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Everything posted by Sound_Man

  1. if you come across any great deals on a used H1 let me know
  2. that is very true if you want to e-mail them to me and i can get them up eric@esl-usa.com
  3. talk to the athletic office, i bet there are unused player comp tickets
  4. talk to the athletic office, i bet there are unused player comp tickets
  5. well let me rephrase a little bit, i am doing a swap, as my sr4 is totally trashed, damn rivers. so in actuallity, i am lookin to purchase a 700r4
  6. I'm in the middle of doing a tranny swap on a 79/80 cj7 and am going from a sr4 to a 700r4.....looking to see if anyone might possibly have a 700r4. I have a lead on one but is not in great shape and really do not want to have to spend the time to rebuild it also looking for a floor ratchet shifter and a transfer case adaptor thanks for any leads
  7. well then on that note, I know we have many talented students, we should get some of them to come out and do stuff......can anyone juggle those fire stick thingy's????? or what about the pajama contest two years ago?
  8. Anyone just see the play the Saints made w/ no time on the clock? I think there were like atleast 12 handoffs or something like that eric
  9. I am in campus, and it is not the asps and they are very real. they have talked to me a few times about trying to get me to join, and from what i understand, they are expecting to come our big time during freshman-O once a talon, always a .......nevermind
  10. actually, the first party is in the works now, the guy whose land it is is going out of town in a few weeks for liek a month, trying to get some bands finalized and the such looking at like the 2nd or 3rd week of school
  11. Kerr Hall for a year on the designated football floor then off to the oaksfor a year then two different houses on mccormick and finally on a farm in ponder
  12. Although this will probably get locked, just got word of this from some of my family. One of my uncles was killed in 9-11 and with my uncle and a few other cousins and other family members on the front line, and in front of it right now, I thought this was kinda cool and wanted to share. One of the coalitions airbase's was named after my uncle who was killed in the 9-11 attacks. eric http://www.af.mil/news/Feb2002/n20020214_0250.shtml
  13. Check this out University Of North Texas
  14. I was working on a house infrisco today and left at 3, pulled into my driveway in denton at 830 fun fun times
  15. Was it just me tonight, or did alot of the live acts sound as if they were muffled? almost as if the shure mics were going out of range eric
  16. By choosing to cut money in other areas
  17. I am working on a new, very very expensive, home theater set-up for a couple over by him, and when i waqs there yesterday they gave there 16 year old daughter a hummer for her b-day eric
  18. well he's on my salary already thanks to a certain someone
  19. Let me throw a little bt of the entertainment industry perspective on this. I know you know alot of this justin but let me add my two cents. The floor take 2 guys 8 hours to pull up, thats it. Your looking at somewhere between 3-5 thousand for insurance and cops the facility should go for around 5 depending on wether it is just unt students or ticketmaster sales etc... your looking at around 10-12 for sound and lighting, minimum and you must have enough money in the bank to cover the 'what if' factor, ie you book this and pay the band, sound, facility, insurance, even if no one shows up. However, there can be ALOT of profit. but if you do alchohol sales and food sales the band gets a cut of that as well as the venue typically just my two cents. if you want contacts for different bands let me know eric
  20. Got this off the UNT site Mean Green Screen Savers eric
  21. For those of you who could not make it, here are some pics of the new floor Floor Pics
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