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Posts posted by TheColonyEagle

  1. Great time for our offense to go silent?


    Why is it in the 2nd half of games..................

    Our D can never seem to adjust to their O?

    Their D can always seem to adjust to our O?

    Our O can never seem to adjust to their D?

    Their O can always seem to adjust to our D?

  2. I heard the punter's name was Travis Spencer.

    He is just bad!!!!

    He's absolutely horrible and a joke of a play by play guy. I used to really get pissed when I heard him but now it's just funny how pathetic he is.

    I'm officially a Sam Smith fan.

  3. For those that can't watch it on TV you're missing a "whale of a game" being called by the great Sam Smith.

    Couple of highlights:

    Our punter is named Steven Spencer

    and his sign off at the end of the half:

    "A good game being played here in the game."

    I wonder how much ESPN pays him.

  4. As I was walking up to the pit (FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF FOUTS FIELD) I was surronded by orange and black. I really was worried about the crowd. They did have 2 or 3 times where they were really loud but they were no where near as loud as the home crowd. Most of them appeared to be older and spent most of the game sitting down. Local alumni.

    One thing I did notice is how smuuuuuuuuuugggggg a lot of those fans were. Most of them walked around with this look on their face, "you guys are cute, but come on." The smugness was something else.

    My favorite was orange polo with black sleeveless windjacket vest guy. This guy was all over the place with quite a smirk on his face.

    The guys in front of me were lauging at the fact that we had a banner of our tournament appearance. And behind me of course I heard the "what the hell is a mean green" stuff with the "we're in the big 12" laugh that was soon to follow.

    What a satisfying win.

  5. Troy reminds me of North Texas 3 or 4 yrs ago. We are still here and Troy will still be here for awhile. Troy are not world beaters.

    I hate to say it but I think Troy is MUCH better than the NT teams of a few years ago. They've actually BEATEN BCS teams.

    We were dominating the belt but getting our butts handed to us in non conference.

    I think that's what sets them apart.

  6. I'm sure some don't remember or weren't around, others that are around my age (30) or older and have been around surely remember World Class Championship Wrestling. UNT honored the 1977 Hayden Fry coached mean green team at halftime of the MTSU game and one of the players on that team was the great Kevin Von Erich.

    Talk about taking me back. The Von Erichs are Dallas Sports legends. Kevin is the oldest and last surviving son of Fritz Von Erich, the patriarch to the WCCW. It's really a tragic story. Kevin lost 4 brothers. 1 died in his sleep and the other 3 took their own lives. I don't follow wrestling, but I believe the modern day wrestling owes a lot of it's big production, loud music when they enter, big fanfare, etc. to WCCW. They really started doing that stuff back in the eighties.

    In the early to mid eighties, the Von Erichs were about as big of celebrities as there were in Dallas. I did a little looking back, I had forgotten how big they were. They would draw 30K to 40K to the Cotton Bowl and Texas Stadium and they would pack Reunion. Their TV show would air on Saturday night at the same time as Saturday night live and their ratings would be higher. That wrestling organization had a rapid rise and an equally rapid descent. There is a really interesting documentary out there that I believe just came out on DVD. I may check it out. The great Bill Mercer was a huge part of WCCW as well.

    As far as Kevin Von Erich goes, what a nice guy. My buddy and I had *eh em* spent a little too much time on the deck in the second half so we were in a talkative mood. We talked to him for a good 20 minutes or so. We talked a little MG football and we commenced to whipping his ass about old wrestlers, him flying off the ropes, etc. Even though I'm sure he's had idiots come up to him a million times wanting to talk about all that, he was very gracious, super nice and very cool.

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