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Posts posted by runt96

  1. Dribell couldn't catch a couple of passes, Pension missed one tackle, looks like the North center was doing OK, Is anyway as hacked as I am on the TV announcing....interviews in the stands and on the sidelines...missed plays coverage , when the plays were shown during interviews the viewing screen was so small you couldn't tell who was doing what....of course we were watching the game to see a player interviewed on the sidelines quoting poetry. Why don't the TV people understand we are not watching to see them....but the game.

    You had to read lips to know whatthe soft spoken Russell athletics spokesman was saying. He was mentioning the greatness of the North's black uniforms. The guy was Dickey in disguise.

  2. ---Maybe we should do our pregame exercises in Boise uniforms...just to get their attention... and bring back old memories for them. It would be interesting if someone dyed their field blue the night before the game or at least the area inside the 10.

    Sweet idea. And get some ideas from BSU's special teams.

  3. You have the sheer audacity to lump me in with criminals, not just rogue cops but criminals, all the while throwing out straw man arguments left and right to defend your stances that have come under perfectly logical and cogent attacks? That I'm replying at all shows that my temper and pride have gotten the better of my judgement because you are on face ridiculous and unworthy of a retort. But, as I'm in a foul mood after working a 70 week this week to take real drugs and thugs off the streets (Every hear of the Aryan Brotherhood?) I find myself replying to someone who hasn't the common decency or sense to differentiate difference of opinion from personal attacks.

    You bring up Deep Ellum as if it is the paragon of what a downtown area should be like. I actually patrol your utopia and let me tell you it aint as pretty as you'd like to make it out to be. The "artists" who inhabited it for your 20 year golden age simply did not have the capital (ooh, there's a dirty word) to sustain their bars and clubs while catering to local artists and charging "reasonable" cover at the door. Clubs that catered to a younger, more rambunctious, and sadly more criminal element could pack em in Mon-Sun so they thrived in the buildings abandoned by your champions of what socialism can do in America. Now could the city of Dallas have stepped in repeatedly to subsidize clubs like Trees, DaDa, etc? Sure, but why? Is it really a reasonable expectation that the city's tax rolls should perpetually bear the burden of funding a playground for a fringe element? Now I don't say fringe element as a derogatory term, only to say it was a miniscule population when compared to the greater population of Dallas...thought I'd save you the trouble of limiting your rebuttal to a single meaningless term in my post as you did the last time. <_< More importantly, though, and I can't believe that in your 5 page long crusade for credibility on this topic you haven't realized this yet FRY STREET AND DEEP ELLUM WERE NEITHER DEMOGRAPHICALLY NOR FINANCIALLY SIMILIAR. Even if your argument weren't flawed your comparison is apples to oranges.

    Lest we get off on the wrong foot here realize that I don't dislike you or even know you for that matter. But I will, in all cases, take you to task when you have the unfettered gall to lump me in with the lesser of my compatriots.

    Emmitt, our hats are off to you and you're brothers. It is WRONG to compare hard working public servants to the evil few.

  4. Good statement, sir.

    The buildings themselves were in pretty shoddy shape, but I think the businesses themselves got the ugly end of the deal. We'll just hope they'll find new homes around town. Now, the older buildings would've been nice if they got restored, but they were in that bad condition if I remember right. Unfortunately, it looked like the new developers didn't have the old businesses in mind to that end.

    Now for socialism- it, like many things in this world, is fine and useful to an extent. Public transportation, limited workdays, etc, have some place here. But total control of someone's earnings, total media control by the government, and the like don't have a place here. And yeah, the Muslims do have a reasonable goal if they stick to what's supposed to be there- which is a Muslim state in the Middle East. Unfortunately, that's perverted by assorted radicals and twisted to become a total destruction of the Western world...which isn't part of what the teachings were. It's sad stuff that religious fervor becomes hate.

    You could argue that Christianity's goal is to overtake the other world religions and that's got its share of radicals as well. Depending on which sect of Christianity you dig up, the only difference between them and radical Muslims is a bomb strapped to someone's chest. I've seen some "Christians" (in quotes because I don't think Jesus or God would really approve of their methods or statements) wage serious hate against homosexuals and anyone else that doesn't side with them. It's pretty sad, too.

    There's more profound differences than bombs to the chest. We do not stone folks. We're tolerent of others. I'm not referring to the nut cases as "we". The people who harm others with their "jihad" need to be excommunicated, whether they are christian, muslim, or whatever. There seems to be a growing animosity towards religious folks in this country that goes beyond the lack of tolerence some religious folk are accused of. Socialism Is the easiest way to void a person of faith, simply referring to anything good the government does as a "socialism working" is wrong. Socialism in any form is EVIL.

