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Daddy Dumpsalot

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Posts posted by Daddy Dumpsalot

  1. Daddy Dumpsalot, you are the reason North Texas will always be trying to be a major player in athletics.

    You donate money because you love your alma mater. Not because the money is earmarked for a certain project. So join the MEAN GREEN Club, at any level. Buy season tickets to every sport. Attend as many games as you can of every sport. Not because you have to or want to. Do it because you LOVE and are proud of the school.

    Thanks Greenbat I agree. Now try to convince the 100K+ alumni in DFW of the same thing.

  2. I don't know dude, it's not my job. Maybe that we need new football and baseball stadiums?

    EXACTLY! It is your job, its all of our jobs. Thats where the problem is. Everyone thinks its everyone else's job to implement change.

    Yes, we need a new football stadium, we need a baseball team.

    Then they say 'Why do we need a new stadium? Whats wrong with the one we have now?'

    Then, what do you say?

  3. to me waiting really is the only option. hopefully after a football stadium is up, and dodge has helped not only the football program but all athletics overall get better recognition we will be at a place where starting a baseball program and a new stadium will be an easy natural progression. heres hoping!

    Nice! So what are the negatives if we wait? What are the positives if we start implementing a strategy now?

  4. the only problem i have with this idea, is that the program is never going to grow. if we share a field with denton ryan, we will never get qaulity recruits, people wont want to come watch a game at a high school, and eventually the program will fizzle out. im not saying i want a 10 million dollar stadium tomorrow. im saying i would be more than happy with us waiting (yes, even till after the football stadium is built) and then get the program running. have our own stadium, that can be expanded... and grow from there.

    Good point Mr. Strange.

    Do we wait to build the baseball stadium until our football program is built up, or do we just build a field that we can play on now and attract a few fans but we can now say that we have a baseball team? And, if we wait until our football program is built up we might be in a different conference by the time its time to start putting money in a baseball program. Thoughts?

  5. you want my opinion, we should start a baseball team and share a field, save up some money for a few years to build the facilities that we are in need of. not something that will never get full. that will just be a waste of money. it doesnt have to be huge just big enough to fit the fans that are going to the games.

    Thanks Recman. Thats what I was wanting. Nice suggestion, I agree. We also need to think about future growth potential as well.

  6. I'll say this once, and be done with it - listen carefully: NORTH TEXAS IS NOT A COMMUTER SCHOOL!

    UNT IS a commuter school, I dont like it but it is. I lived in the dorms my Freshman and .5 my soph. year and I came from Austin. Why dont you ask your sister what happens on Friday's after class gets out...or does she not know because she is one of the 'fans' that goes home every weekend...The dorms clear out leaving about 40% of the people here on the weekends. It's depressing for those that cant go home each weekend. Trust me, I want that to change too.

    It's that mentality that keeps North Texas from aspiring to greater things. The North Texas housing community is alive and thriving, I can assure you. When I lived in housing 3 years ago, the residence halls were always full. My sister is a freshman now, and the halls are still full. In fact, they are building new residence halls as we speak. /rant

    I agree.

    I don't know from where you pull these statistics you keep throwing out, but what makes you think that the College of Music gets most of the money? The Engineering school recently received a $1.2 million donation, the Biology department received a $1-2 million gift, just to name a few. And these donations were both fairly recent. Not to say that these departments receive large sums of money all the time, but I don't recall reading anytime in the recent past about a multi-million dollar donation to the COM.

    The statistics come from my good friend who works for the athletic dept. I do believe he is a credible source. He knew about TD and couldn't say anything before many people. I also was not talking about donations, I was talking about how the tuition pool gets split up.

    Alumni in the past haven't donated to the university because no one reached out to them. And when alumni were contacted, they were hoarded by the academic development groups - athletics was told to go find their own list. Also, there was a larger disconnect between students and the university. The hard work by Rick Villareal, the Freshman Orientation developers, and the Greek/Housing organizations (and SGA) have significantly reduced that gap. As students connect with the university, they feel more of an obligation to support it once they are financially stable. For instance, my husband, brother-in-law, and I are all fairly recent grads ('03 for my husband and brother-in-law, and '04 and '06 for me). We all lived on campus and fell in love with the university. Only now are we all becoming financially stable enough to support the university, and we are doing so. And there are many more like us. The DFW area alone has more than 100,000 North Texas alumni. There are only 35,000 students enrolled at North Texas. Why put the burden on the fewer, who have less to spend in the first place?

