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Green Guy Bass

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Posts posted by Green Guy Bass

  1. I would expect you'd think that way.

    Name me a squeaky clean program and I will show you a school that isn't trying hard enough. I am not saying I want us to be a USC or an SMU in the 80's, but if our alums had money and some less than honorable things happened behind the scenes to make our program better, I think you would gladly take that too. I'm pretty sure everyone here would.

  2. So Carroll and Joe McKnight ride off into the NFL sunset and leave USC holding the bag for the NCAA sanctions to come. Gotta love the ethics of big-time college football.

    I don't know about you, but I will gladly take an amount of 'big time' corruption to get NT on track and become a legit power.

  3. I don't know who you are, but I can't believe somebody at The Ticket would flip out like you have in this discussion over the word "garbage." Making fun of Rick because he wears a UNT fire helmet? Weak.

    Rick and I have a past of jabs back and forth. If it were anyone else I probably would have let it go.

  4. You can say anything you want. Obviously it bothers the crap out of you that others aren't singing your station's glory. Again, you don't seem to have the ability to handle the criticism that goes with your chosen profession. Some day when and if you have your own radio show I think you may indeed need counseling when the critics roll in.


    Dude, we all get lots of negative email. That is something we all deal with on a daily basis and that is fine, everyone is entitled to and has their own opinion. I am my own worst critic. No matter what you or anyone else says or writes is going to make a goddamn bit of difference to me. I just think you are a board troll with a helmet that makes this a less than enjoyable forum to visit and participate in. And when the jerk that you are throws rocks at my place of employment you are f'ing sure I will hurl one back your way. Have a great off-season. I am sure you will be busy beating us down to no end.

  5. So your saying it's ok to dismiss your station as less than relevant, interesting, entertaining, or talented as it would apply to sports talk radio, just don't be as direct about as I am?

    Got it!


    I could say the same about those who play dress up to draw attention to themselves at sporting events.

  6. I loathe Miller's OU douchery just as much as anyone, but he does contribute to the Ticket, and he has good points about other things. I cant believe that noone has mentioned the Ubergod of tu Douchery...Mark Elfeinbein. The guy has never taken a class in Austin, and I wouldnt be suprised if he has not set foot on that campus a handful of times. Yet he calls them HIS longwhorns, and belittles anyone else, yes, even North Texas. Driving home after we arrived back in Denton on the Sunday morning after the 2001 NMSU Miracle in the Desert, that effer made a statement after our score was read during a ticker. He pretty much sade big deal, its not like they will make a bowl game, and said that we dont matter. He then went on to say, and I quote word for word,"If North Texas goes to a bowl game, I will run around Fouts in my underwear."

    To date, that sonuvabitch hasnt made good on that promise. But then again, can anyone expect a doucher like him to follow through on a promise?

    First of all wow you have a lot of hate in your heart. Second, Elf is a UT grad. Third, relax.

  7. This is exactly my challenge with the Ticket these days. WAY too much shtick and way too little sports when I have a chance to listen. I like the Ticket as a station and like many of their personalities. And, I do agree that if you want folks on that station to support the Mean Green more, you certainly do not go about that by blasting them constantly here on GMG.com or any other venue for that matter. As you can see from the postings of "Green Guy Bass", folks on that station do take a look-see at GMG.com from time to time. If I saw all the rants about me on here and I was a personality on that station it certainly would not bring me any closer to the Mean Green Nation.

    That all being said, I do wish the Ticket would stop so much of the shtick and get back to sports. It's a great station that seems, in my opinion, to have lost its way in some cases and at some times of the day.

    I appreciate the post. I am glad that you don't simply chalk up what we do as garbage like Fire Helmet Jesus. Granted, we don't always talk sports....but we have mass appeal because of the non-sports and hi-jinks peppered in which has made our 9K watt station dominate in the demo of Men 25-54 compared to our 'all sports' competitors. We are #2 in the market for a reason and #1 in English speaking stations in our demo. No colleges get much play on our station outside of random scandals and catch-all segments involving the Big 12, so don't be upset that we never talk about UNT.

  8. I wasn't the first to bring up politics here in this thread, you did.



    Your response:

    Hey, I happen to think you have a great radio voice. It's a gift.....from God. B) You sound professional unlike sounding like you just fell off a Texas hay bailer, which is how I sound. But if you can't take public criticism that goes with the entertainment/sports talk radio industry then you might be in for a miserable experience down the road with your career choice.


    That is fine, but don't simply call what I do garbage. Even you know there is a level of work ethic and professionalism that comes with the product my station produces on a daily basis, like it or not.

  9. P.S. Sean, after rereading what you typed I think I misread what you meant.


    Well, I am just making the point that any regular reader of this forum knows what to expect when you decide to shoehorn your uber-conservative views into various threads. I guess garbage is in the eye of the beholder.

  10. Suggested phrases with stealth UNT references:

    lead certification draw (yes, I know SMU doesn't run a lead draw, but just use it for any old draw. No one will notice)

    Use Riley for Really. Example: Coach Jones said the ref Riley blew that call (just tell them you are from someplace up north).

    Work in Dunbar anyway possible. Example: The middle linebacker Dunbar-ied that halfback (just tell them you are from someplace in the southeast)

    When talking about a player from Tyler, just add Stratford to the end of it. Example: That receiver from Tyler...Stratford sure does look good. Hell, they will probably think you are talking about a high school.

    Piece of cake.


