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Posts posted by Eagle1855

  1. I do not see anything wrong with the statement. People are way to sensitive.

    Agreed, but I think as a coach you kinda have to think before you throw out opinions like that in a PC-sensitive-to-the-point-of-absurdity soctiey, thats why I think it is a stupid thing to say.

    Empirical evidence suggest there is merit to the statement, but I dont know that it needs to be stated in a press conference. Anyways, I dont want to turn this into a big political debate, that wasnt my intention!

  2. The funny part is that there seems to be a lot of people who would sickly enjoy getting on the list - good to have high goals for the ol' alma mater.

    Not really. I think people make the jokes about it as a coping mechanism for the fact that we are having a pretty rough year. I dont think anyone wants our team (or any fan of ANY program) to be considered one of the WORST teams and implying such kinda ridiculous.

  3. Good post, and I think you make some good points.

    I also tend to agree with UNTSIG (Lifer, and others) however, in that I dont think this season is really an abberation... it really is alot more of the same. You are correct, the wins have definately helped us get where we are, i think most everyone will agree with you there. The problem is (or the good news is) our expectation levels have been raised along the way!

    Oh, and watch out saying you have a secondary team on this board, you are setting yourself up for an ambush... apparently you cant be both a NT fan/supporter AND root for any other team in Texas. Just thought I would let you know and save you the trouble rolleyes.gif

  4. If the university is fine with what we are doing, go ahead and keep Dickey around.

    However, if we want to commit to taking this thing to the next level, might want to start looking for a next-level coach. That being said, you wont find that kind of coach if the University isnt going to support him fully. Money and better conferences come with winning* programs. Winning* coaches create winning* programs. Winning* coaches get paid decent money which is funded by a university and fans that believe that athletics are an important part of a well-rounded and diverse University. And its a pretty darn good PR for the academic programs as well...

    *by winning, I mean competing against the other 110ish programs in the nation, not the rest of Purgatory. Or even playing a half decent game against a top 70 team like Tulsa or KState (neither of which are really very good).

    Dont see it from my point of view? Well, lets see what happens against a BAD La-Tech team tomorrow. Maybe I will eat my words, but I doubt it.

  5. Agree with most of your post Rick, especially the part about us being 13 gifts away from a winless season. Mumme should be a good coach for NMSU once he gets comfortable there. I do not think NMSU's future is brighter than NT's however (not sure if thats what you were implying, if not, no worries!). I think we have alot to look forward to in Denton.

    I still disagree with you on the part about putting up 346 yards against Cal being comparable to their loss at Texas... Texas has had a killer defense over the past few years- Cal has not. Even really good teams have had a hard time moving the ball against Texas this year and last. But its really irrelevant how well Texas or Cal play against other teams. We would suck BAD against either of them, thats the relevant problem and the cause for concern. Because as you stated, Cal is better than KSTATE and TULSA, and we all know what happened there...

  6. Do they have anything from the bar that will cure a LaTech hangover?  Probably have to settle for something to erase the memory.

    Its called Jagermeister, and when coupled with a Red Bull, it erases all of your worries and exempts you from being held responsible for anything else done in the following evening... quite a drink, that Jager is...

  7. Losing to UT 66-7 is about the same as losing to Cal 41-13. Cal is overrated. They were overrated last year when Texas Tech beat the pants off them. That was the same Texas Tech team that got massacred by UT (yes, the "overrated" UT) by 30 points in Lubbock. The same thing will happen when they come to Austin this year. NMSU has not improved, they are terrible. Same goes for Idaho whose only win has come against the elite Utah State. Only losers have moral victories. Of course, Ive seen alot of moral victories this year- Im in the unique position of being both a NT fan and a Houston Texans fan!

    Im still not sold that the WAC is all that much better a conference to try to "recruit" in than the sunbelt-- both suck, the WAC just sucks a little less because it has 2 higher-profile teams. Boise State? Big deal. After the top two in the WAC, the Belt and WAC are similar conferences- ours just makes more sense geographically. I would rather play against other Texas and Louisiana teams. We need to beat the teams we compete against in recruiting. We would have that opportunity in C-USA, not the WAC. The nations best recruiting areas are in our backyard. So glad we said no to the WAC, and I hope we would say the same if they come sniffing around here again!

  8. Yes but top to bottom, C-USA is much better than the belt. UH, UTEP, Tulsa, Memphis, Marshall... all would win the sunbelt if in this conference.

    And SMU will always be a punchline, which is the way it should be biggrin.gif

  9. there sure is alot of speculation on this thread... lets see how the next home game turns out before we start attacking the fan base

    23k for a crappy stadium for a BAD football team in a terrible conference aint all that bad. 17k for the same on a tuesday night isnt bad either

    U of Houston has a pretty decent stadium and we are killing them in attendance-- and they have a much better team than we do (FWIW they did beat the same Tulsa team we got our butts handed to by and UH played down to the wire with UTEP)... they have a better conference, history of winning, they have alot more than we do. blah blah blah

    Point is, I dont think where we are right now is a destination, rather i believe it is more of a step along the way- the next rung of the ladder. Our attendance will continue to grow every year as it has done. Its hard to go from ZERO support to filling fouts in 6 years. I mean, we just started tailgating like 4-5 years ago! You are having delusions of grandeur if you think we should be selling out games year in and year out for people to see the likes of U- La- Pickem or F_U...

    As far as the relationship between winning/coaching/marketing/etc... i do not think you can point to one and say it should be targeted more than the other (with respects to attendance)... many of these things are interrelated. I think the univeristy is headed in the right direction. Winning is probably the biggest thing (and that IS coaching) we can change quickly. Solve that and get a successful basketball program then maybe we can get out of sunbelt hell... support will follow, as will a new stadium

  10. Well if history is any indicator, we will score between 2-14 points and we will have somewhere bewteen 7-54 points scored on us.

    Unless we hold La Tech under 13 points, I dont see how we can win. If we couldnt score more than 13 points off 8 turnovers (or more than 14 off 5 turnovers) what make ANYONE think we will score more than 14 against anyone else?


    La Tech - 27

    Im sorry I will miss the game, however! Wish I could be there to support the team (as much as it pains me to watch)

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