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Posts posted by EagleD

  1. It's not squishy.

    from UT crime blotter......


    Suspicious Activity: Two non-UT subjects were discovered attempting to climb on top of the inflatable dome. When stopped, both subjects stated they had climbed the brick wall hoping the dome was "squishy", and were disappointed when they found out it was not "squishy." Both subjects were issued a criminal trespass warning and escorted from the area. Occurred on: 9-22-06, at 8:56 PM.

    Thought you might enjoy that.

    GO MEAN GREEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. DALLAS (AP) -- A Dallas police reports says Cowboys receiver

    Terrell (TEHR'-el) Owens was taken to a hospital after attempting


    The report, obtained by W-F-A-A television, says Owens last

    night ingested an unknown large quantity of prescription pain


    The 32-year-old player broke his right hand September 17th

    against the Washington Redskins.

    Owens had surgery the following day.

    Initial reports indicated Owens was hospitalized last night

    after a reaction to pain medication.

    The police report says Owens was asked if he was attempting to

    harm himself, and he said "yes."

    The player's publicist didn't immediately return calls for


  3. "You know, in many parts of our troubled world they are yelling 'Revolution!'. In Tennessee they are yelling 'Evolution. We want our thumbs!'.

    And it's got to drive them crazy, because they see people on tv all day with opposable thumbs."

    - Bill Hicks, my hero.

    "So I'm sitting in a Waffle House in Tennessee; I'm not proud of it, but I'm not going to deny it; and I'm reading a book. The waitress comes up to me and says, 'What you readin' fer?' Not, 'What am I reading?', but 'What am I reading for?'. Well, you stumped me. I guess I read for a lot of reasons, but the main one is so I don't end up becoming a waffle waitress in Tennessee. Then the trucker in the next booth stands up and says, 'Looks like we got ourselves a reader!'

    Did I just walk into a Klan rally wearing a Boy George outfit? I READ! OK?!!!!"

    - Once again, Bill Hicks, My hero

    GO MEAN GREEN !!!!!


  4. I've been pretty quiet on the DD bashing. The first two games gave me hope he had turned a corner. After the Tulsa performance I am scared again. I equate that performance to an addict who was doing really well in recovery then relapsed. Dickey is addicted to the run, went to "Run b/w the tackles anonymous" and was doing quite well, then fell back to his old ways. Hopefully it was just for one game.

    GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Actually Silver, I have. A few others have called him classless as well. I was pretty much guided by emotions after the game 4 years ago when he went for it on 4th and short late in the game and up by 22. Fortunatley, we put Chance Mock on his ass.

    For the most part I do like Mack, but he is not without critiisism.

    GO MEAN GREEN !!!!!!!

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