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Meangreen Fight

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Posts posted by Meangreen Fight

  1. 11 hours ago, SUMG said:

    It's not been reported over there yet....but we lost another b-ball player to the portal y'day (Terrence Dixon). He played very little. 

    But, as of this point......that will mean, if no one else leaves......9 new players in basketball next year. And, I'm guessing it's gonna be close to 50 new players in football this season.

    To me, that's not sustainable.

    You have to have some kind of relationship with the players. They can't all be "rentals."


    This is the point I think has never been critically consider because of the greed of EVERYONE ELSE besides the players.  The old system was never sustainable because the schools had very little invested in the players actually getting the best education available at their schools.  If guaranteed 4 year scholarships (with an option after 2 years) were the standard or breakable by the student I don't think we have the madness of today.  

    The other major part is the lack of standardization and revenue sharing for all school playing at a particular level.  How do you expect the players or coaches to have any loyalty when the schools have no loyalty to protect the health overall college sports. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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  2. 15 hours ago, MCMLXXX said:

    That was 7 away games and Kansas was at Texas Stadium. 

    UAB was 1AA in 1995 and had been Division 3 until 1992. That homecoming loss was one of the most disappointing losses in my almost 50 years as a fan. Dan McCarney proved that it can get worse.

    No thank you. 

    One good thing about that season was all games were telecast with Gil Brandt as one of the announcers. 

    The come from behind victory over Oregon State is certainly a top highlight of my memories as a fan.

    My hypothetical assumed that all home games would be in Denton and UAB as a decent G5 team.  Also I count only 6 road games as the Kansas game is at worse a “neutral site” game hundreds of miles from Kansas in DFW.  And the Idaho State game would be swapped with maybe a team like New Mexico, UTEP, Tulsa, Tulane or La Tech, as Idaho State plays FCS now.

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  3. Converting College Football to a post season ESPN TV event. 🤦🏽‍♂️.  It isn’t going to work out like they think it will.  It will make 70% of regular season games completely irrelevant.  And that 70% will include a lot of regular season games in the super conferences.  I point at College Basketball regular season as a cautionary story.  A few hard core fans of mid majors will still watch regular season games.  But most fans aren’t hard core for any program including the “Blue Bloods”.   What does Northwestern vs Purdue even mean if neither of them can get first or second place in the Big 10?  They aren’t going to the Big 10 title game.  And even if one of them is a playoff “wildcard” chances are pretty good they will rematch OSU, Michigan, or Penn State on the road and get blown out.  Contrast that with about 25 years ago.  A high rank Purdue vs high rank Northwestern regular season game had “playoff” atmosphere.  Because the winner would be in contention for a great bowl and Big 10 title just by going on and maybe lucking out and getting Michigan/OSU at home and beating them.  Now who knows if they will even get to play one of the top 3 ranked teams in their conference in 2024?   It’s stupid.

  4. On 3/23/2024 at 10:56 AM, jtm0097 said:

    This is exactly my point, the marketing department/student outreach sucks. They need to do a better job of targeting kids currently in Denton. It seems there are a lot of people in the athletic department that do just the bare minimum and collect a paycheck. 


    23 hours ago, greenjoe said:

    A couple of years ago, my Breakfast Kiwanis Club offered to provide and operate, at no cost to UNT, passenger golf carts to help move, quickly, fans coming to and/or from the stadium.  We would rent the golf carts and simply go back and forth moving as many people as we could.  The Athletic Dept said no.  The catch-all response was “our insurance won’t let us do that.  


    It’s hard to help when any and all ideas get shot down.  

    @greenjoe perfect response to @jtm0097 comment.  Old Denton culture inside the Athletic Department is a cancer that spreads to new employees.  The transition from Wren Baker, Seth Littrell and Conference USA is endemic of that.  I am not even sure who the AD answers to and what kind of power that person is allowed to wield.  I think that is huge part of the problem.  Because during this period of time the school moved like it didn’t have a long term plan bigger than the AD, football head coach and conference we happen to be in/going to.  I think that where Coach Mac may have misjudged this university’s commitment to big long term goals.  

