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Green Guy Bass

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Posts posted by Green Guy Bass

  1. I think SMU paid a bunch of money and got a proven winner at the college level and North Texas didn't.

    You hit the nail on the head. I am a NT alum and want more than anything for our school to get back to where it was earlier this decade. This season I took a job as the sideline reporter on the SMU radio broadcast. Been able to be close to their program and see how things are ran. One word - professional.

    June is a great coach and manages to keep a team short on talent close in just about every game they have played this season. Todd fails to do that consistenly. Even when NT might have a talent edge he screws things up in his game management and failure to adapt his high school offense. The ponies have great facilities and money to boot. They will be winning the recruiting war for years to come. This saddens me greatly to see our football program continue to flounder while the school off 75 is on their way up. Todd Dodge needs to be fired as soon as possible and NT needs to start completely over with the new stadium on the way in 2011.

    I am sure some of you probably think I might be a 'traitor' for working for SMU, but it is simply a career move and nothing more. Gotta pay those bills.

  2. As an alum that attended during the 'glory years' earlier this decade....I always though the tortilla thing was a pretty stupid bit. Just my opinion. I am sure beating Tech was kick ass back in '88, but it doesn't make throwing a well crafted tortilla cool.

  3. I am starting to get a little jazzed about the idea of Phils / Yankees in the series. I do hope that the Angels make it a long series with New York, because I do like the way they play the game, but I find it hard to believe that they can climb up from an 0-2 hole....even after tonight's 11 inning win. By the way that Phillies 9th was pretty memorable. Good to see Rollins have a clutch moment.

  4. This afternoon / night we saw a real classic between the Twins and Tigers. Minnesota kept things going at the Metrodome for at least one more game as they clinched the AL Central crown in 12 innings, 6-5, in a one game playoff. A memorable night of solid starting pitching, great defense, a battle of bullpens, momentum shifting homers, pitchers getting in and out of jams, and an incredibly managed game by two of baseball's best. This was easily the best regular season game I have seen all season, and one of the best this decade. The circumstances combined with the execution was absolutely brilliant. Pure October magic.

    There is more to come folks.....

  5. Tuscaloosa is a fine town and the campus is really pretty. Everyone I've met from Bama have been good people. You'll get some ribbing, but they'll also be glad to take care of you.

    Also, go eat at Dreamland BBQ... the old one off 15th. Good pork ribs and stupid-good fresh-made banana pudding.

    Went to the Dreamland in Birmingham last weekend for SMU/UAB (work, would never attend that otherwise) and boy Dreamland is great stuff. I also give a hearty thumbs up to the ribs. The banana pudding was worth the trip.

  6. Radical indeed. I think TD/RV have spoken with the UNT paper. Never ceases to amaze me how folks associated with UNT and the Denton area do not see the benefits to all in getting behind this program. Big "excuse" and excuse is exactly what it is, is often that the town's business folks "can't play favorites" of UNT over TWU...so, result is...they do nothing. In talking with several TWU folks...both athletic related and academic...they have absolutely no problem at all if businesses want to support UNT athletics. For some odd reason, they seem to realize that what is good for TWU and UNT is good for Denton and vice versa. Amazing concept, isn't it?


    No offense, but as an alum who has a number of friends who studued journalism at UNT, I don't think they are / were that concerned with wearing pom-poms for the football team or any other athletic program. That department does a great job at getting the kids who write for the publication ready for their future. While I was on campus I did like how they consistently produced decent work. Is it the DMN or Star-telegram? No. But the fact they weren't acting like cheerleaders was also a good thing. I know many of you want everyone in every media capacity to go out of their way to prop up the Mean Green, but there are more important things to cover from a journalistic stance.

    You can say what you will about business owners, but don't go blindy attacking the paper.

  7. Off the top of my head, Vlad, Lackey, Abreu, Figgins and Escobar are all free. All of them should get raises and/or be let leave, so it will be really interesting to see how they retool. Moreno will open his wallet, but I think the Red Sox and Angels will both be wondering why they didn't open the wallets for Tex for years.

    Absolutely agree with you there. They will be double kicking themselves because the will see the other big spender benefit from their inability / desire to financially commit to a great talent. Hell you can even lump Texas in to that category in some regards, but I feel we are way past that now.