    I'll now get off of the soap box, i've vented.

  5. Thank goodness the government stepped in and hindered the natural evolution of the free market. If they hadn't, the downtown CBT might have expanded, jobs might have been created, tax revenues might have increased, and they might have even cleaned up the Fair Park area making it attractive for a football and baseball stadium. But thanks to "socialism" Deep Ellum remains a low-rent run-down area for head shops, tatoo parlors, night clubs, and criminals. Hurray, socialism!

    Clean fair park??? If Jerry Jones would have brought the cowboys to Dallas, Fair park would be clean. But , as usual, Arlington beat out big D.

  6. During the mid to late 1970's building space in the Deep Ellum area bottomed out at around $2-$5 per square foot and many artists and small businesses moved in and revitalized an historically significant area...land speculation quickly followed as the Deep Ellum area is right next to downtown and was prime real estate to expand the downtown skyline. Admist discussion and protest, the city stepped in and formulated a plan known as The Near-Eastside Plan in the early 1980's that controlled land usage and established construction and height regulations...essentially saving the Deep Ellum area from becoming an expansion of the downtown skyline, as the market would've determined if city management wouldn't have recognized the importance of the area. Now, say what you want for what Deep Ellum has become today...but the area was a popular and economically viable area for nearly 20 years following this project.

    Hate to break it to you Lifer...but socialism has its place in America...pure capitalism will leave you the exact same result as pure socialism...neither work without the other and this country is still very much weighted toward the capitalism.

    Yes, we really do need to follow Dallas' lead. I agree Deep Ellum has become something special, but Dallas(politically) is fast approaching the Detroit of 6-10 years ago. Hopefully a new and competent mayor(whose greatest concern is not just potholes) will get Big D going in the right direction. Maybe we will, someday, have as impressive a skyline as Houston.

  7. :no: I guess its the generation gap(s) at work with all this (and one could hardly describe me as a prude, either), but something like "Wide Open" at a football stadium signage area would most always have me thinking "wide open" offense.

    Now if Norah Jones :blink: was on this billboard and......................(oh well, nevermind, just wishful thinking and................you will pardon me while I take another hypertenstion pill, right)? :unsure:

    PS: Speaking of our fellow NT Ex, the lovely Ms. Jones: Anyone else see her on the Sunset Channel's Abbey Road concert series a couple or so weeks ago? Man O Man O Chavez, if I were just 20 gol'd darn years younger........................hellsbells, if that were the case, I'd still be too damn old for that PYT, ie, pretty young thing. :(

    And while we think of N.J. do picture this: :ph34r:B) Norah J. being ushered out to the Fouts Field's 50 yard line to an ebony Steinway grand piano as she is all dressed up in a black flowing in a light wind Victoria Secret neglige' with strategic "peek" areas on that neglige' while she sings our alma mater, ie, [b]Glory to the Green, in a way we've never quite heard it sung before? :o

    Oh, well, I hope most of you Young Gun Alum fellers have those thoughts lodged in your minds for the rest of the day and into the evening. :P

    PMG, YOU ROCK!!!

  8. I don't get it. How does Tech's superior talent give SMU an advantage against us? Because they'll see a similar offense run by superior athletes? First, they won't be able to stop it so it's not like they'll gain experience defending it succesfully at a higher speed. Second, Leach and Dodge don't run identical offenses so if anything all they'll learn is how to chase receivers around...and I'll take that all day every day. :lol:

    TT has no running game, so you're right. They play us the same way and chase our receivers and Dodge runs the ball till their crazy.

  9. Here at MT, better known as MTSU here by the Vol-infested Nashville media, we have been contemplating a name change to UMT for quite some time.

    There has been quite a resistance from local universities and ut-k, and from some of our fans that want to keep our 4-letter acronym.

    When did you folks make the change and why? And how has this benefitted your University? And is there any documentation available on the net to give reasons for taking the word "state" out of your name.

    Thanx in advance!

    I want to report this info back to our message board.

    MT's Scout Message Board


    We enjoy the dropping of "STATE" but some of the local (DALLAS)media still refers to us as North Texas State. Your Vols. will probably do the same. They think it diminishes us but head to head competition says it all. Of course, it's easier for us (v.SMU) than it will be for you guys(TENNESSEE). But, It IS worth it, "STATE" makes a school look sooo DIAA.

  10. I know we had a two game contract with SMU for last year and next year, Anyone know if there has been talk of extending it? I think we should play them every year to start a true Rivalry........(If we beat the m every year they cant help but hate us and make us there rival)

    If we beat em again this year, they will probably try to avoid us. I hope they do renew it. It IS a good match up for the area.

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