    Here is where the rubber meets the road; I can’t market free tickets to my friends because when their dismal record over the last 2 decades is brought up in response to my invitation there is very little I can point to except the now not so new Apogee/DATCU stadium.

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  5. On 3/18/2024 at 4:40 PM, jtm0097 said:

    Yep, we need to target the Business/Engineering students. The weird art kids are not going to attend a football or basketball game. 

    I am engineering grad.  NONE of my classmates attended games while in school nor have I seen any of them at games as alumni except maybe at a random homecoming over the past 20 years.  Students would be foolish to come here expecting good football and basketball (men's or women's).   Stop blaming the "customer" for the earned reputation of putting out a bad product.  That is why find it comical that so many scoffed at the mere suggestion that school pursue a Coach like Deion Sanders before he left for Colorado.  The attention of the pursuit alone would make an impact on the perception of the program.  Just like Cowboys fans are super skeptical of "All In" when you don't even call one of the best running backs in the league to gauge his interest when he lives in DALLAS and your team needs a RB to support your QB.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Jonnyeagle said:

    How can you say that when we lost our best offensive lineman?

    OL quality as a squad is more about the weakest link rather than the best individual lineman.  I don't agree with @3_n_out but it certainly possible if all the individual lineman are best than the worst lineman in the squad last year.  And if the offense is 60% pass vs 40% run or if is closer to 50/50 with a zone blocking run scheme that makes the weakest link more important vs strongest link.  It is great to have a monster like Larry Allen, Eric Williams, or Travis Fredick.   But it you aren't scheming to run behind him their impact can be limited when the best pass rusher on the opposition just moves to go at weaker offensive lineman.  

    So many unknowns about this coming season it hard to be excited or pessimistic about it.  I just wish this was year 3 of our new coach instead of year 2.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Cr1028 said:

    The problem with engagement and getting new potential fans out is if they don’t enjoy the on-the-field product then it was all for naught. The odds of them showing again is almost zero. Regardless of this person’s job, it will start and end with Morris and Mosley and if they can build a program people want to watch. We almost sold out LaTech in 2018 and had we beaten them and continued the winning streak I bet we would have sold out at least once that season.

    You're right and that was the collimation of a season 1/2 of good football.  But these are all good ideas that should maximize the possible engagement that the on the field performance makes possible.  I speculate a7-5 program with all/most of these intiatives implemented will get 20,000 in home game attendance but the same team with that support may barely top 16,000 fans.  

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  8. 2 hours ago, KingDL1 said:

    I have been told several of our guys transferred through the portal for the allure of NIL money and did not receive the promised NIL money. But that is only what I was told. 

    You are probably correct.  Because i would think minimum due diligence of a NIL leader would involve only signing contract AFTER they enrolled, on an athletic scholarship or officially on the roster.

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  9. On 2/21/2024 at 10:36 AM, SMU2006 said:

    Good luck with the legal argument that the GoR, willingly and lawfully agreed to by every ACC member institution, is unenforceable. The legal precedent/argument is clearly on the side of the ACC.  They know it.  FSU knows.  Every other ACC institution knows it as well.

    You are in complete an utter denial.  ESPN nor any other distributer is really interested in GOR other than a means to control cost on the rights to air game featuring brands that bring fans.  That isn't SMU or the lesser brands in any of the conferences.   All the schools thar were the last to get into a P4 lifeboat are in danger of being excluded when the big divide inevitably happens.  And it is inevitable unless a major ruling in pending court cases make an elite semi-pro CFB league unpalatable to media distributers and the big brands they want.

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  10. 15 hours ago, SMU2006 said:

    LOL.  That's just the monetary piece to exit the conference.  The ACC would still own the rights to FSU's home games for the next 13 years.  There's nothing they can do about that.

    This won't be resolved until the early 2030's (at the earliest).  Signed contracts have consequences.  Sorry FSU.

    You should know money talks and BS walks.  What happens if ESPN call the lower value ACC team’s bluff and tell you that letting FSU go will make them happy?  You don’t want to piss off the ultimate sugar daddy.  

