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Daddy Dumpsalot

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Posts posted by Daddy Dumpsalot

  1. We will NEVER get great distribution or visibility with NT gear until our stuff is sold outside of the bookstore and Voertman's. This is both because you obviously reach more buyers when your product is available at a greater number of retailers but more importantly because Voertman's and the bookstore know they have a virtual monopoly and price accordingly.

    Sales will increase if our gear looks cool or if our school gets recognized. If they could do both then we would be way on top, but for right now the easiest and fastest thing to do would be revamp our NT clothing line. We have to give people a reason to buy NT stuff. Lets face it there are cotton whores out there just waiting for some cool threds (clothes). If they look cool enough then they may pay more for it.

  2. I bleed green and theres no other way around it.

    I always love it when people say this because I want to ask 'exactly what color of green is it?' is it the light green, forest green, dark green, or lime green?

    I think we could really bleed green if we knew exactly what color it was we were bleeding. (I would like to bleed dark green)

  3. Same old mediocre philosophy: Limp through the OOC schedule and try beat the Sun Belt. Ask Todd Dodge if he thinks they have a chance. He will say yes. If he said no, he'd be in the wrong business. Did you hear DD talk to the reporter before the UT game? "They would have to have a real bad game and we would have to play above our level" What exactly is our "level"? And how can you guys say that TD's level is the same as the old coach that we were so fond of?

    Ummm...of course he is going to say Yes we have a chance. Whats he gonna say No we dont stand a chance. I bet what we all hear and what his wife and kids hear at night are prob. not the same.

    What kind of coach would he be if when asked 'TD do you think UNT stands a chance against OU?'...TD:'Not a chance, lets go get killed team'

  4. HA HA...that is the funniest thing I have seen all day, even though its only 9 am.

    I say we start getting a team together now and RV can start making false promises of a baseball stadium to get them all excited. Then in a few years when the program has dwindled down get a new coach....kinda like they do all the other sports.

    They promised the swim team a new swimming pool. What did they get?? The rec center pool with removable bleachers. The swimmers cant even practice in there without swimming with the lap swimmers.

    I think some of the decisions RV and the AD has made to cut some corners and save some pennies has really been detrimental to all the athletic programs. We dont have a nice swimming facility to attract new top recruits. We should build nicer facilities (baseball, football, swimming, volleyball) and just raise tuition.

    Has anyone seen the volleyball facility? its a HS gym. when the girls play volleyball the ball 1/5 times bounces off the roof. It's PATHETIC. If we are going to be competitive and show everyone we're serious, we need to fork up some cash for these nicer facilities. Instead what we do it save a bunch of money and build something that in 5 yrs in obsolete. Poor decision making if you ask me.

    So here becomes the question: Do we build a baseball program w/ a stadium or a new Football stadium first?

  5. You guys make a nice point about not over-paying but you also have to look into the costs associated with the clothing. I would gladly pay a little more for a shirt that looks nice and is made of nice quality than I would for a crappy shirt of poor quality.

    I would hope that our image and clothing would become cool for everyone to wear. I would love to passing through some small city on my way to.....mexico and see some UNT gear. But right now you barely see any of that in Denton. I like the idea of the fitted hats with just the eagle, but I also think that we could do better as far as fashion is concerned.

    Lets face it, we're guys, we're not into fashion...right? I believe that to an extent we are. I think that if our clothes and logos were 'cooler' to the majority then we would feel more comfortable about spending the extra money it took to design them.

    I would like to see a universal color (forest or dark green, something like the athletic page is) and get AWAY from the light lime green (the color of our main unt.edu page). I would like to see more dark green on black or visa versa. I would like to get our eagle more 'hip'. I would also like to be known as NT and maybe drop the U (if that makes any sense).

    I wish there was some way we could get a group together to decide and finalize some of these things.

  6. I dont know any specific numbers or anything but I imagine it would be relatively easy or easier getting a baseball team up and running. If we got the team to the SBC (which I dont think would be a problem in the first place) then other than conference road games...couldnt we just schedule OOC teams within texas and like the states just around it if we need to go out of state? as for the home field...all we need is a nice field itself and some bleachers to fit say a couple of hundred people and wala...you have yourself a baseball program started. As far as getting talent that wouldnt be a problem either as texas is a pool of baseball talent so i wouldnt be surprised if we got our baseball team competing for some trophies within just a few years time. what do you guys think?

    I think the only problem with having the baseball team, and why we only have a club team, is because we do not have enough women sports yet. I think we ought to add Women's Football. We could probably get more fans to come to those games. :clapping:

  7. ok smart guy... obviously baseball is something that our program is lacking. whats do YOU think we should do???