    Good point. So do you think that a mere phone call is going to all of a sudden make the Alumni want to donate? It's not about putting the burden (if it is indeed a burden to support) on one person, its about sharing the burdens. 100,000 * 100 = $10M but also $50 semester hike * 35,000 = $1.75M. There you go.

    I'm projecting here, but doesn't it make more sense to call upon the alumni, who have more to give, but yet need to give (per person) less than the alumni? I've no math degree, but it seems that it would be better that way. Why take more money from the college student, so that when they graduate they have less money for startup?

    Nice projection. Have you talked to the alumni and asked them why they dont give? I recently showed my place to a man and women UNT alum and I mentioned that I was going to the last game DD would play and if they were coming. They said 'we gave up on NT football. We had never missed a game until this last season when we looked at the direction of the program and the lack of progress we decided not to go anymore'. I was able to try to encourage them a little but how do we reach these alumni? I'm asking because I'll do it, not to merely make a point btw.

  7. If every alum donated $100, we'd be $10,000,000 closer to having a new football stadium. Christ, we could even have one of the top college baseball stadiums in the country with that money. Saying, "Oh it won't help," is just a lame excuse for being cheap.

    I agree. But then again what reason does the Alumni have to give? To support what?

  8. hey daddy-

    just curious... seeing how your bashing students who have to fork over cash for athletics if they like it or not. what are YOU doing to make this program better?

    Mr. Strange,

    I'll be honest, I haven't given a dime to UNT, other than for NTExes. And many of the Alumni that I have talked to haven't either.

    Why is that do you think?

    I am not bashing anyone, rather making suggestions for how we could further our ahtletic dept. Yes I know I know, if I gave that would help...right?? You're probably right but my donations are not going to influence or help even a little bit.

    I feel that many people, alumni and students, dont give a rip one way or another about UNT. I joined GMG because I thought that perhaps this is where the DIEHARD NT fans were gathering. And I wanted to become one with them. I am let down now as I feel that some (not all) dream so small for this School, if they even dream at all. We need to Dream BIGGER...I want to compete with the BIG BOYS, have national recognition, sold out stadiums, UNT pride. If UNT and other fans shared this same vision then I would write my check today. BUT they do not.

    They say be patient, wait, it takes time...Some want to dominate the SBC...I have been there done that with UNT and nothing positive happened with it. Lets take this ship further to see what she can do.

    I am sincerely asking: What do we want UNT to accomplish? Then ask yourself, Why do I want them to accomplish that? Then ask, Where do you all as DIEHARD fans want UNT to be in the next few years?

  9. When you read my posts you will see what makes me happy. Getting the Coaches in place in Football and Basketball that will make UNT the dominant force in the Sunbelt as well as OOC opponents. Dodge is a good start. With that success we build for the future. It does not happen in one year. There is not a quick "take it to the bank" solution. If you think that you can land that money man to donate millions to the program, I'm sure the school will give you a finders fee. But I do not think that it is unreasonable to get a baseball program going. And we do not need a great stadium out of the box.

    BTW we should not cut other programs budgets to add to athletice.

    And you probably need thicker skin. you are not necessarily getting reamed it is just that many people do not agree with your opinions. I for one am tired of you and your posts and will not reply to another.

    Thats good then I will get the final word. So when you say that coaches will make UNT the dominant force in the SBC, your probably mean like a few years ago:

    Sat, Aug 31 Texas at Austin, Texas 0 - 27 (L)

    Sat, Sep 07 Nicholls State Denton, Texas 23 - 0 (W)

    Sat, Sep 14 Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Alabama 7 - 33 (L)

    Sat, Sep 21 TCU at Fort Worth, Texas 10 - 16 (L)

    Sat, Sep 28 Arizona at Tuscon, Arizona 9 - 14 (L)

    Sat, Oct 05 South Florida Denton, Texas 17 - 24 (L)

    Sat, Oct 19 Arkansas State at Jonesboro, Arkansas 13 - 10 (W)

    Sat, Oct 26 Louisiana-Lafayette at Lafayette, Louisiana 27 - 0 (W)

    Sat, Nov 02 Louisiana-Monroe Denton, Texas 41 - 2 (W)

    Sat, Nov 09 Idaho Denton, Texas 10 - 0 (W)

    Sat, Nov 16 New Mexico State Denton, Texas 38 - 27 (W)

    Sat, Nov 23 Middle Tennessee at Murfreesboro, Tennessee 30 - 20 (W)

    New Orleans Bowl

    Tue, Dec 17 Cincinnati at New Orleans, Louisiana 24 - 19 (W)