    ESPN- Tell you what ACC irrelevants and your cabin boy SMU; you can either divide up your portion of the remainder of the promised revenue now and go away or the next contract we offer your school will be cents on the dollar.  Mind you in the meantime until your contract run out we are going to put as many of your games on at bad time slots and behind a paywall and show your real independent value without us.  

    Rememberthe money is coming from the distributors and advertising on the games.  Hurting and restricting FSU, Clemson, Virginia Tech, Miami, and North Carolina is bad for viewership numbers.  

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  11. 17 hours ago, SMU2006 said:

    SMU is absolutely in the same peer group as the majority of the ACC (FSU, NC State, Clemson, VA Tech, GA Tech, WF, Miami, Syracuse, PITT, etc.)

    Wow, the delusion is worse than I thought.  Unfortunately this isn’t about students or academics at all.  It is about how much a media distribution outlet win pay to air your games.  For SMU since the death penalty that has been G5 level.  Otherwise SMU wouldn’t been the last G5 team to find P4 lifeboat they had to pay an entrance fee to get into.  ESPN isn’t happy they are getting SMU games as a part of their package.  And if and when any of those teams you listed leave the ACC they will NOT consider SMU an on par replacement.

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  12. On 1/24/2024 at 11:35 AM, SMU2006 said:

    This is about sending a message to Wazzu/Oregon State that they can't just elevate a bunch of G5's and expect them to keep "P5" status and get the CFP $$$.  This has absolutely nothing to do with SMU and will be resolved accordingly.  Not the slightest bit concerned.

    This is a completely delusional position.  😂 The message is that small schools, that don’t win big once in a while and don’t have large fan bases aren’t revenue generators.  Having your large donors essentially pay the other schools in the conference for right to be in the conference established a precedent that SMU doesn’t have value to the elite athletic brand schools. 

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  13. 14 hours ago, MeanGreenTexan said:


    Think Tim Robinson GIF by NETFLIX

    We just saw SMU win AAC via NIL deals (wins) & nonchalantly give up conference revenue shares so they could join the ACC (respect), due to the massive amount of money their donors have.

    Also have you heard that the playoff committee is considering not granting SMU a P4 share of CFP revenue.  


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  14. On 1/8/2024 at 9:52 PM, UNTLifer said:

    Terrible idea considering the small percentage that actually play in the NFL. This is the problem. Nobody tells these kids no. Too many have unrealistic expectations of their own abilities. Football is their means to getting an education to prepare themselves for life. 

    Couldn't agree more but "leadership" has put themselves in the position where they can rarely say no.   Chiefly because they almost never said no to anything if the check was large enough.  Moreover Div 1 NCAA institutions have been happy to screw over their peers for the biggest check.  Absolutely no financial hardship reason for the richest schools in FBS to leave their regional conferences.  The greed and lack of loyalty is now two way street that everyone in revenue college sports has access to now.  

  15. On 1/4/2024 at 11:43 AM, NT80 said:

    That's the mindset of kid's today...get mine now.  Screw the school, the program, the team...I want mine NOW!

    That is the mindset of the schools every time conference alignment and scheduling comes up.  Every school not in Big 10 or SEC would leave traditional rivals to join one of the those conferences behind.  No consideration of the the hardship maintaining academic eligibility while regularly traveling  over 3-4 time zones during the week for games.  Stanford and Cal in an East Coast conference.  UCF and Arizona in the same conference garbage.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Green Otaku said:

    The schools are the ones to blame ultimately. They would rather give up those traditions and historical ties for money, no one is forcing them to move conferences. They decided that their traditions are worth less than making more money. 