  8. Jon Stewart Vs Glenn Beck

    Any Glenn Beck fans out there? He really should set the record straight on these malicious attacks.

    Glenn Beck is a quack. He deserves any criticism that comes his way. Hopefully he enrolls in the UNT Radio,TV, and Film program and learns how to conduct an interview instead of talking down to his guests that he disagrees with, or talking over everyone that he has on. Screw him.

  9. And this signals to them that ther government will eventually cave to their power. The government has just legitimized their product, granted in small amounts, for now. The next step will be to push for the complete legalization of marihuana, and the step after to legalize all drugs.

    Reminds me of Europe's appeasement of Nazi germany.

    It amazes me that people can not see the progression that will inevitably occur.

    Why is the conservative right always so quick to throw out the Nazi / Hitler card? Can we come up with another historical reference that might be more accurate? If anything Prohibition in this country might be a better analogy.

  10. I don't know what the financials look like for next season, but why the quick dismissal of Marlon Byrd's future? This isn't Gary Matthews, Jr...Byrd was a top notch prospect when he came up with the Phillies and he's been quite productive in his 2+ seasons as a Ranger. 32 isn't young, but he's gotta be worth a 3-4 year investment.

    No. 3-4 years would be way too much in him. 1 with a 2nd year option would be more than fine with me. I could imagine a team like the Yankees swooping in and giving him 5-6 million a year this off-season, and Texas would not be able to match that because they want to cut the payroll by 20% next season according to Hicks, the owner is trying to sell the team, and you have young talent that eventually has to get paid. A 3-4 year deal for Byrd would tighten their belt when it's time to pay Holland, Feliz, Borbon, Hunter, etc., etc.

    I love what Byrd is doing this season, but I doubt that he would agree to another 1 year 3 million dollar deal after hittng .280 driving in about 80, and being north of 40 doubles. Hope I am wrong, but I can't imagine him not getting more than that from an organization that is not financially handcuffed.

  11. His speed would really be an asset in getting to line drives into those alleys. I wouldn't call it a rag arm, but it is definitely below average for a major league center fielder. So, would you switch Hamilton back to center and flip flop Cruz from left to right? The way Borbon is producing at the plate and on the basepaths, you gotta keep him in the lineup. Do you DH Borbon?

    The problem is that eventually you want to move Hamilton to RF, but because of Borbon's lack of an arm that is going to be tough for Texas to do down the road. You hate to see Hamilton have to play a more demanding position, but if Byrd goes elsewhere in the off season he might have to play there a helluva lot more. Not saying that Borbon can't spell him every now and again, but over a long period of time he could get exposed a little.

    I know Borbon is quick and he has been sold as the CF of the future, but a CF needs to have a good arm, especially when a runner is on 2nd base. You want to keep a runner from having an easy time heading to 3rd on a flyball. And yeah, it is a rag arm. Watch for the accuracy and velocity he has on his throws next time he starts in LF. Well below average even for a AAA centerfielder. They should mix and match him in the OF and at DH. His speed is too big of a weapon. He has DH'd the past few games, look for Wash to keep doing that throughout the remainder of the season. Cruz doesn't read balls that well at times off the bat, but because of his bazooka arm you want to keep him in RF. A lefty can get away with a sub-par arm if he is quick and gets good reads on the ball. See Juan Pierre.

  12. Not trying to score sports points, just thought the comparison was interesting. Let's just hope the Rangers keep winning.

    You always have to wonder about an athlete who doesn't want to go from a sure loser to a potential playoff club because his personal stats may suffer. What kind of competitor is that? But, it happens time and again with the Rangers, so it seems, whether it be free agency or trade clause. You would think now that they are winning, and have the potential to do so for quite some time, that this would be a thing of the past.

    Also, the other component in that non-trade, Julio Borbon, continues to perform and should be the permanent leadoff hitter for this team, which is where I think he will end up before the season has ended. The outfield should be Borbon in center (although I wish he had a little better arm), Hamilton in right and Cruz in left, with Byrd and Murphy platooning in the DH spot.

    Will we see Pudge take over behind the plate if Teagarden struggles at the plate?

    September should be fun.

    This is why he should never be an everyday CF, especially with the deep alleys at the Ballpark. He is destined to be a LF with that rag arm.

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