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Stan R

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Posts posted by Stan R

  1. Got a flyer in the mail stating that on July 19th at Joe T. Garcias in Ft. Worth (6:30 - 8:30) there will be an Exes event welcoming new High School students starting at NT in the fall. Sounded like a great idea, I'll be there and I wanted to let anyone else know who is in the area to feel free to attend. smile.gif

  2. It seems that the only way that ANYONE would know if Byerly was ineligible would be if they knew he was not going to his classes this summer and not taking tests or anything. Otherwise it is impossible to know before the grades actually came out, unless Scott Hall is his professor in the classes he takes.

    Am I missing something here?

    Well, he does have an engineering degree.. wink.gif

    And... he did stay at a holiday inn express...

  3. I heard from an inside source (may be the same one Emmitt talked to), that the Diet Coke boy has made a 67 on his Summer II final, and he needed a 74 to pass the course.  This test will be taken in 5 weeks, but my source is a good one, and like Emmitt said, if it's on a message board, it's the gospel truth.

    So, we will have a new Diet Coke boy this year, just accept the fact, and let's all move on.

    I also heard he tested positive for Diet DrPepper. DD was furious... ohmy.gif

  4. Last week on CSTV I watched the replay of the TROY vs LSU game from last october and Troy had the game tied 17 17 most of the game and went ahead 24 to 17with about 6 minutes to go in the game...LSU pulled it out in the end but if TROY can nearly beat them then I know we can...I know you guys are gun shy after all these years of defeats to big powerhouse teams but you are entering a new error at UNT and you have to shed your tears of the past and get behind the team 100%. LSU can be beat! Our Team can beat LSU!!! DEFEAT is not in our vocabulary!!!!  Thats the mindset you need and the mindset you need to bring to our team.  Like Jack Palance says in the SkinBracer commercial.  "Confidence is sexy, isn't it". you get that kind of attitude and the young men playing the game will get it to.  Thats half the battle.  You know, alot of the young men on the team are from very successful High School programs.  They were great ball players on their teams and that will carry over to their college carreers if the fans will get behind them.  That kind of attitude can carry over into attendance also and fill the stands....after all, everyone loves a winner.

    True but confidence comes from the top. Does Darrell Dickey think NT can beat LSU? huh.gif

  5. Whether Fouts is packed or not the fans are a long way from the field and the seats are at such a low pitch compared to typical stadiums that a fan 20 rows up is further from the front row than a fan on row 20 at most facilities. The low pitch makes for lousy sight lines. Add in a track which makes for lousy sight lines and it is not well designed.

    Any time you have a track around a field you are making compromises and in the end you are left with a less than ideal football facility and less than ideal track facility.

    user posted image

  6. You can't be serious. You think losing to LSU will ose more fans then losing to the MUTS???? If we lose to LSU, we move on. If we lose to the MUTS, there are riots on this board and calling for the coach's head the second game of the season. I don't want to see us "tank it" in Baton Rouge like we did in Austin last year but I am prepared for it. DD is (and always has been) about the big picture. You celebrate at the END of the season, not the beggining.

    have to agree with this.

  7. Making sure that tailgating does not get affected in any negative way and is only improved on the other side of the road is really important.  RV hookups like A&M is putting in at all their venues is another.

    Not really sure what your point is here. Are you saying we'd have people showing up in droves if we installed RV hookups? Also, if this is a bash on Rick I'd just say this: Prior to Rick = No tailgating. During Rick = mucho tailgating..

  8. Don't overlook the impact tailgating has had.  My group has grown in size every year.  This year, some of our ex-UT friends are actually purchasing season tickets.

    Gameday atmosphere is the single biggest improvement by RV.

    good point. Forgot about tailgating. cool.gif

  9. They're both important but the alumni base is more important.  Why?  Because season ticket sales is money in the bank.  If we sold 10,000 season tickets consistently we wouldn't have to be looking for the 'big donor'; we could issue revenue bonds for the new stadium.  Also, the popularity of season ticket ownership is contagious. 

    Student support is essential to future attendance and perpetuation of traditions, so it is also very important.  But, ALL students pay fees that go to the athletic department whether they attend or not.  It also used to be true for the Fine Arts series and possibly still is.  To me, both are essential to creating a well-rounded student and those are the ones that are most likely to foster improved attendance and involvement.  Any non-traditional student that we can involve in athletics is gravy, IMO.

    Going after alumni is too little too late. You have to start earlier than that. If they leave here without ever going to a NT football game, I'd say 9 times out of 10 you're too late.

    Recruiting alumni is like going after the Junior College recruits, going after the students is like making a committment to go after the high school recruits, if I've confused myself enough.. rolleyes.gif

  10. When you have the # of season tickets and the attendance numbers we have.........the alumni side or any side is definately hurting wink.gif

    True, but I guess I'm just talking in relative terms. There are more alumni out there than students. Maybe "not hurting" was a bad choice of words. rolleyes.gif

  11. Arent there like 100,000 or so NT alumns in the DFW area?

    If that is the case, seems to me you would have a bigger population number to work with (I imagine the number would be significantly larger if you added in their families, etc)

    That is a much higher potential market than the student body of 30,000.

    Now, which is "easiest" to actually reach given the fact students get in for FREE, Im not sure...

    Doesnt seem like too much to ask to get 25k+ to each game with those numbers but we havent done it consistently yet!

    Any way to know what the attendance break down is? Students vs paid admissions?

    Here's the problem I see with your arguments.

    1.) The 100,000 estimate is wildly overblown and overused. How many of that 100,000 do we actually have contact information for? Is that number really accurate? How many have we already contacted and have basically said forget it?

    2.) The students are a captive and in most cases indifferent audience. They haven't been hardened by attitudes of "this school sucks, etc.. etc.." and they can be reached with marketing, promotions directly on campus. The market is right in front of you and in most cases the promotions would be much cheaper and eaiser to implement.

    Now - with that said - has enough been done to market to the students, probably not. But that being said - I'm of the opinion that money would be MUCH better spent to get another 5,000 students to get involved (and probably at some later point become season ticket holders) than to dump $500,000 for a billboard on I35 that mostly reaches OU, UT and A&M fans...

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