    DING DING.  That why I push back so hard on those with the opinion demonizing the players and NIL.   The guys playing today enjoying NIL don’t remember classic Bowl games that were more than just named for a product.  They don’t remember classic Big 10 vs PAC 10 Rose Bowls.  They don’t remember guys running around with Roses or Oranges looking ecstatic to be in a Bowl game.  Every time schools/conference got to a decision tradition vs more money they chose more money.   As a whole you can not tell me that a four team playoff after the bowl games would have resulted in more money for EVERYONE than a 12 team playoff.  That EVERYONE is the problem.  You can’t make decisions as independent entities in a league at the long term expense of the sport and expect not to harm your own program in the long term.  Almost everyone in the media is late preaching caution and doom.  The formation of BCS was the last chance they had to get off this dead end cut throat greed but they chose greed. 

  17. On 1/3/2024 at 1:15 PM, GMG_Dallas said:

    You know, the whole DC and QB talk is funny to me because it reminds me of the same discussions that were had when Aune was here. If we could just have some long, time crunching scoring drives, it would do wonders. In other words, the best thing we can do is keep our defense off the field. Scoring is great. Scoring fast is scary because it gives the other team the ball back.

    Yes I love watching big play, “let it fly” offenses but not so much for my team because our program has never shown it could have that type of offense and good defense to go with it.  The Murphy Twins defense with Mason at his peak here is as close as we got.  Mason could not stay healthy and I may be wrong but it seems like having all 3 of them healthy was rare.

  18. 23 hours ago, GMG_Dallas said:

    This did make me realize though that Michael Pratt took over the starting job week 3 of his true freshman year. Just something to think about as we obsess about landing a transfer who's been a backup his entire college career.

    Yes it is all crap shoot for QB.  The physical tools only go so far at the position of quarterback.  Landing transfers on the defensive side of the ball at this point is far more important.  Because right now we know for certain a few players that already had experience when Caponi got here just won’t be able to cut it in his scheme.  But I think his scheme is garbage, but that doesn’t matter because they chose to roll with him at DC.  If we can get a quarterback of defense that is successful, that is a one year rental like our QB was, that arguably could make a bigger impact than Rogers did.

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  19. On 12/31/2023 at 10:10 PM, GreenFlag said:

    The NCAA didn’t do this. The U.S. Supreme Court did by unanimous ruling (IMHO correctly) that education related benefit caps the NCAA imposed on student athletes are in violation is U.S. anti-trust laws. 

    The NCAA passes regulations voted on by member institutions. 

    The NCAA isn’t an evil overlord. 


    Was it an “anti-trust” ruling or “pro labor” ruling.  You cannot morally square everyone in revenue generating sports being free agents for the highest bidder and not treat players essentially the same way.  They could have circumvented this expected outcome by giving recruits irrevocable 4 year scholarships (except in the cases of 2 semesters of ineligibility or violation of student conduct rules).  They didn’t.  The large profitable programs wanted a captive labor force they could control.  That was never going to stand long term to legal challenges.  

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  20. On 12/30/2023 at 12:00 PM, Cr1028 said:

    Littrell gave PC his first college coaching job. That is one reason to not hate the man into perpetuity. He didn’t take us from 7-6 to 1-11. He took us from 1-11 to 7-6. Some of you forget that.


    On 12/30/2023 at 10:03 AM, tmjerm said:

    Seth is a helluva coach.  Some of y’all are still salty and it’s gross.  Under achieved here in the long run, sure.  But he was always pure class and absolutely elevated the program.  We eventually plateaued and needed a change, but I’m grateful for what he did here.  Multiple things can be true at one time and I wish our fanbase had enough class to make him feel appreciated. 

    I am not salty at him at all.  But he is just an ordinary coach nothing special at all.  The record is what it is.  Nothing special, not horrible but nothing special.  How he performed is what I expect BARE MINIMUM from any coach given the resources relative to his conference peers.  He CONSISTENTLY came up short.  And many times those conferences peers operating with less out coached him.  That is just the fact.  So I remember 1-11 but it is not some monumental accomplishment to go 7-6 given all the resources to be better than that.  Decent man, consummate, professional but that should be standard for any coach who gets an FBS head coaching job.  I appreciate that he did not leave the program in  shambles.  

