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Posts posted by meangreenbob

  1. Yeah , im sure you were just talking about the coaches :rolleyes:

    If you really feel that way then by all means go to campus on monday and let all the kids know what losers they are and that they didn't try their best against those pissants from Bama. If they give you any backtalk , just tell to shut up because you have earned your right to say that to them

    No one will convince me that we even tried to win that game. This was no more than Dickey Ball and I thought I heard RV say at the 2007 Kickoff/Cookout that we would never again go into a game with the fundraiser attitude but that we would always play to win. The only gameplan we had was to get the check and get home.

  2. That was wild! Ohio was a good team, patient and steady but you most definitely beat yourselves last night. You were the better team and will only get better each week. Don't quit! Study hard in your classes and at practice. The season is very young.

    The crowd though small, was decent considering the weather and the fact it was on TV. It proves people want UNT football to succeed.

    I was concerned when Riley didn't return to the game and really so after Tune threw the interception.............BUT Tune is a very good quarterback and proved it after the jitters stopped. Great arm! He didn't lose this game! He actually gave us a chance to win and I feel very comfortable with him at QB should Riley not be able to return. We are fortunate he didn't pull a Vizza.

    The officials were awlful.

    Can't wait for the new stadium. Fouts is dark and dreary.

    Back to the real world.

    Go Mean Green!

  3. Great source...and clearly the empirical evidence that we have been looking for. I now understand, your hatred for Obama is because his plan is evil and sinster based on someones secondhand description of the plan? Which part of the plan is evil and sinister to you? I think it's definitely clear to all followers of Jesus that he would definitely be against increasing access to healthcare.

    First, I never said I hated obama. You said that. Furthermore, I never said I was against healthcare reform but this plan has nothing to do with heathcare and everything to do with destroying the freedom of all Americans. Lying is one of the seven deadly sins.

  4. Ah man, that was funny. Bob, did you know that 47% of all health care receipts already go through the government's systems? Hope to meet you at the game - we can all concentrate on Mean Green and stop worrying about those damn cripled people. Did you see the town hall where the lady in the wheelchair was being yelled at by the anti-health care reform guy? He is my hero.

    Yes Stebo, and isn't it a wonderfully run system? No fraud, no incompetence, no inefficiency and no problems. Like Stephen Broden, paster of Fair Park Bible Fellowship, said last week.....the heath care proposal by this administration is "evil and sinister."

  5. What empirical evidence is there to support this statement, as related specifically to Obama being in office? I keep hearing it over and over and I'm trying to figure out if there is an actual, verifiable reason for the alarm, or if this is based solely on the musings of the talk radio douches (which are douches on both sides of the debate) that have riled everyone up.

    If you have to ask that question then you are a victim of "Ideological Subversion". You are not familiar with history and therefore you have no clue where your freedom comes from!

  6. That's an easy one. One hates this country and stands against nearly everything it's constitution stands for. The other one loves it and did everything in his power, while he still had power, to protect it.


    Though I wasn't a Bush fan, I voted for him because in my mind he was the lesser of two evils and besides we didn't get a lot of choices. But I do agree with your statement Rick 100%. I felt a lot safer then, then I do today. We are in a lot of trouble right now.

  7. Maybe they decided to do away with the wings. They do look like something you would see from a 1950's Drive Inn theater. Plus I can see some young kid falling over the side while fighting for the top seat. Lawsuit waiting to happen.

  8. "Anyway.....I think this will be a turnaround season. I'm predicting 6-6 or better. And that Dodge will be named SBC Coach of the Year"-SUMG.

    I think the only thing that can keep this team from achieving a 6-6 or better is the injury factor. If we stay healty this year, I believe we could very well see better than 6-6.

    Go Mean Green.

  9. What would you have those with negative opinions do? Silently sit by yet make sure the check is still in the mail? Take mr. Capper's advice and pick up a phone or shoot off a vitriol filled email (especially when either would be done in the heat of the moment). Or, is it ok with you or the other sunshine boys that they continue to be amongst a VERY small number who support with both their time and money, yet air a frustration or two from time to time to the only other people who are completely "bought in" to this program? That you think these people should be unable to shake the hand of our AD, as if a "blacklist" can even be afforded at this juncture, is both counter-intuitive and laughable. No, rather it is quite obvious that these people are doing exactly what they should be doing by "bitching" amongst the only receptive and interested audience there is...those who also contribute and care to see this program rise and won't tolerate mediocrity. If this is ill-received up at the athletic center then my concerns about us ever being big time are now exponentially larger because we are being led by people with an inability to recognize frustrations from those who actually show up on Fall Saturdays as venting and nothing more.

    Where did you graduate from friend? Where did I say or even suggest in my post that those critical of this coaching staff or Athletic Department should be unable to shake the hand the AD? Don't be so defensive.

    What's really "laughable" is that some on this board actually think that they are wiser and smarter than those in charge. There are some who stick their chest out in a self-indulging way while publicly blasting the program, "hey look at me, see how smart I am." "I can do a better job then these clowns."

    Some of us who have been following this program for 39 years or longer can recognize where we have been, where we want to go and what it will take to get us there and we know that it will not happen overnight. We had "nothing" to build on. We have never ever taken the time to build a program the right way, from the foundation up until recently. We have never had a strong, solid foundation that will insure us years of success. NEVER!

    I admire what RV has done with little to nothing. This man started changing the climate one shirt at a time. What he has done for UNT, not just Athletics is to be adimired!

    Coach Dodge is the real thing. Those who have enjoyed criticizing him over the last two years "for their own ego's" will be the same one's who cry like little babies when he leaves for greener pastures. And of course, these same babies will also be the ones who claim credit for his success because without their public criticism how would Coach Dodge have ever learned how to coach. Go figure.

    Although most of the last 39 have been painful, I feel extemely confident that this program has the right people in place and the right plan in place that will elevate UNT and it's Athelics to a level that exceeds our dreams and expectations.

    **DELETED FAIL LINE** --the mgmt

  10. There are a few people on this board who probably have either burned or darn near burned the bridge with some of their comments concerning Coach Dodge, RV, some of the Athletic Department employees and the departments performance in general.

    I always wondered if those of you who have been publicly critical of Coach Dodge and RV, if ya'll hang out at the Athletic functions such as the cookoff, banquets etc. Like do ya'll go up to RV with a big smile on your face and put your hand out to shake his hand or do ya'll make an effort to avoid him?

    How will ya'll act when Coach Dodge and RV take this program to a height that even Coach Fry could never achieve. Will ya'll expect them to deem your public ridicule as water under the bridge? Of course I believe they will.

    I'll hang up and listen to your response.

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