  11. Please! Everyone knows that SMU is the evil that has caused us to descend to the pits of the college football world, keeping us out of the old SWC 1st, and then later keeping us out of CUSA. Now they are stealing all of our radio broadcast talent. It is just a matter of time until George jumps ship and is lured away to do play by play for the Evil Empire.

    I don't think it is a coincidence that Pres. GHW Bush lives next to SMU. Both are to blame for everything that has gone wrong at UNT. As a matter of fact, I think Bush moved there to continue to conspire with SMU and against us. Hell, SMU even gave him his very own library!! Coincidence? I think not.

    I do think that you should work in an obscure UNT reference during every sideline report. This is the only way that you can prove your loyalty to UNT. I think the mods should ban you until you show your loyalty through these references.

    SMU will fire you if you do this? So what!! It's only a job, right? Money comes and goes, but loyalty to UNT, that last... forever?

    I will do my best to mix in Mitch Maher and Chris Hurd references as much as possible in 2010. :thumbsup:

  12. You really did drink the Koolaid over there didn't you? Money can buy a lot of things at $mut (players and/or coaches), but "geniunely good people" is not one of them.

    Grow up man, really. I don't like the SMU douche as much as anyone, I live in Dallas and are forced to endure them at a bars on a regular basis. There are some quality people that attend, graduated from, and work for the school. Went to NT for 4 years and ran into some grade A jackasses there too and some incredible individuals. It's that way everywhere. Please.

  13. Beats that turncoat GGB bragging about how awesome his life is because of SMU.

    If you love them so much, why don't you just marry them?

    I wouldn't say life is good. Radio was a bad choice. Like milk on a summer afternoon.

  14. Now that was some great insider input, thank you very much! Can you tell if the kids respect the coaches, like them, or mabey a little of both? Were you on the sideline with the team the whole season?

    Yep, all 13 games roaming the sideline this season. A great experience on many levels. I can say that the players have completely bought in to June and his entire staff. The thing that blew me away the most was how the kids reacted to the assitant coaches and did everything they could to do what the coaches asked them to do. If mistakes were made they didn't continue for the most part. The first year O-line coach Adrian Klemm is a head coach in the making. He won 3 superbowls with the Pats and had his players ears after every possession. Secondary coach Derrick Odum was great and got the most out of his guys. SP teams coach Dennis McKnight is an intimidating presense, but he was a great communicator at the same time. To me that was the most remarkable aspect of the coaching staff - their ability to teach and react on the fly. Great stuff to see up close.

  15. I am a proud NT alum, but I did take the job as radio sideline reporter this season for the SMU broadcast. (They know where to look for talent, North on 35) It was a fun year to see a down program turn things around and win a bowl game. A free trip to Hawaii didn't hurt either. Seeing players that have experienced great failure and finally taste success was a cool thing no matter how weird it might have seemed working for a metroplex rival. The folks at SMU do have more money, and most of them are genuinely good people and I am very happy for them and I appreciate the chance to tag along in 2009 and look forward to 2010.

    People here have their frustrations with Dodge, as do I. After seeing a GREAT coaching staff operate up close every week on the sidelines and at practice was very eye opening. They were teachers that got the most out of players that might not be up to par on the talent front. The in game adjustments were a huge reason they kept the majority of their games close, win or loss. A head coach and a play caller that trusts his own system was also big. Sure Todd might love what he does, but when there are obvious flaws in his scheme at the D1 level - it is hard for kids that probably have a good handle on the game to buy in and roll with the system. I think we have seen that here over the past 3 years.

    The fact that June's Run and shoot has elements like a run package under center, the use of a TE during run and pass situations, and backs that fit certain roles is a huge difference between SMU and NT. June's offense puts a lot of emphasis on the QB AND WR's making reads of the defense. After every offensive series there is a massive dialouge between the coach, QB, WR's, and WR's coach and I'll be damned if the next drive does not result in a score or a longer possession. Granted, I am not familiar with what happens on gameday with Todd, but I see the effort, play calling, and results and can honestly say that our guy is in over his head at times.

    Can we believe Todd when he says that 'a play here, and a play there' would make a huge difference? Maybe, but a better overall gameplan that is centered around the talent that you have would put NT in a better position week in week out for success. See June Jones.

    Also, with 6'3" Kyle Padron at QB for the Ponies for the foreseeable future is a huge upgrade over 5'11" and fragile Riley. If Todd decides to bring in a QB that can handle the physicality of D1 football then the offense might have a greater level of consistency. I don't mean to knock Riley here...I think he can run the offense with some succes and help the school win some games next season, but if you look at the bigger picture I don't think he is the answer. I know that many here feel that way.

    Also to those who have their pom-poms and foam fingers on and gripe about those here that are too negative.....it's not a terrible thing to expect and want better for your school and the football program. Football in many ways is the 'front porch' of a University that many see without knowing what is inside the house. If one has a degree from NT, it is not high treason to bitch about the current state of sub-standard results.

  16. Using the money to sign Rich Harden today -- who saw that coming?

    I do love the Harden signing with the 2011 club option. However, I fear what happened today didn't necessarily make things better. Chris Ray is a project coming off TJ, so who knows. Harden is decent, but I wonder if he is a dramatic upgrade over Milly. I guess at the end of the day Texas saved 1M dollars. So good for broke ass Hicks Co. Can't wait until money doesn't hold JD back from IMPROVING this club. All I want for X-mas is a new Rangers owner.

  17. Are you referring to

    A) Attendance

    B. Mean Green Club

    C) North Texas fans after another year of irrelevancy

    D) RV's career

    E) The football program at UNT

    F) All the above


    That was just the first idea that popped into my brain when I read the news today.

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