    Or perhaps the year after that:

    Sat, Aug 30 Oklahoma at Norman, Oklahoma 3 - 37 (L)

    Sat, Sep 06 Baylor Denton, Texas 52 - 14 (W)

    Sat, Sep 13 Air Force Academy at Air Force Academy, Colorado 21 - 34 (L)

    Sat, Sep 20 Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas 7 - 31 (L)

    Sat, Sep 27 Louisiana-Lafayette Denton, Texas 44 - 23 (W)

    Sat, Oct 11 Idaho at Moscow, Idaho 24 - 14 (W)

    Sat, Oct 18 Utah State Denton, Texas 37 - 27 (W)

    Sat, Oct 25 Middle Tennessee at Murfreesboro, Tennessee 33 - 28 (W)

    Thu, Oct 30 Troy Denton, Texas 21 - 0 (W)

    Sat, Nov 08 Louisiana-Monroe at Monroe, Louisiana 28 - 26 (W)

    Sat, Nov 15 Arkansas State Denton, Texas 58 - 14 (W)

    Tue, Nov 25 New Mexico State at Las Cruces, New Mexico 13 - 10 (W)

    New Orleans Bowl

    Tue, Dec 16 Memphis at New Orleans, Louisiana 17 - 27 (L)

    So what exactly are you waiting for? We have already had that success and we didn't capitalize on it, so what you are waiting to happen? The question is, if we get there what are we going to do next? That is my point, we have already dominated the SBC conference and yes we can do it again.


  10. something like this would be good for the time being until we have established the team and have more support and move on from there..



    I would love something like this. Maybe a few more seats. But wouldn't cost too much and would get ball rolling on the program.

  11. daddy dipshit,

    Nice. Mabye you should watch your language there young gun. I know....truth hurts. ;)

    your not even worth arguing with, your points arent even tangible.

    and i dont think you have your facts straight.

    blah blah blah

    i am pretty sure

    What confidence you have in what you say.

    all i have heard you say is raise tuition and build state of the art facilities.

    And Recless all I have heard you do is bash other people ideas. Maybe you could list some things that could be done. We dont need more blah blah blah, we get that enough.

    all i want to see is a good program. they could play at a high school field and i would go and watch.

    :baby: Yes that is all anyone ever does it want want want. Yet no one makes suggestions on how to get get get. Thanks for your call....next

  12. Students at North Texas already pay an athletics fee. And it's somewhere between $75-$100 per semester, last I recall. If you look at the tuition breakdown available either via your own tuition, or via the school Web site, you'll find the fee. Students also pay an international fee for study abroad programs, a wellness center fee, a library fee, and all manner of fees. And they pay all these fees no matter what. I don't think the tuition hike is the answer - North Texas raises tuition every year already. One year I was in school, they raised it 30% from the previous year. It's a major strain on pocketbooks already, so I think the majority of athletics funding should come from the alumni.

    Then please explain further as to why the Alumni are all of a sudden going to start giving to the University. See the problem is that the people with the money are waiting for a reason to give and other people are saying give and we'll make a reason. To get something accomplished we all have to be on the same page. Yes there is a little piece of the tuition pie that goes to each dept. Unfortunately right now the Jazz/Music school gets most of the money and that is the problem. Either we sacrifice some of the funds that goes to that program and face that maybe the program will dwindle or we raise $50 a semester per student. If you think that you can really feel a $50 hike, you're crazy. If you think people will transfer schools because of it, you're crazy. If you think people wont choose UNT, because of it, you're crazy. Those are our options.

    If you want to succeed it has to come from somewhere. And I still think that most parents pay for tuition but then again I forgot that UNT is a commuter school and probably most people work. But even still I think its probably a 65/35 split.

  13. Dont get worked up over the posts of "dumpsalot...of crap". He is only happy with building all new facilities and joining a new conference by this summer.

    And tell me MediocreEagleFan what makes you happy?

    I am making suggestions to improve upon what we have here and I am getting reamed for it.

  14. daddy dumpsalot,

    i would like to know where you got you information about school tuition and what schools you are looking at. and if you say baylor, atm, ut, smu and tcu. those are the elite schools in the state and of course we are going to be cheaper than them. three of those are private so can charge what they want and the other two are known nationally for there academics. UNT is known for their art department, i think. wow. thats impressive.

    you are wanting to raise tuition for what reason, to build a new stadium, but there is not a established program. the athletic department has not done anything to raise any money, at least made it known to the students. i would rather give money to the athletic department than to a general fund that athletics might never see. and i am pretty sure that if you would survey the students and ask if they would approve the school raising tuition so that athletics can build a new stadium for any sport that you would get a majority of no's.

    there are many schools that dont have very much money in their athletic budget but they have nice fields and uniforms. the reason is they appreciate what they have and work hard at keeping it in the best condition. they also take care of the money that they do have instead of build practice fields that without lights, come on how smart was that. the intramural fields that are being built right next to the practice fields are going to be nicer than that, they will at least have lights.