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  21. On 12/29/2023 at 7:48 PM, peanuts104 said:

    Screw SL. Objectively bad head coach and apparently a mediocre OC, though *to be fair* they did lose their starting QB to the portal, which is also really telling imo.

    I didn’t log a response because they very valid opinions.  I wouldn’t call him a bad head coach but absolutely ordinary.  Never understood the confidence in him viewing his resume before he got here.   And I think we will see what he really is an OC next season.  

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  22. 4 hours ago, outoftown said:

    That is all true. But the fact that the NCAA, while not enforcing anything, still does not want to admit that pay for play is allowed will still change the way contracts are structured, and this part is one where people will only do it once that rule is officially of the books. Because it will also be difficult for the collective to enforce it. People -rightfully -blame the NCAA for not enforcing anything. The NCAA isn't because it likely wouldn't stand up in court if it really did. But notice that collectives aren't really enforcing their contracts either if it gets dicey. Or if they do they sure are trying to keep that hush hush.

    Fundamentally it is all a farce legally.  Once the NCAA lost control of television contracts in 1984 they lost financial control of the biggest revenue source outside donations going directly to the schools.  That was when the NCAA should have been proactive creating better transfer rules and a NIL system.  They’ve let the financial hypocrisy buildup so long since 1984 that once the dam broke it was bound to be a ton of collateral damage.  SMU was a canary in the coal mine sacrificing a small private school program knowing full well they would NEVER do it the blue blood programs if they were caught doing the same thing.  The NCAA is controlled by the big brand programs not vice versa.  As soon as an NCAA president has the courage to implement anything for the good of the whole that hampers the elite they either be fired or a lawsuit from some of the member institutions is forthcoming.  

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  23. 3 hours ago, GoGreenBeans said:

    NIL having more incentive based clauses seems like a potential solution. Keeps players in games to get their money. Obviously they’d still have a base pay, but giving incentives feels like that would improve a lot of competitive issues that have come up. Games played, milestones reached, winning the conference etc could be incentives 

    Not likely.  Even a 50k NIL game check for top players headed to the NFL isn’t worth risking millions for an exhibition game.  What will Cheez-It Bowl swag mean when the game is no longer called that or doesn’t even exist in the schedule.  

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  24. 7 hours ago, outoftown said:

    That would potentially work... IF the NCAA would first take out the rule where NIL cannot contain pay-for-play. Not sure they are willing to do that officially, even if they might not really have the appetite to enforce it

    That would be the death knell to anything resembling what we had before NIL.  Labor laws become in full effect.   A players union may start, minimum salaries, family healthcare coverage and other considerations become financial burdens.  Coaches would have to take pay cuts at most programs or ticket prices raised significantly.  Raising ticket prices is not a good option because attendance isn’t just a problem at G5 programs.  A lot of FBS just leaves because they can’t sustain that financial model and the other sports they want to sponsor in NCAA.  

    The decision makers for the bowl games created this issue by following the same “survival of the fittest” bottom line at every step in their development through the years.  Most bowls gave up their traditional names, venues, dates, conference tie-ins and etc when enough cash was flashed at them. Then you had the BCS reducing the value of all the bowls not in the NY6 BCS agreement.  The best thing for EVERYONE at the time was a 4 team playoff AFTER all the traditional bowls were played.  Go look up the history.  In EVERY year there was controversy (not involving an high ranked team ineligible for post season play due to NCAA rules violations) a 4 team playoff after the bowls would have settled everything with zero controversy except maybe bad calls in the games themselves. 🤷🏽‍♂️


    Look at this year.  How many players sit out from the top 8-10 ranked teams in Bowl games if they know by winning their bowl game they could be selected for the playoff?  Not many.  Their goal as players is to play for championships, get their education, and/or get to the NFL.  Playing in a meaningless bowl does not assist that endeavor in any way if their games have been on TV every week of the regular season.  

    The casual FBS fan base that will watch bowl games with no impact on playoff participation or not an actual playoff game isn’t very big.  

    So if you want them to play for your entertainment exclusively, then they should directly get compensated from the same funding pool the TV and ticket sale money goes into not just NIL.

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