    Why dont we all send RV emails and phone calls and threats (not really) letting him know that we all want a baseball team and fast. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    I am in total agreement that UNT needs a Baseball team very badly. I think the fans and alum will love it. We could put the proposed stadium right where Fouts is now.

  8. I believe we stand a chance against OU, which is more than I could ever say with DD. I don't think it's probable to beat them this year, but it's at least possible now. I do agree with Green Mean in that it will take a little while to catch up with TCU in football.

    I hope you dont play poker. If so you might want to save your time and just give away your money. ;)

    But I will say this. I am sorry that TD had to come into a schedule like our where his first ever game will be against the Sooners. He will have his hands full thats for sure. I bet he cant wait to get that game over with.

  9. Sorry I know this isn't about football but I just wanted to let every UNT fan know that UNT will be swimming against TCU this Wednesday (1/24) at 6pm at the Rec center. Admission is free just tell them your there for the game or go in the back door.

    This has always been a good rivalry but unfortunately TCU has taken the prize the past few years. UNT has pulled in some good recruits this season as well as a new Head Coach and they are ready to take the victory away from TCU.

    I know swimming isn't as exciting as football but I believe we should support all UNT sports.

    It would be great to have a bunch of fan support at this home meet. I hope everyone can make it.

  10. Hey just wanted to let every UNT fan that UNT will be swimming against TCU this Wednesday (1/24) at 6pm at the Rec center. Admission is free just tell them your there for the game or go in the back door.

    This has always been a good rivalry but unfortunately TCU has taken the prize the past few years. UNT has pulled in some good recruits this season as well as a new Head Coach and they are ready to take the victory away from TCU.

    It would be great to have a bunch of fan support at this home meet. I hope everyone can make it.

  11. Wouldn't it be nice to shock the world in September? With Thompson and Peterson gone, what if Stoops moves to the NFL? Maybe the ideo of us hanging with OU isn't as far-fetched as most of you once thought.

    It would be nice.....but seriously. We would be lucky to score a TD. When we play UT I was just happy that we scored.

  12. My vote goes to the Colts if nothing more than I really liked what the Pres. and Head Coach had to say when they received their trophy. They seem like really humble men and you dont find that often.

    Did you know this:

    Jim Irsay (also known as Jimmy Irsay) graduated from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX in 1982 and is the owner of the Indianapolis Colts of the National Football League.


  13. I thought I read a post recently that Todd Dodge's Under Armour deal will move with him to NT and that they would be making our uniforms for this season. It looks like they are already producing a new NT shirt.

    From meangreensports.com


    Is that a shirt or a nighty?

    Either way it looks exactly the same except the UA logo on it.

  14. Point of interest on TD's WR recruits vs current Mean Green receivers.

    Currently we have two WR that are over 6 ft. Brock Stickler at 6'3 & Brandon Jackson at 6'1.

    Of TD's seven WR recruits are ALL over 6' except one who is 5'11. Two are 6'1, two 6'2, one 6'3 and one 6'4.

    Also three are listed with 4.4 speed, two at 4.5 & 2 at 4.6. Bigger targets with wheels ? :rolleyes:

    Thats sweet. Now all we need is a QB to throw to them and an OL to protect the QB.

  15. THE ABSOLUTE BOTTOM LINE (and I'm done) is that UNT has 0 fan support. NO ONE wants to come to the games when we play crappy teams. That WILL NOT change, whether we win or lose. The SBC is not going anywhere and it will ALWAYS draw the bottom dwellers. I had hoped that UNT would be going somewhere athletically, but after reading what everyone has posted, it is clear we will always be a no name school in a crappy conference.

    I'll tell everyone what:

    In 2 or 3 years when UNT is stuck in the same position (without fans, support, low attendance, and spirit) or worse (which I predict if we dont get out this conference) and you all are still making excuses for why we are where we are, think back to the words of Daddy Dumpsalot "WE NEED to get into a new conference and fast, no more turning down bids". The fans will THEN make the commute from Dallas once we start to play worthy teams, but until then have fun throwing out shirts and towels and giving away cars in desperation of fan attendance.

    We need to stop looking into things so much and just support the idea of a new conference. If we cant afford a different conference, I am sure that the people that we pay on the UNT board, the ones that actually know the dollar figures, will not choose the conference. BUT if it comes down to what the fans want....I HOPE we start packing our bags.

    Why is it we have to get so far down before we realize that something needs to change?

    NOW, I am sorry If I have stepped on any toes with this thred, sincerely. I am very passionate about UNT athletics and I really would love to see it take off. I am sick of us playing worthless teams when we are much better than that. I want a shot at playing bigger and better schools and I'm sure the rest of the UNT fans do too. :cry:

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