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Posts posted by MeanGreenHoops

  1. Baine is the exact same player as McNulty, smal undersized run first, weak arm. You dont have to have a big arm or a throw a heavy ball. Just be able to read a defense and look at all your reads not just looking at one reciever

    Yeah that is why I've said I don't know if McNulty will lead us to the promised land. Haven't seen him at Apogee so don't know how good his arm is. Maybe some of the guys who were at the game tonight can say. I'd like to see him in a start so we can see if he is the same player as Baine or not. We have to find out who the playmakers are.

  2. eating crow that he will be the Qb or because he will lead us to the promise land?? i will enjoy that crow on the latter but i do not see it. Maybe his pocket presence and vision is do to the fact the benchwarmers were in and they already made thier party plans? or that excuse is only for Osborn, my bad

    People are dogging him because his first start against Tulsa he threw up on himself. I don't know about the promise land because he hasn't played enough yet to know how good he will be. But you can see that he has good instincts. And that he can get out of a jam. Doesn't matter that it was backups. He got out of jams and made plays. He did it against Tulsa some as well. People are just way too had on the guy for his first ever start. The team needs playmakers. Over reaction to his first start was way overboard after the Tulsa game. He looks like he can make plays.

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  3. So we can expect McNulty to start next and throw a few pick 6's and everything will be ok because he has moxie, great just what this fanbase needs.

    There's no one on the schedule like Tulsa the rest of the way. The offense needs somebody who can make plays and he can. I just think by the end of the season we'll be exited about the future of the offense because we'll have found a QB who can make plays. You don't think the fanbase needs moxie? Maybe you don't know what it means. In a losing season we definitely need something else to get excited about it. Someone who plays with courage and daring. That's moxie. It will give us hope. I think that's exactly what we need.

  4. All you guys dogging McNulty are going to be eating crow sooner rather than later. If he doesn't start next week I'll be surprised. He has moxie, pocket presence and vision. It will be a struggle at times because he's a true frosh but he's the future unless someone else gets recruited.

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  5. Look, they had more than 33,000 show up for a game against Bacone. BACONE! What would we get if we scheduled Bacone?

    Depends -

    If it was the first game of the season - 23K

    If it was the second game of the season - 19K

    If we were 1-4 - 16K

    If we were 1-4 and it was threatening rain - 15K

    If we were 1-4 and it was threatening rain and the Rangers were in the playoffs- - 14K

    If we were 1-4 and it was threatening rain and the Rangers were in the playoffs and it was Texas/OU - 12K

    If we were 0-6 and it was threatening rain and the Rangers were in the World Series and it was Texas/OU- 10K

    If we were 0-6 and it was threatening rain and the Rangers were in the World Series and it was Texas/OU and it was halloween-8K

    If we were 0-11 and it was threatening rain and the Rangers were in the World Series and it was Texas/OU and it was halloween and the Cowboys had a press conference and there was a race at Texas Motor Speedway - 5K

    If we were 0-11 and it was threatening rain and the Rangers were in the World Series and it was Texas/OU and it was halloween and the Cowboys were in the Super Bowl and there was a race at Texas Motor Speedway and FC Dallas was in MLS Cup and the Stars were in the Stanley CUP - Negative 2K

    If we were 11-0 and we were in the SWC and SMU just got the death penalty and Bacone was located in Denton and they were also our natural rival for 50 years and no other sporting event was happening in the US - 31,850.

    • Upvote 4
  6. An interesting read on this subject. This writer views the following as our best lineup, assuming all players are available.

    Tim Howard

    Steve Cherundolo Oguchi Onyewu Carlos Bocanegra Timmy Chandler

    Michael Bradley

    Landon Donovan Stuart Holden Brek Shea

    Clint Dempsey

    Jozy Altidore

    Good read. That's basically the lineup I said but swapping Holden for Adu/Torres. Is Holden really that much of a playmaker/#10?

  7. I don't think it will affect attendance that much regardless of what we do this weekend. You all are under the impression that people are paying attention to how NT football is doing. The extra people who came to the first game aren't coming back until next year, or perhaps the last two games if we have run the table until then. Getting pounded the first third of every season runs off all the fans except the die hards. They go find some other bandwagon to join. If it weren't homecoming, I could see changing the time if it were ok for the players and coaches, but it is, so not a good idea.

    What would be worse is bad weather.