    Why dont you just look at the few things that UNT boasts about. Pull a brochure and you will see they say they have one of the lowest costs of tuition in the state. Look at Tx. state, TTU, or the rest of the major colleges listed above.

    There has never been a tuition hike strictly for 'athletics' we raise our tuition when the rest of the public universities decide to.

    Recgirl let me ask you this. How are we going to establish a program if we dont invest any money in it? What magical thing is going to happen to make everyone want to start donating money? Exactly. Everyone wants something better but no one is willing to pay for it. Its a fact, if you want nicer things they will cost somewhere. Of course no one is going to say heck yes lets raise tuition, but ask them if they want a new stadium and a program that can compete they should say yes. But at UNT we have people like you which will say no because they dont want to fork over the extra $50 a semester to pay for it.

    I am so sick of everyone bashing someone for bringing up an idea of how to get our athletic programs to competitive levels. So next time you open your little mouth why dont you suggest something better???

    And please give me an example of a school with money but nice fields and uniforms (if that even matters). Who cares if we have a nice field if we dont have a good program to go along with it and we're not getting the recruits needed? Man XX school sucks, yeah but they sure do have nice fields...and lights too.

    Bottom line, if your happy with where NT athletics are right now then fine, but if want it to be state of the art, its going to take money. Alums need to give and so do the students.

  15. Obviously you are not a student or do not pay tuition. Graduate students are paying close to 3000 for 3 classes and undergraduates are paying close to 3500. Most students are having a hard enough time paying for school right now. And you want to raise tuition to build new stadiums. Right then you really wouldnt have students going to games to support the teams they already have. And for your information the rec center pool might not be the best pool for swim meets but it is getting the job done for now. It is closed during swim team practices so no they arent swimming around lap swimmers. And if I remember correctly that most pools have removable bleachers, its called safety precautions. they even have them at the Olympics.

    No your correct I have graduated. Thank the Lord. But when you compare the cost of UNT to other schools, we are one of the cheapest schools in the state. No wonder we have no money for athletics. Raise tuition a minimal amount and there is the money that is needed for new facilities.

    And you say that most students are having a hard enough time paying for school....we all know that most students parents pay for their school. I for one had to put my way through college and am now paying off my loans. Would I have minded a $5 p/hr hike in order to go watch a new baseball program or watch my school in a state of the art stadium? Not at all. Maybe if people knew what they were paying for they would partake in it.

    Please dont be so quick to the defense I was just making a statement. It's easy to sit back and just look at the positives and say everything is fine. But in reality they aren't.

    My GF is on the swim team Rec and I hear first hand what they think of the 'new' swimming facility. You say its getting the 'job done' and what job is that? When will UNT stop building things to 'get the job done' and start building things thinking of competing for the future? They were promised a place to compete and practice, a nice place. What happened? they added a pool in the Rec center, which they were prob. going to do anyway, the only difference is now the girls have a locker room. Which by the way is way too small.

    I love and support UNT but it seems for things to get better problems have to arrise. If no one addresses the problems then things wont change.

  16. Have you walked around Denton lately? The campus shows far more green pride than it has, judging from posts on the board, ever. I've seen more Mean Green gear in Vista Ridge Mall this past year than I saw my three years of undergraduate on campus. Also, the bookstore's new "fashion" clothing line for girls, although not green, does attract a interest from a demographic previously not that interested in North Texas apparel.

    The new "lime" green you're talking about is the official green of North Texas. We just made that change about two(?) years ago, and it's here to stay. The correct name for that color is "Kelly Green." And if you think that's lime, you should have seen the green in the '70s. Deal with the color and support it - whether you like it or not, it's the official shade of North Texas and it will look better on TV. For a reference of the "Flying Worm" eagle and the lime green, see Flying Worm and scroll to the bottom of the page.

    No I have not walked around denton lately as Im sure you have. I am glad to hear about the green pride, and perhaps we could all the shirts to be this 'kelley green' you are talking about.

    I mean not to be negative. I just wish a few things would change.

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