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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. I wish I could make a prediction. It seems impossible to predict this game (1) without knowing who our QB is and (2) knowing that DD is "going back to drawing boards to devise a simpler offensive scheme." Who knows what we will end up with. My gut says we will win though.
  2. This seems to be criticize DD week for me. I am really a crazed UNT Mean Green fan (and student) that bleeds green and hate posting highly critical stuff all this week. Nevertheless, I want to pose the question: How can a quarterback demonstrate "consistency" if he can't stay in the game long enough to get into a rhythm? Technically, our QB position is consistently inconsistent with all the rotations. Another question: If marching down 80 yards for a TD against the best defense in the country is not going to put you in front, then what is?
  3. Your statement is an excuse in itself. Ask the USA basketball team if Greece had a shot. I realize the odds were stacked BIG TIME against us, but I still believe DD didn't play 100% to win (approached the game more as an extended scrimmage; numerous persons have already posted on this topic, including myself). Maybe I am wrong here. I posted yesterday on the topic on how we should never teach our players to accept losing no matter what the odds. Upsets happen because a team refuses to buy into the concept of a loss. DD got up on national TV and said we had zero chance. I can help but wonder if that was communicated to the players subtly or, even worse, directly in practice and before the game.
  4. I noticed this too from week 1. Let's hope these kind of results are not an anomaly and continue each week.
  5. I need to watch my analogies... I meant to say, they could "hold their head high."... hang your head high doesn't sound so great...no one wants a hang'n. thanks for keeping me honest though..
  6. I know what you are saying, but as a Division 1-A team and the Mean Green, we shouldn't have excuses to begin with... period
  7. I really hope this is the DD strategy. My confidence is waning a bit after that DRC article.
  8. Great information and research here. Thanks!!!!!! Knowing this information, do you believe that this should sway our QB situation?
  9. Sad. I think we will win if Woody plays the whole game. At least we can surprise our critics with this game.
  10. DD and staff should have introduced the word UPSET to the team. Even if it did not happen, as long as the boys played their hardest (not that they didn't), they could hang their heads high no matter what the result. To expect that the team would be devastated if they set out to win and then lost sells our boys short. I wish DD hadn't said that on national TV no matter how (in)accurate it may have been.
  11. hehe.. good point... losing, loosing, lost, whatever... keep it out of the vocabulary...
  12. DD played UT as an extended scrimmage as evidenced by the QB rotations and Wilson/Thomas sitting out b/c of "cramps" (geez, give them some water, a massage, and get them back out). Moreover, DD said on national TV in the FSN interview that to win our boys would have to play above their talent level AND UT would have to have a bad day. How else do you think the general public will perceive our D-1A team? We should have played to win, even if it wasn't a possibility. Never teach a football team to accept loosing. Loosing should never enter a team's vocabulary. This negates the possibility of an upset, no matter how remote.
  13. Maybe I am over generalizing from what I have read in this forum, but why do we see that Wilson has "it" and should be the immediate starter, and DD does not (as evidenced by his continued QB competition)?
  14. I am glad to see your post. Emmitt01 really laid into me earlier in this post for a similar view. I also found DD remarks to be condescending and full of himself. Players not knowing formations or understanding the game plan is a COACHING problem. I can hardly see how the entire team had problems understanding DD's plays - so much so he has to go "back to drawing boards"... hmmmnnn.... but, as you pointed out Wilson seemed to get it, and he is the new guy. I am certainly no football expert, but I thought we already used the simple offensive scheme (against UT). I hate to see what the new super simple offense plan will look like....
  15. We need to get Wilson a damn tutor! I am a UNT psychology doctoral student. If he needs help in that area, I'll donate my time. I am somewhat concerned with injuries with him too. He is so mobile, but you just know he is going to get walloped one sooner or later.
  16. An SEC recruited QB?!? I had no idea. This makes more sense now. No wonder I and many others liked what we saw, despite limited play time. It was difficult to put my finger on why, but he looked like a quality QB. He appeared in-command, comfortable, fluid, confident, quick on his feet, and bla bla bla... I posted this too many times now. SEC QB.... hmmmmnnn... and were still having QB tryouts week 2 into the official season.
  17. I know Woody came from Division II-A. Does anyone know his background or done any research on him? I'd like to know his performance stats previous to UNT.
  18. Check my response from a few responses back. I caught it. I also took some heat from at least one person that didn't like my analysis. Bottom line to me: DD's scaling down.. silliness, loser mentality. More QB competition... pointless. He's worked with Matt and Daniel for 1.5 years. He knows what they can do. And these negative comments come from a DD neutral-to-slightly positive supporter. I thought for sure he'd say something different than was reported in that article.
  19. I don't think our players are too stupid either. That's why I was complaining that DD wants to simplify things. The funny thing is that many people in this forum saw alot of good things in the UT game, despite our loss. For example, Woody Wilson, our defense, etc. DD saw the opposite: go back to the drawing board, start over, and resume the quarterback competition. Instead of going back to the drawing board, why don't we do more of what we did right, and continue to have the players work harder to memorize/practice the playbook? I know they are a capable, competent group. I wish DD exuded this confidence in them. As I said before, I say these things knowing the article came from a newspaper, but since that is all we have to go on right now, then that's all we can talk about. I'll revise my statement if I hear DD speak otherwise in the upcoming coaches show.
  20. How is that twisting words? DD is saying I have too many plays that I don't think they learn in time or that they are too complex. What else does it mean? Why do WE have to have a limited playbook? What is special about our team, when other teams can have "complex playbooks"? Believe or not I am actually POSITIVE about our team. But this doesn't sound winner talk to me. Granted it was a news article so you have to approach with caution. However, best I can read from this forums' posts, DD is making alot of statements that alot of people here hoped he wouldn't. Time will tell.
  21. Simplify the game plan? What a slap in the face of our players. He thinks their stupid or something? He has that little confidence in his players ability to learn? He brought out the "complicated game plan" against UT?? I saw the same or similar damn running plays throughout the UT game. Sounds like DD is trying to blame the players now. I have only been at UNT for 1 year and have been a neutral DD fan, but that may be changing. He doesn't seem to talk like a winning Division 1-A coach - even against UT that was evident. Oh - and the QB competition continues - I'll hold my breath b/c I've already posted numerous times what that would mean against SMU and the rest of our schedule. I am so pissed!
  22. I agree. We need the competition calling us out. Keeps us honest, and makes this forum more interesting. Strongly disagree with stAte, but keep it classy... my humble opinion.
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