  8. One thing that's missing is connecting play in the final third. Which I think is why we are not scoring. Part of that recently was missing Donovan out right. We need someone behind Dempsey who can unlock a defense. I can think of two guys who can do that, Freddy Adu and Torres. The problem with both is they are inconsistent, and don't play defense. I'm thinking Klinnsman thinks this way too which is why he had Torres in there when he was healthy. If you put one of those guys in the middle, you have to have a destroyer behind them in the midfield. I think this is why Klinnsman likes Beckerman. It's a perfect role for him. What's weird about that though is it leaves Holden out. Granted he hasn't been part of the team yet really anyway. I could see it going like this.






    With Altidore up top and Dempsey a withdrawn forward. This should be able to unlock teams and I think would give Altidore chances to finish. It's risky because up the middle we'd be weak defensively in front of Beckerman or Bradley.

    I think that's our strongest team if everyone is playing well.

  9. Beckerman is way too slow to play outside back. His best position is where Klinnsman has him, as a destroyer in fromt of the back four in a 4-1-3-2 formation. Although I think Bradley would be best in that position. Dolo is the best we have at right back. He's losing some of his quickness, but you saw the huge dropoff when Spector came in. Shea at this point looks like a starter on the left wing. I'd really disagree with Rogers starting, in fact I woulnd't have him in my top18. Just doesnt have the ideas or control, he's just fast. Assuming everyone is healthy, and that 4-1-3-2 I'd like to see





    Dempsey -------------- Altidore

    I could also see Adu or Torres in there as more creative midfielders.

  10. My point is we, the fan, have seen maybe 25 snaps combined for McNulty and Osborn...and even those are impossible to compare as they've come in completely different circumstances (mop-up for Osborn...some kind of "wildcat-ish" package for McNulty).

    25 snaps for two QBs is no where near the sample size needed to form an accurate opinion on their abilities and readiness...either for us the fans...or certainly not for the coaches. That's why the determination HAD to be made in practice.

    Lifer, and others, had convinced themselves after such a minuscule sample, that McNulty both is not ready for D-1 college football AND...in what I believe you have me quoted on as being "beyond stupid"...there must be something aside from a purely football decision at work that would have MCCarney start McNulty.

    Please take your logic somewhere else. We like to overreact here. Two games ago we were on our way to a bowl game. Now, we have nepotism and people will never come see another game in our new stadium. Please get with the program.

    • Upvote 4
  11. Didn't think our QBs and WRs would make enough plays to bring us a victory.

    Really love that the coaching staff is adding more and more to the playbooks on both sides of the ball. The "wildcat" with Hamilton and Dunbar worked just about all night.

    Still keeping my expectations on the low side but it does show what this team is capable of. Especially if we cut down on the turnovers.

    On to Tulsa!!

    I'd agree on the QB/Wr's especially if you had told me that #80 wouldn't be making plays.

  12. And the thing we have to do is get games scheduled against teams whose name perception is greater than reality. I don't care how good FIU is, even if we beat them, no one will care who is not already a fan. But if we can schedule and beat a Kentucky or Ole Miss . . . even though they are not very good teams, a lot of people will take interest because we beat an SEC team.

    Great point. I'd like to see these as our money games for awhile. Teams with names, and money that aren't likely to be in the top 5.

  13. I know that UNT makes money playing teams like Alabama, but wouldn't it be better for the program (in the long run) to avoid massive beat downs? Is it a truly mandatory part of being a smaller program? Sheesh, it sucks the life out of the players and the fans. Especially the casual fans.

    I always felt this way until something happened. I work with a guy who is an OU alumnus. Last week he said to me, got the big game coming up this week. He meant it the same way they did playing another top 5 team Florida ST. For whatever reason it finally dawned on me that the mindset of most college football fans is who the best teams are playing are the big games. the problem is we aren't competitive in those games right now. If we were they wouldn't suck the life out of us.

    So while I agree with the premise that these games are a beat down at the moment, they are necessary for relevance. If we can get good, those games are the way you get to the top of the food chain.

    So all we have to do is get good :P

  14. And I agree with this.

    I know I am setting myself up for disappointment here, but I really think we win this week.

    Fair enough. #2 is probably a little knee-jerk reaction to what we've seen for the last several years.

    As for this Sat., depends on the crowd bring the noise and the team believing they can win. Ok, it's not that simple, but the teams are fairly even so want-to is very important.

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  15. I was thinking the exact same thing. I don't think I've ever seen him step into a throw. EVERY THROW is off his back foot falling away.

