coporations, which would be typically your publicly traded companies does not have income taxed as individual income as it belongs to corporation. The only taxation at the individual level would be when dividends and capital gains are taxed.

  6. To the person posting in regards to the APR issue...this is my almost completely uneducated guess, but I think the APR is only hit by players who are on scholarship and leave. That would definitely mean King, Washington and Stbblefield would hit us a point each. I do think if a player stays in school you are not penalized. I'm not sure if Fentriss is still here or not. If he is and is still in good academic standing, then I think we are ok.


    What if you realized that not every letter had to be capitalized? What if you only used one question mark? What if you knew that the proper length of the ellipses was three periods?

    Just some questions that will never be answered since you clearly received a world class education at Tulsa.

  8. Your Los Angeles reporter is wrong. The bridge was never funded by congress, so the money was never given to the state for that bridge. She hired a "gasp" lobbiest for her town? What does that have to do with wasteful spending? Just because a lobbiest is involved, the project isn't worth while? Really? ...and the amount of money requested by Alaska being highest per capita isn't that stragne. Most federal money is for infrastructure, and there is more infrastructure between each person in that state than in any other. Again, what's the point?

    Nice try.

    ...and trying to defend the one issue Obama actually did something other than vote on? ...his only work on that measure was to meet with a couple of senators in an attempt to win their vote on the measure. ...Obama's name wasn't on the measure.. the two Republicans listed AUTHORED THE BILL!!!

    ...the AP is really grasping as straws here.

    Your kidding right? The bridge was never funded by Congress?

    That may technically be true, Congress originally earmarked approximately $200M specifically for the bridge. Since there was so much heat over it, Congress removed the restriction that the money be used for that but still sent the same amount of money to Alaska.


    Pertinent info from article -

    U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don Young, both Republicans, championed the project through Congress two years ago, securing more than $200 million for the bridge between Revillagigedo and Gravina islands.

    Under mounting political pressure over pork projects, Congress stripped the earmark -- or stipulation -- that the money be used for the airport, but still sent the money to the state for any use it deemed appropriate.

    Stevens spokesman Aaron Saunders said Friday the senator was interested in how the state ultimately used the money. A spokeswoman for Young said the congressman would have no comment.

  9. Not trying to take a cheap shot at you Euless Eagle, but alot of the things that you posted are patently untrue. If tomorrow is a slow day at work I will go through your post one by one and post links. Some of the issues are true, but if you've paid any attention to the news lately you would know that

    1. Obama's plan does not call for immediate withdrawal from Iraq

    2. Obama's health care plan does not call for a nationalized one, but instead a program for American's who CHOOSE to can buy into a plan similar to what the congress gets.

    3. I've never one heard Obama say that American't do not have the right to bear arms. He may have voted for bills involving restrictions, such as the assault rifle ban, but he most certainly does not support removal of all guns.

    4. Don't believe he supports gay marriage, but rather civil unions

    5. All the tax stuff has been debunked previously on this board (although he does support an increase on individuals making over $250K thereabouts). I will see if I can find the link on Snopes as well as the tax policy center (non-partisan) that breaks down the stuff you posted.

  10. Question. How much bloody hell do you think a Republican would get if he/she questioned a Democrat's ability to serve due to the fact they had a "special needs" child? If you are honest, you would see the media and the Dems all over them for a "mean spirited and insensitive" comment.

    So, where's the fallout over the thought when it comes from the left? And, yes, CNN is "left"...what if a Fox reporter made the comment? And, Quoner, well, I'll just leave that one alone.

    Well his now public shortcomings not withstanding, many criticized John Edwards for running for President while his wife is terminally ill with cancer. I don't really see much of a difference here, it's wrong in both instances. Who is to say that her husband can't stay at home with their child?

  11. Honestly I don't care for McCain and I'm sure many of you can tell for my posts I sure don't want him to win, but for me this is definitely a non issue. Sh*t happens, and she is taking resonsibility for her actions, which is great. I think the only thing that this shows is premarital and even more pretinent, teenage sex occurs in all communities and socio-economic groups. Indicates to me that we probably do need more sex education (and I don't mean abstinence only!).

  12. huh? I am confused now.

    Was my wheels off post when I said I saw this guy and he was big and I liked him coming on board? Because I don't think that is wheels off. and it seemed that post is the one that MCMLXXX was making fun of. It might be a simple statement... but not wheels off.

    My follow up post... now that may be wheels off.

    "I have saw him yesterday"

    Mystery solved.

  13. How has General Bush been a "cluster F" as commander in chief? Is he an eloquent political speaker? No. Has he made mistakes? Certainly. Has the US mainland been hit since 09/11? No. Is the surge working? Yes. Is Bush the first President in 100+ years who had to deal with the US being attacked on home soil? Yep.

    The point is, no one knows how others in the White House, had they been President, would have acted given the same set of circumstances. Al Gore? Kerry? Clinton? He failed as a commander in chief.

    So are you saying Clinton failed as a commander in chief because of 9/11? I seem to clearly remember George Bush was President then. I hardly see how not being attacked since 9/11 makes him a success.

  14. Oh I know quite well what is happening in my own back yard. Energy trading has kept me employed for over 11 years now and I am thankful to be a part of the boom and this great city. I just find your reasoning behind the need for more refiners to be ill-informed. Let me first say that yes we need new refinery capacity. But we need it for two reasons. One for safety, our refineries are old and unsafe. Two, to refine sour crude which is the majority of all new supplies coming on-line. Still, that will not solve high gas prices. Refining margins have been squeezed tight this year and refiners are hurting. The big conglomerates like Conoco for instance are fine since they have oil and gas production to fill the coffers. Many refiners are one trick ponies though and can only rely on refining margins to ensure profitability. Over the last 6-8 years refining margins have been great due to demand for product exceeding the cost of their input (crude) creating widening crack spreads and profits were solid. Due to these strong years many projects that have been planned over this time are indeed being built. Nevertheless it will not have a great effect on the price you pay at the pump (yes sour crude refining will help) Demand for crude products is falling due to high prices. (love you economics 101!) This slack in demand is keeping refinery utilization rates around 85% or so during this peak gasoline season. So build all the oil refiners you want but you will just lower the utilization rates and further deteriorate refining margins creating further losses and little effect on the price at the pump. You need lower crude prices right now. End of story.

    Here is some data you may find interesting:

    EIA refinery data

    Valero one year chart

    Frontier one year chart

    Western one year chart

    That's one of the interesting things I've learned in my brief work I've had to do in oil/gas exploration as well as my co-workers work in the refining sector. A client of mine is doing extremely well in the exploration market - they find it, extract it, and sell it - therefore these high prices are great for them. Their stock price has ranged from $30-$60 higher then where they were a year ago (basically double or triple previous price). My good friend however has a client purely in the refining business. Their stock has lost almost $90 during the year and they have had cash flow problem due to high input costs. Clearly not in position to expand capacity!

    So long story short, not everyone is making out like bandits. It's all well and good if you think "drill here, drill now" is a great policy. That won't do much good if we can't refine here, refine now as well.

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