    I've noticed this as well as him getting happy feet a lot against Houston. I thought in the early part of the game against Alabama he was doing better stepping into throws until he got hit. Then he seemed to want to just get rid of it, and the back foot thing may be him trying to stay away from the rush, kind of backing up to clear space before he throws so he doesn't get smacked.

  16. I am pretty happy with what I am seeing so far with this team. The team looks much better coached from the last several years. We don't have the depth and athleticism to go up against teams of this caliber, but that will be fixed in time. Dan used this as an opportunity to get several players some experience in a big house. What a great place to get time, after that ever place else is a cakewalk.

    I am not sure why but I am actually feeling better about the rest of the season.

    Maybe I am up worked up on the Green Koolaide but I think we are looking better as team each week, it makes going back to Conference play pretty interesting. If we beat either Indiana or Tulsa where do we finish? Maybe it is just me today but I can see 6-6 or better as high as maybe 8-4? I would love to kick Troy's ass this year!

    Agree KingDL1, just posted as much on a new thread, before I saw your post. I'm not even concerned with records this year though because of that, except for the fact I know it would help with recruiting.

    • Upvote 2
  17. Vito mentioned it again on the blog and people here have said we need a running threat at QB. No we don't need it. Did anyone see Keenum running Saturday night? And yet they had 680+ offensive yards. No what you need is a threat and then some balance off of that. We don't really have a threat yet. Running, passing whichever, neither is dangerous at this point. If we could run the ball, it'd open up the passing or vice versa. What would help Dunbar most is if the passing game was dangerous. But it's not at this point. /soapbox

    • Upvote 1
  18. Can anybody give a summary of the show for those of us that missed it?

    I'll try.

    • The crowd was amazing and Houston's coach mentioned that they didn't expect noise to be a factor and that made a big difference in the game early on.
    • Lance Dunbar has struggled because he had a concussion in fall camp and hadn't practiced much
    • He expects all 3 quarterbacks to play this season
    • Thompson is basically a freshman so he thinks he will improve a lot this season.
    • They weren't happy with the secondary play in the game and they'll work on it.
    • Alabama is loaded with draft picks but we will try to improve in that game.
    • He had heard Olen was good but hadn't seen it until the Houston game, that was the reason for pumping him up during the game after the field goal and the kick off out of the endzone.
    • We need more playmakers on the team like Brelan.
    • Canales came down to the sideline which he also did during the FIU game from the press box. Said that the coaches were having to do a lot of the leading of this team right now which ideally the upperclassmen would be doing.
    • Hoped that the team wasn't used to losing and accepting it, because it better make them sick
    • Atterbury is the most confident player on the team right now.

    I'm sure there was more but that's what I can remember now.

    • Upvote 1
  19. Hate to say this, but after having seen it in person against Houston, and watching Tulsa last weekend: We've got what we've got.

    The debate about whether or not Dodge could recruit is over. We've got pretty average players all around. Average size, speed, and talent.

    I hate giving coaches excuses. But, it's hard to sit and watch Houston's 290/300+ pound linemen grind on a 260 pound DT like Boutwell all night. Eventually, the kid is going to get his ass worn out giving up that much weight all night long.

    I don't want to take anything away from these guys' effort. They fought like hell Saturday night. That part of the game isn't missing. What's missing is size, speed, and overall talent.

    While I wish Dodge well at Pitt as a position coach, he truly failed us in recruiting pretty much all the way around, with only a handful of exceptions. He left the program in no better position player-wise than when he arrived - and, may have left it in worse condition.

    Whatever the wait, the new seats are great. The kids had fun.

    The real thing missing from this team are playmakers especially on defense. Someone who will get a sack or an interception on 3rd down. Stop a running back for a two yard loss. Plays we haven't really seen since the Dickey years. We have some playmakers on offense but it seems not as many as years past at least not to this point in the season.

  20. Great points all but one thing about the game itself that really stood out to me was the vast improvement in scheme this coaching staff has made in such a short time. Our defense was running more sets than I can ever remember seeing. Blitzes, fake blitz drop 8, stunts, mixing up coverages, we even had that amoeba defense where the guys all stand and move around so the line doesn't know who to block.. The offense had the pistol, QB under center, two backs, one back, option. We threw a lot at them. We have a big time staff. If they can recruit as well as they can scheme, we are going to be no fun to play against and soon.

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